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Help! Explain This, Please!


Help! Explain This, Please!

I made a research and didn’t find nothing similar to what is happening to me. Let me say:

I have done about 100 hours of hanging, gaining about 1”; then, for about two weeks, I added 5-10 minutes a day of stretching - bennet8 routine + fulcrum stretch.

After 1 week that stretching was added, my penis started to look smaller; I measured and it was about 0.5” shorter (I say about because I never was obsessed by measurement, so I roughly remember the length I had before this story), and also experienced 3-4 days of ED. Believing it was just a momentary reaction to the augmented stress, I made 2 day of rest and then continued with hanging + stretching and added also 20 min. of jelqs. Penis became another 2”/5 shorter. Then I abandoned stretching. My ED now is passed; but I have measured today and my penis has lost another 2”/5; now it is SHORTER THAN PRE-PE!

Advices? Suggestion?

Thanks in advance.


Maybe you shouldn’t be hanging.

Then: 6.75" x 5" ----> Now: 8.5" x 5.75"


Thank you for replies, hbgreek, but I can’t understand your advice… hanging made my penis longer; what made it shorter was, more probably, stretching, since after this exercise I lost gains.

However, had anybody read something similar?

I seems pretty obvious that when you added extra you had the trouble. Go back to what works. Go back to your original routine.

More and more evidence keeps on negating the common held belief that more is better. Find what works and stick with it. Then the only thing you have to continually add is patience.

I think Glandmaster was trying to say that your custom-built hanger was flawed from the start. Many veteran PE-ers on your thread thought that using that type of hanger was a bad idea; in fact Thunder called it ‘an accident waiting to happen.’

I’ve never heard of losing your original length before, but the good news is: any gains you’ve made and lost will be much easier to regain. I’d recommend taking a break to give your member time to recover and decondition. You might want to also start doing some kegels which might help give strong erections and aid recovery. After that, you may need to try a new routine and start again.

Good luck.

Started:| 14 cm (unsure if BP or NBP) EG (mid-shaft) - 10.75 cm |

Current:| NBPEL - 17 cm; EG (circum scar) - 10.75 cm; (base) 14 cm |

Short-t Objective:| NBPEL - 18.5 cm EG (circum scar) - 11.5 cm |

Thanks for your advice, gprent. I agree; BTW, I also tryied stretching in the past and it never made me gain nothing, and made me feel physically fatigued and nervous.

What really seems unbelievable to me is so marked loss of gains… overwork can cause this phenomena? Are others cases reported?

Have you experienced lig pops with it? When I was younger I had 2 occurrences of lig pops that made me penis shrink about .5” for a month or so, those were from lifting girls on me penis tho.

Originally Posted by marinera
Thanks for your advice, gprent. I agree; BTW, I also tried stretching in the past and it never made me gain nothing, and made me feel physically fatigued and nervous.

What really seems unbelievable to me is so marked loss of gains… overwork can cause this phenomena? Are others cases reported?

Going overboard is the primary documented cause for loss of gains and loss of erection strength. It happens because going overboard causes trauma (damage) and trauma is counter productive.

Originally Posted by gprent
More and more evidence keeps on negating the common held belief that more is better. Find what works and stick with it. Then the only thing you have to continually add is patience.

This is brilliant advice.

Especially the bit about patience.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by redeyez
I think Glandmaster was trying to say that your custom-built hanger was flawed from the start. Many veteran PE-ers on your thread thought that using that type of hanger was a bad idea; in fact Thunder called it ‘an accident waiting to happen.’

I’ve never heard of losing your original length before, but the good news is: any gains you’ve made and lost will be much easier to regain. I’d recommend taking a break to give your member time to recover and decondition. You might want to also start doing some kegels which might help give strong erections and aid recovery. After that, you may need to try a new routine and start again.

Good luck.

Thank you Redeyez,

I understood GM’ s replies, but it hasn’t nothing to do with my problem; it is classic “I said to you” reflex: I have no signs of nerve damage, and my way of hanging is maybe, or probably, or certainly bad, but it gave me 1” of gain in length. My loss of gains started, as said, after doing stretching; now, I don’t want to make “post hoc ergo propter hoc” reasoning error but…

However, as you fixed, my alarm is for the un-heard before length-loss.

I agree also with you that recover is mandatory; I hope the gains I had (very fast, too), will return.

Originally Posted by gprent
Going overboard is the primary documented cause for loss of gains and loss of erection strength. It happens because going overboard causes trauma (damage) and trauma is counter productive.

Yeah, I’m very happy to detect this record!

Originally Posted by Phyriel
I think you should read PI’s article, this is a clearly sign of negative PI.
Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!

Thank you Phyriel.

I want to say that I had no mean to be sarchastic about gprent’s post, just trying to say that my anxiety is caused by the fact that, as he said, never has reported such dramatic retraction, and so prolonged.

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