Thunder's Place

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Help! Explain This, Please!

Originally Posted by redeyez

I think Glandmaster was trying to say that your custom-built hanger was flawed from the start. Many veteran PE-ers on your thread thought that using that type of hanger was a bad idea; in fact Thunder called it ‘an accident waiting to happen.’

I don’t know about the hanger, but it seems obvious that he’s overdoing it.

Originally Posted by redeyez
I’ve never heard of losing your original length before, but the good news is: any gains you’ve made and lost will be much easier to regain.

There are many accounts here where people went overboard and their penis responded by retracting. And re-gaining is not necessarily easier if your body is trying to defend itself from a routine that is too intense.

Originally Posted by redeyez
I’d recommend taking a break to give your member time to recover and decondition. You might want to also start doing some kegels which might help give strong erections and aid recovery. After that, you may need to try a new routine and start again.

I’d agree with the idea that he take a break.

As far as Kegels are concerned, they are really a foundational exercise. We should make time throughout the day to do 50 or a 100 whenever we have a little downtime (I do mine when I commute to work). It’s a standard part of the newbie routine for a reason.

Do a search and find information on PI’s (Physiological Indicators) and read up, marinera. It will help you to understand why that little extra you were doing was too much.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Thank for your advice Mr. Happy,

I’ m reading that thread; I posted also to Sparkyx if he never heard of a similar case.

Originally Posted by marinera
Thank you for replies, hbgreek, but I can’t understand your advice… hanging made my penis longer; what made it shorter was, more probably, stretching, since after this exercise I lost gains.

However, had anybody read something similar?

Sorry, I should have been more specific. I meant you shouldn’t be hanging right now, after your gains loss. I think you should stick with basic exercises until you see your gains start coming back, and then maybe start hanging again. Hanging right after something traumatic just sounds like bad news to me.

Unless you’re having sensitivity or erection quality problems. Then I think you should take a rest like other people are recommending.

Also, marinera, I was meaning to show you this. xenolith used to use a noose-like ADS, only he didn’t use a string. He used what looks like a piece of foam tubing. Something to consider in combating that “hell-pain under the glans”.

Then: 6.75" x 5" ----> Now: 8.5" x 5.75"


Originally Posted by marinera
I made a research and didn’t find nothing similar to what is happening to me. Let me say:

I have done about 100 hours of hanging, gaining about 1"; then, for about two weeks, I added 5-10 minutes a day of stretching - bennet8 routine + fulcrum stretch.

After 1 week that stretching was added, my penis started to look smaller; I measured and it was about 0.5" shorter (I say about because I never was obsessed by measurement, so I roughly remember the length I had before this story), and also experienced 3-4 days of ED. Believing it was just a momentary reaction to the augmented stress, I made 2 day of rest and then continued with hanging + stretching and added also 20 min. of jelqs. Penis became another 2"/5 shorter. Then I abandoned stretching. My ED now is passed; but I have measured today and my penis has lost another 2"/5; now it is SHORTER THAN PRE-PE!

Advices? Suggestion?

Thanks in advance.

Hey Marinera-maybe you will want to check my experience:
How important is REST ?

It was just opposite! :) Phyriel and Mr.Happy are right too. Not always ‘more is better’. Your penis wants to tell you something…

I posted to Marinera in the PI thread, but just for the record, shrinkage is a COMMON reaction to too much stress, a DEFINITE negative PI, and a sure indicator that a break (layoff) is called for…at least until normal EQ (erectile quality) returns.

Shrinkage in this case is when you have loss of size that persists for more than a day or two, not to be confused with turtling, which usually lasts for a much shorter period of time, followed by a return to normal length.

I agree with you and really appreciate your post;

disi, thanks for your input;

I just looked at your replies in the PI forum, and your advices are golden words for me;

I agree with you also, and only can say that it’s very difficult to resist to the desire of doing more when things seems work!

Originally Posted by marinera

I agree with you also, and only can say that it’s very difficult to resist to the desire of doing more when things seems work!

The trick is to fall in love with GETTING BIGGER…don’t fall in love with PE! If you want to get bigger, you exercise the discipline needed to DO THE RIGHT THING…not just doing MORE!!!

