Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Help me, help PE!

I like the idea. But, how will we take it? Will you like post a link up or something?

Originally Posted by alice hopper
In regards to your goals;
A. Do you hope you meet your goals?
B. Do you think you will meet your goal?
C. Do you know you will meet your goal?

I think you may have something along these lines. Maybe something like, “When you met your first girl, where you completly satisfied with your new penis?”

… I dunno, that is more on the lines of satisfaction than anything to do with PE

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by seyz
I like the idea. But, how will we take it? Will you like post a link up or something?

Yes, I will be linking you, and every other PEer I can reach, to a survey site that is hosting my survey. The survery will last 6 months, and at the end of every month I am hopping to show the results. Then at the end of the 6 months I will do an indepth tutorial with graphs, and a conclusion of what it all means… What is best to make quick gains.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

I used matlab for those graphs I made. Hopefully your poll gives us some interesting and useful data. How about a question about intensity? It is a bit subjective but may be useful. Something like: Do you PE a)lightly, b)moderately, c)heavy, d)extreme.

Also, how about a field where people can enter in any comments they want to make. How about a question on plateaus? Like how quickly you reached one. What about addressing the divide and conquer issue?

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

Originally Posted by Alice Hooper
In regards to your goals;
A. Do you hope you meet your goals?
B. Do you think you will meet your goal?
C. Do you know you will meet your goal?

I don’t think you need “A” because to set goals IS to hope for achievement.

Originally Posted by remek
In my opinion this is a good idea. However, I don’t know much about what vitamins and minerals many of you take. So I will definetly need a little more information on this one before I can make it a question.

How much Protein in g’s per day?
A lot of us body builder guys eat a % so this will vary due to body weight. For instance, me being 235 lbs or so, I eat usually consume 235-355 g’s of protein daily.

How many calories do you consume daily?

How much fat daily?

How many carbs daily?

Vitamin C?

Vitamin E?





Generic Viagra?


These question aren’t as in depth as I would like, but they will suffice.

Originally Posted by xlmagnum
How much Protein in g’s per day?
A lot of us body builder guys eat a % so this will vary due to body weight. For instance, me being 235 lbs or so, I eat usually consume 235-355 g’s of protein daily.

How many calories do you consume daily?

How much fat daily?

How many carbs daily?

Vitamin C?

Vitamin E?





Generic Viagra?


These question aren’t as in depth as I would like, but they will suffice.

Also include an “I don’t know” option because honestly, I don’t know some of those answers.

Originally Posted by TUBE
I used matlab for those graphs I made. Hopefully your poll gives us some interesting and useful data.

If enough people vote, there is no doubt that it will give us some intresting data. It will hopefully shine some light on correlations that we haven’t seen yet. Additionally, it might be able to find an answer to some of the arguments people have now (I.E. masturbation and PE, Heat and PE, etc…)

Originally Posted by TUBE
How about a question about intensity? It is a bit subjective but may be useful. Something like: Do you PE a)lightly, b)moderately, c)heavy, d)extreme.

Tube, You and I are on the same track. I was thinking about the topic of "how much time spent a week." I was thinking along the lines of "On average, How much time do you spend on a PE session? A) 10 minutes or less b) 20 minutes or less c) 30 minutes or less d) 45 minutes or less e) between 45 minutes and an hour f) an hour to two hours g) multiple hours at a time (2 or more hours)

Originally Posted by tube
Also, how about a field where people can enter in any comments they want to make.

Thankfully, the web site I am using ( ), has an option for this in place. I was going to use it on most of the questions that have other as an option. Additionally the blank space was being used for the last 10 questions.

Originally Posted by TUBE
How about a question on plateaus? Like how quickly you reached one. What about addressing the divide and conquer issue?

Again, I think you are on to something. I wonder how we could set up questions on platueas to make it EASY for the user.

MAYBE, something along the lines of

When did you hit your first platea(halting of gains):

a) within the first 3 months
b) 3 - 6 months
c) 6-9
d)9-12 months
e) 1 -2 years
f) there after
G) NEVER, I KEEP ON GAINING, never hitting a platae

Then, we could have a second question, along the lines of:
If you hit a plateau, did you take a break?
c) I pe’d ocassionaly, but didn’t stick to a routine at all
d) does not apply

THEN, a third question.

If you hit a plateau, and took a break, when you came back from your break did you exeperience significant gains?

