Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Help! Explain This, Please!

Originally Posted by Phyriel
Marinera variations in size are a normal thing and a good indicator too, you don’t have to worry so much, hehe just a little.

Yes, but.. 1” 1/4! However, now my fear is passed.

Thanks to all for you for having given advice: you are really wonderful people.

Originally Posted by SideBanger
Brilliant sparkyx, I’ve never thought of it quite that way. PE itself could certainly be addicting: look at all the times when we know we’re supposed to be resting, and we PE anyway. That’s because we focus on the method to the detriment of the goal. Not to mention, we just plain like it.

I think one of the real psychological dangers of PE is that many of the techniques produce tons of some type of brain chemical like an endorphin. They talk about a “runners high”…nothing compares to a “PE high”.

I don’t know if its Serotonin or what, but I think most of the guys here are addicted to it…seriously.

I think some technique produces a more profound effect than others, for example,clamping and pumping…just read the threads, you will find most guys get addicted to it.

I ought to write a thread on this one day.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
I think one of the real psychological dangers of PE is that many of the techniques produce tons of some type of brain chemical like an endorphin. They talk about a “runners high”…nothing compares to a “PE high”.

I don’t know if its Serotonin or what, but I think most of the guys here are addicted to it…seriously.

I think some technique produces a more profound effect than others, for example,clamping and pumping…just read the threads, you will find most guys get addicted to it.

I ought to write a thread on this one day.

I subscribe, ad want to add this : THUNDERSPLACE IS ADDICTING, TOO!


Got the same problem as you Marinera.I obtained them recently, by lengthening the time for stretching. Though my penis is the same size erect, touch wood, I lost some temporary flaccid size and suffered from mild E.D. I believe it is because of ligament fatigue.

The best thing to do is to have some REST.

I believe that you should focus more on manual P.E rather than hanging, your ligaments might not be strong enough. Also, you should decrease your weekly frequency thus allowing more time to heal.

Hope this helps.

I have decided whatever I do I will move forward in life


thank for your reply.

If I’ m not misinterpreting your post (do to my poor English) you haven’t erect retraction.

I agree on the statement that ligaments are somewhat involved in this problem, but I think that they are not too weak; adversely I think they became too strong and firm, pulling the penis in the body.

Maybe I should find the way to work without putting the stress on the ligs - extender or somewhat similar could be the best resolution.

I agree that rest for now it’s a must.

Grazie e ciao :) .


No loss in erect length, touch wood.

Today is my third day of rest, I am having mild pain from the ligaments. During the recent week I have been sleeping at very odd hours due to work.Today, I overslept and woke up with a nice surprise.Mr Woodie was back.

Then again,I believe rest is an essential factor.

Also,I took some ginseng before sleeping, it might have help but I doubt it. Just letting you know.

About your ligament theory, I seriously doubt it. I believe Mr. Happy is right, your body`s defence mechanism is responding to unusual stress or perhaps even injury.

Put it this way, your ligaments get injured. Thus your body knows that each time you are going to have an erection, it is putting stress on your ligaments. Thus, it cuts your morning wood, retracts a bit and starts the healing process.(That`s my theory.Mind you it could be totally wrong.)

Hey man, I hope I have been of some help. Anyways, REST is the key to penile enlargement.

Take Care.

I have decided whatever I do I will move forward in life

Originally Posted by marinera
I’ ll get you informed on this thread, for those who are interested in “The strange marinera’s case”.

There is nothing particularly strange about your case.

You have a hanger of questionable design, you don’t warm up, and you don’t pay attention when your body sends you signals (like pain) that you are doing something wrong.

As a result your penis is retracting, which only means that your body is doing it’s job trying to protect itself.

Originally Posted by marinera

I’ ll try do adopt a ciclyzed routine, like in strength- training : heavy-light-medium.

PE is not weight training. Please do not try to compare them. They are very different.

Originally Posted by sparkyx

Cycling heavy-light-medium, while good for strength training, would NOT be good for PE, until you are doing something like the IPR protocol…and then you must understand the function of each intensity range in order to use it appropriately.

IPR relies on using a heavy load (and ‘heavy’ can mean 7 lbs) and gradually stepping it down to only ADS, then taking a break.

I think the ‘understanding’ of what the body is telling you has to be firmly in place in order to get results with an IPR (or any) program. I don’t see a lot of understanding in what marinera is posting.

What is effective in a hanging routine is something that goes like this: First, warm-up. I do at least 10 minutes warming up and have found a way to secure the heat pad so that it stays warm during the entire hanging set. Do your heavy weight (which can mean 7 lbs {3 kilos} for a beginner) for a few short sets of twenty minutes at a time, with 10 minute breaks in between each set; two hours total time - including the rests. To a light ADS for several hours at a time afterward. You only need as much weight or tension on the ADS as will keep your penis extended while it recovers from the hanging session.