Remember the whole point is getting bigger, so more isn’t always better, sometime SAME is better or LESS can be better. Shoot for growth, not spending more and more time with greater and greater force.

Remember, one of the Golden Rules here is, if you are making good progress….DON’T CHANGE WHAT YOU ARE DOING UNTIL PROGRESS STOPS!!!

Then, consider a decon break before considering increase force/time. The higher the forces, the greater the tissue toughening…so try to get the most gains with the least force. Time is a different factor, so consider more time at the SAME force, or a decon break BEFORE you go for more force.

Originally Posted by gprent
I seems pretty obvious that when you added extra you had the trouble. Go back to what works. Go back to your original routine.

What he said, but first take a break to make the lost gains return.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was the hanger that did it (although I didn’t read much about his hanger). If he was gaining from doing it, then changed something in his routine and started losing length. I don’t think it is the hanger’s fault. THe change is most likely what did it IMO.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

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Originally Posted by sparkyx
The trick is to fall in love with GETTING BIGGER.don’t fall in love with PE! If you want to get bigger, you exercise the discipline needed to DO THE RIGHT THING.not just doing MORE!!

Man I love to jelq, sometimes I even lost notion of time and things like that, but I hate to stretch, then I think I am 50% to 50% hehehe. But getting serious, Sparkys advice has put me in somewhere, I am not gaining what I want but I am not in hurry too.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
The trick is to fall in love with GETTING BIGGER…don’t fall in love with PE! If you want to get bigger, you exercise the discipline needed to DO THE RIGHT THING…not just doing MORE!!!

I’ll make a tattoo of this motto on to my penis.

I’ m also resting untill my unit will return to the pre-PE length + another week; then i’ll restart with 1/2 of the weight that was giving me gains. I think stretching is not good for me, maybe because I’m pretty strong (230+ lbs on military press).

I’ ll try do adopt a ciclyzed routine, like in strength- training : heavy-light-medium.

I’ ll get you informed on this thread, for those who are interested in “The strange marinera’s case”.

Take a week off and see if your size returns and can the gadget.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by marinera
I’ll make a tattoo of this motto on to my penis.

I’ m also resting untill my unit will return to the pre-PE length + another week; then i’ll restart with 1/2 of the weight that was giving me gains. I think stretching is not good for me, maybe because I’m pretty strong (230+ lbs on military press).

I’ ll try do adopt a ciclyzed routine, like in strength- training : heavy-light-medium.

I’ ll get you informed on this thread, for those who are interested in “The strange marinera’s case”.

While growing a dick is SIMILAR to strength gaining, its is not the same thing. Cycling heavy-light-medium, while good for strength training, would NOT be good for PE, until you are doing something like the IPR protocol…and then you must understand the function of each intensity range in order to use it appropriately.

Good news! I measured this morning (7 hours ago) and penis re-gained 7 mm.; so it’s healing.

The curious thing it’s that i feel localized fatigue NOW more then in the “shortest phase”; i feel little pain at touch at the base of the penis, exactly on the suspensory ligaments. The shaft of the penis is in some way rigid, at the touch it seem like a bag filled with chords; I also feel that kind of little aching and heating that sometimes is consequence of an hard workout - but I had my last PE work three days ago.

Another thing: my BPSFL is changed lot less than FL or BPEL, it is only 1 cm (maybe less) shorter than usual.

Originally Posted by sparkyx

The trick is to fall in love with GETTING BIGGER…don’t fall in love with PE! If you want to get bigger, you exercise the discipline needed to DO THE RIGHT THING…not just doing MORE!!!

Brilliant sparkyx, I’ve never thought of it quite that way. PE itself could certainly be addicting: look at all the times when we know we’re supposed to be resting, and we PE anyway. That’s because we focus on the method to the detriment of the goal. Not to mention, we just plain like it.

11 JULY 2007 - BPEL: 5.5" EG: 4.75" NBPEL: 4.5"

11 JUNE 2008 - BPEL: 6.75" EG: 5.0" Base EG: 5.5"

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