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Help! Am worried about loss of sensation.


Help! Am worried about loss of sensation.

I think I have lost some sensation in my penis. I have been doing a session of :

5 min warm up with a rice sock
300 slow firm wet jelqs (that also double as a stretch as I pull quite hard)
Some (fairly aggresive) stretching. About 30 seconds in each direction.

I thought I noticed some numbness around the middle of my 5 on 2 off routine, but wasn’t sure as it is a difficult thing to tell if you have lost sensation. But now I am fairly sure I have lost some sensation and fear I may have injured myself.

HELP! Have any of you experienced this yourselves?

Any true hard-core PE’ers will tell you that a little loss of sensation just comes with the game. A little, mind you, not a lot. Maybe 5 on, 2 off isn’t working…try doing 3 on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off, or something like that. Split it up equally (if possible).

As far as your session goes, it sounds fine. Just make sure your erection level never goes above 75% when you’re wet jelqing…try to keep it much lower if you can, like around 50% or less. Wet jelqing while you’re hard can cause damage…I know from experience.

Other than that, a little loss of sensation is actually a good thing, as it can allow for longer sex, which is always a good thing.

The only other thing I can think of is, if you start sensing some SERIOUS numbness and loss of all feeling down there, i.e. you can’t get it up, just take a break from it, for about a week. Sometimes, you just have to give it a rest, especially if you’ve been doing it for a long time.


You know what to do. You just have to back off on the intensity. Since you are border line on the sensation issue, if you do have an injury, it is very minor, but your cock is telling you to back off, so listen.

I am coming to believe more and more that moderation is the key to this thing and flirting with your injury limit line is just not necessary.

BTW, I haven’t taken a rest day in months…so I might be a little biased in my assumption that sensation loss comes with PE…but my sensitivity loss hasn’t been extreme.

Diet and exercize play into PE seriously. I seriously think that my exercize and healthy eating has allowed me very little losses while doing copious amounts of PE. Even if you don’t ever do any more than you do now, as far as PE goes, if you eat healthier and exercize daily (or at least every other day), you will notice not only will you feel better, but so will your penis.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, eat healthy and exercize before you consider dropping PE. It might just be an issue in that.

There is a lot of truth in the old saying: You are what you eat. Sausage anyone?

Experiencing some loss of sensation is common among pe’ers, however it should be avoided at all cost! It’s sign that you are doing something wrong and should adjust the way you do a certain exercise or routine, taking some days off is not enough.

There’s really no need to go full force on your dick, much better is moderate tension for a long period of time. Even if your routine doesn’t make your dick numb it will toughen all the tissues making new gains almost impossible. You have to start with a light routine as a beginner, that’s all you need to gain at first. After a while you will need to gradually increase intensity and time spent in order to keep gaining, because pe makes your dick bigger AND tougher. If you start too intense you could skip months of possible gains :(

Thanks guys.

‘A little loss of sensation comes with the game’. Really? Can others verify this?

I am quite prone to premature ejaculation myself; and if it helps that then great, but I have heard many others say that the key to prolonging sex is actually an increase in sensitivity.

I guess I’ll have to have a few days rest :( . The thing is I have been making good gains recently and am loathe to inerrupt my routine.

I’m certainly not having any trouble getting erections. Can anyone else tell me whether loss of sensation through PE has actually improved sex for them?

Thanks again

Instead of taking some rest days, why don’t you try some moderation? You don’t loathe moderation do you?

:funpost: ;) Actually I am a bit of an extremist by nature.

I know you’re right gprent, but I just l love the look of my swollen cock and the gains that follow, after a heavy session. :)

However. I’m not stupid (although my recklesness has nearly got me into trouble in many ways many times) and I will back off.

Thanks man.

No one got anything to say about loss of sensation? I can see a lot of you guys are reading this thread, so don’t be shy!

Originally Posted by ziggaman
I am quite prone to premature ejaculation myself; and if it helps that then great, but I have heard many others say that the key to prolonging sex is actually an increase in sensitivity.

Loss of sensation is not the same as getting less sensitive. Loss of sensation is experiencing some degree of numbness, which is bad. Pe’ing makes the skin of your shaft and glans a little bit thicker/tougher at least for me which led to my dick being a bit less sensitive. However because I was uncut my glans was a bit too sensitive to begin with so I don’t mind it at all.

Now if you want your glans to become more sensitive (again) you could avoid touching it during pe or when you’re cut you could cover it with a condom or a sleeve of some kind or try to restore your foreskin.

I’m no expert, but I would definitely say that numbness is very bad. On the other hand as everybody has said some degree of sensation loss would be normal. I don’t know how long you’ve been doing PE, but if you just started, than you’ve gone from playing with your dick a couple times a week, to pulling, squeezing it, and rubbing it for a lengthy period almost everyday. Of course you are going to lose some sensation due to habituation of your nerve receptors (or you just get used to touching yourself a lot).


The first thing any PE’er needs to concern himself with is what type of numbness are they dealing with: Is it acute or is it chronic?

Yours is likely acute and bordering on chronic. The fact that it is the result of manual repetition indicates that it is not the result of oxygen deprivation (something hangers/clampers need to fear) but more the result of physical trauma to nerves.

These guys are all correct: The only reliable way to repair and/or avoid a chronic condition is to lay off for a while. Resume with a more moderate approach.

Remember: Everytime you perform a routine you are causing trauma - mild for the most part - but this can accumulate and have negative lasting effects if not managed properly. Anything you can do to moderate the damage and encourage the healing is good.

What grip are you using? I had to switch my grip, I now use a ok grip with pinky facing away from body with thumb and index finger meeting UNDER the penis. Takes some getting used to but I dont have lost sensation anymore and I get better results because the pressure is better placed- sides and bottom.


It’s weird. I can’t really tell if I am or to what extent I am experiencing numbness. But I’m pretty sure there is some degree of numbness along the top of my shaft all the way to my glands, and the underside about half way up.

I can’t believe I have let this sneak up on me.

I’m trying not to panic. Has anybody else experienced this; including the lack of certainty to whether or not and to what degree you were experiencing numbness? Did it get better?

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