That’s it.

Originally Posted by marinera


I don’t use wrap, and don’t warm up. A little session of pumping could “desensitise” the glans a little, and baby-powder reduce the slippage; however, basically you will need a “pre-conditional” training of maybe a month before really starting to work with this device; the skin under the glans become a little thicker and less sensitive after that time.

I strongly recommend that you use some kind of wrap. There are many ways to go about this. You really should not be attempting to desensitize the skin under or around the glans, nor do you want the skin to get “thicker and less sensitive over time.”

You want to maintain the healthy function of your penis, and improve it, while you gain.

Originally Posted by marinera

I’ve tried all sort of hangers, and any kind of stretching: none gave me minimum gain; this may be due to the below-average girth I have (about 6,5, maybe more - I don’t measure it, my priority is length). With this hanger, in about 80 hour of real work I gained 1,5 cm (more than 0.5 inch) in length, and some girth too.

You say you’ve tried “all sorts of hangers”; which ones have you tried and what has been your experience?

Originally Posted by marinera
The pain not means that I’m injuring myself; as I said, this noose-style hanger don’t’ cut of circulation; the burning it’s due to the extremely sensitive skin under the glans - I’ m uncut, so that portion of penis hurt when touched, even if is a gentle touching.

Pain absolutely means you are injuring yourself to some degree.

If your skin is extremely sensitive under the glans you should be doing your best to protect it while you do whatever you do.

The hanger you designed is a noose style, at best they are bad, without wrap they are really bad. I really urge you to listen to people here who have more experience and try to find a PE routine that is, first of all, without pain, second of all, keeps your dick healthy and functioning well; once you’ve accomplished that much you can turn your attention to gaining.

Given what you are posting here, your best bet is to take two weeks off any PE, and when you return to it do The Newbie Routine for at least a month, but probably two months, and then worry about finding a good hanger and a realistic routine to go with it.

The clue is you have pain and you are losing your gains, even shrinking. That’s your body telling you it is too stressed out and needs time to recover.

It’s your dick, you do what you want, but after reviewing this and the other thread I’m concerned that you are doing harm to yourself and really need to step back and re-examine your entire approach.

You have many red flags that indicate you are on the wrong track.

Get on the right track. Throw away your hanger. Do The Newbie Routine for a while. If you must hang, get either a Vacu-Hanger or a Bib Starter and after you give yourself two months of the Newbie Routine (warm ups, jelqs, stretches, Kegels and all), then see about hanging.

The dick you save may be your own.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Regained about 0.5 cm EL; I’ve sleeped a lot the last 2-3 days.

My BPEL is now about 22 cm and NBPEL 18.2.

Mr. Happy,
my hanger isn’t really a noose-style: it’s a loop-style, so tigthness doesn’t vary when the weight goes up.

Wrapping the glans make the hanger more unstable and enhance the friction on the glans, so it cause more pain.

I tried : (homemade) Bib Hanger, vacuum-hanger, AFB hanger; all of them gave me no results; if I had to choice one of them, I’d said AFB is the less worse, but note that if you have lot of skin, like me, the hanger will slip forward putting LOT of stress on the glans. Bib is also dangerous, because it put pression on dorsal nerve.

As I also explained, I tried the newbie routine : no results, and lot of tiring.

Again, my lossen gains seem to be a consequence of the stretch added to hanging, not of the hanger itself.

I know that PE and weight-lifting are different, but some basical principles may could apply to both, since ciclyzation appear to be the best way to all kinds of improvements in physical or mental human activities.

Warm-up seem really a waste of time to me (MY believe); PE experiment also showed no difference in gains from those who made warm-up and those who don’t.

Hope this post is understandable; apologies if not.

Thank you however.

Originally Posted by marinera

Mr. Happy,

my hanger isn’t really a noose-style: it’s a loop-style, so tigthness doesn’t vary when the weight goes up.

There is no difference between a loop-style and a noose style. Even if the constriction doesn’t increase as the weight goes up. A noose is a noose.

The Bib I have doesn’t put pressure on the dorsal nerve, but nooses (or loops) do. And for the record I wasn’t recommending the Newbie Routine for you to gain, but rather for you to restore you penile health and keep it robust while you fully recover.

Originally Posted by marinera
Hope this post is understandable; apologies if not.

What’s understandable is you seem to have it all worked out, marinera. Contrary to the advice of many long-time members here, you know best.

Hey, it’s your dick. Do what you need to do.