*significant being .2inches or more

b)YES, big gains (.5 inches or more in either girth or length)
c)no, I gained, but it was less than .2 inches
d) nope, not at all
e) does not apply

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson


How much Protein in g’s per day?
A lot of us body builder guys eat a % so this will vary due to body weight. For instance, me being 235 lbs or so, I eat usually consume 235-355 g’s of protein daily.

How many calories do you consume daily?

How much fat daily?

How many carbs daily?

Vitamin C?

Vitamin E?





Generic Viagra?


These question aren’t as in depth as I would like, but they will suffice.

I think seyz is like most people — they don’t know these answers.

Nevertheless, you do pose wonderful questions.

The question now is, how do we cram all these questions into the survey.

I think I may have an answer that will be best for all:

Create an additional “Nurtritional and PE survey:”

At the end of our survey, we can have a link saying “THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE PE SURVEY, Please take the NURTRITIONAL AND PE SURVEY as well”

Originally Posted by xlmagnum

These question aren’t as in depth as I would like, but they will suffice.

With the creating of a second survey we can go as indepth as needed. Think of all the questions that you think could help the research of nutrition and pe, and I will create a survey for it. We will launch both of them simultaneously, with the first one having a link to the second one. This in turn, will gain us as much information as possible on nutrition.

The reason I think a second survey is better, is because: I was always taught if your going to do something, do it right: In other words if your gonna go, go all out.

What do you think about this?

If anyone else with nutritional knowledge has any ideas, throw them in now. Survey will be launching soon.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Nutrition is the building block for everything going on in your body. Without nutrition, your body doesn’t work. With better nutrition, your body works better. It is that easy! A lot of people believe that supplements do enhance PE, but I’m not here to argue that. Food in general, that provides us with this nutrition is something we need to look at. If everyone that participates in the nutrition survey would just log what they consume for a week, and then average it out daily, then we can get somewhere with what works with PE the best. Maybe polyunsaturated fats help the most….maybe they hurt your progress, that is what this survey will find out.

The survey should be an open-ended log. Just record what you ate for the day with the approx. nutritional value, then at the end of the week, average it out and get your personal stats. We’ll incorporate this with the indepth survey remek is starting, thus giving us a look into what things help growth. If someone gained 1” in 2 weeks and does the same routine as everyone else, nutrition might be the key.

Originally Posted by xlmagnum
The survey should be an open-ended log. Just record what you ate for the day with the approx. nutritional value, then at the end of the week, average it out and get your personal stats. We’ll incorporate this with the indepth survey remek is starting, thus giving us a look into what things help growth. If someone gained 1” in 2 weeks and does the same routine as everyone else, nutrition might be the key.

xlm, I am hoping to have 1000-5000 people vote after the 6 month period is over. That is 1000 logs that would have to be read, situated, and placed into a table.

But most importantly, people like what’s quick and easy. Most people won’t keep a tract record of their nutrition for PE.

This is why, I suggest creating questions. People like questions — it requires less work on their part. These questions are already going to be logged into a database — which is 90 percent of the work.

I really don’t see how the log idea can work —not enough man power — and people probably won’t want to go to “all that trouble.”

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

No no no. I don’t mean that they log it on the internet. Log it at home, then post the results on this net. For example, I write down how many grams of each fat I consumed for one day, followed by carbs, calories, sodium, sugar, protein, zinc, Vitamins, etc.. and any additional supplements. After a week of doing that, I add everything up then divide by 7 giving us a daily average of what we consume. That info goes into the database. It doesn’t require a lot of people do it. It will probably just need 50-100 people for it. I can name at least 20 people who might be interested. Hell, some people already count what they eat so it would be nothing more than a math problem for them. Then we can link their gains to their exercises and nutrition, then compare to others for maximum effect. After everything is done, we can revolutionize everything with a PE diet, best when used in combination with exercises of course. Thinking about the end result will get the people motivated to give a couple of minutes of their time daily for one week.

I like the idea, but I think it is going to take some work.

What is the first step?

We can build a survey off of this where people enter what they normally use..

From there, if we can get 100 people, we should be able to get some results.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by remek
I like the idea, but I think it is going to take some work.

What is the first step?

We can build a survey off of this where people enter what they normally use..

From there, if we can get 100 people, we should be able to get some results.

Starting off….we make an excel document that people can download off the survey. People download and print, then fill it out. A week later, they post their results, end of story. I have one created, but it needs more detail, and it is in xls format, which I cannot upload to Thunders.


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