You asked for help. Those of us who’ve been here for a while, and seen this type of problem before, all agree - your approach isn’t good. In the other thread at least three people warned you you’d have problems; we weren’t surprised when this Help Me! thread of yours appeared. The truth is: done right, PE takes some time. You don’t want to wait, and now that your dick has healed a little and you’re not flipping out you have an answer for everything.

Good luck. Until next time.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Mr. Happy

Sure I have wrong feeling, but seem to me you was transported by emotional reaction in your last post; if so, I don’t understand what’s my fault.

On the thread you cited, three people was advising me that a noose-style hanger cause numbness and nerve damage; I don’t have those symptoms, agree?

Noose-style and loop-style are the same thing: are you saying that a loop with fixed tigthness is just so dangerous of one that become even tighter (scorsoio in Italian, haven’t found English term) strangling your penis? Are you sure?

You said my problem is simply overworking, and I agree; if hanger I use could cause nerve damage is another problem - sure, you all are right, and I don’t recommend this kind of device to nobody; but should I denegate that nobody seem able to link a post reporting serious injuries form this loop-style of devices?

On the other hand, I never have seen a moderator saying: “Manual Stretching can cause ED more frequently than any other PE exercise”. MS seem to be the most dangerous of all PE work, and clamping near second, according the experience posted on this site.

If MS is so negative to me, should I agree with you that newbie routine is good for healing? Doesn’t newbie routine incorporate stretching?

You gave me advice and I thank you with all my heart; but also you seem don’t tolerate the minimum “different-thinking”; if I haven’t misinterpreted your post, you seem to hope that I will have injuries, just to demonstrate in some way that you are right - not so good thing Mr. Happy, but sure I have misinterpreted.

However, I don’t sell nothing, neither I’ m candidate for “PE expert of the year”: if you want me saying : “It’s hanging, not stretching, that caused so great lossen of length” , OK, I just sayed.
Why quarrel?

Originally Posted by Phyriel
Marinera you have four centimeters of fat pad?

It’s funny that you asked; I’ m not so fat, but my NBPEL and BPEL (or BPFSL) differs about 4 cm.
I think it’s due to the large amount of skin I have on the penis; this is also the reason the hangers like Bib-hanger or AFB, or pump-hanging is counter-productive to me.

Had I mentioned this previously and then forgotten, or you are a witch? :)

Originally Posted by marinera

Mr. Happy


Why quarrel?

I’m not quarreling, nor am I all that emotional; like I said it’s your dick, do what you need to do.

You certainly can injure yourself with manual stretching, or any number of exercises or practices that are on this site. The likelihood of doing so, however, is not equal with all these different things.

Noose / loop based stretchers have long been frowned on here, precisely because of a higher than normal likelihood of nerve damage. The nature of these devices is to focus a great deal of force on a small area just before the glans, which is a highly sensitive area of the penis, for long periods of time. They often have the effect of desensitizing the penis, and ultimately making it quite difficult to get an erection.

Just so we’re clear, I didn’t say your problem is simply overworking; I think that’s one of your problems. Your biggest problem seems to be that you don’t really understand the principles at work with PE and that you are impatient for gains. You seem to feel if you don’t get gains immediately it’s not working and it’s no good. That’s not the truth, however.

The Newbie Routine, stretching and all, is the least dangerous form of PE and the most effective at maintaining good erectile function for most people. It includes a warm-up, which you seem too impatient to do, Kegels, which keep the muscle tone of the BC high, some light stretching, some jelqing, etc.; in short, it has many elements that combine to keep the penis healthy and reasonably safe, assuming you do it right.

Now for someone like you, who seems to ignore pain, it’s certainly possible to do stretches that are too severe and injure yourself. Most people stop before that.

My guess is that you haven’t really spent enough time with any of the things you listed that you say “didn’t work”. I may be wrong, but I’d bet it’s as much operator error as anything: i.e. you weren’t doing it right. Which is another reason I recommend you start over with the Newbie Routine: so you can learn to do it right and reap the benefits of stronger erections, better overall penile health, and maybe even gain some while you’re at it.

It’s not that I don’t tolerate ‘different thinking;’ it’s that I’ve seen your type of ‘different thinking’ before. It’s not so different, it’s just stubborn, impatient, and unrealistic - and prone to accidents and problems.

You were warned about your contraption. It wasn’t long after that warning you posted this “Help Me!” thread. Tell me, what are we supposed to think? The evidence that you, yourself, are posting points to the idea that you really aren’t understanding how this stuff works.

You don’t have to take my advice or anyone else’s for that matter. I won’t be upset.

But you might be.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Marinera just found this 8 year old thread and I felt like it needed to be brought back up to date I think it is relevant to today. Now here is my question with all the PE knowledge that you currently possess what do you think really happened. Is this the reason why some don’t gain or gain only very little?


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