Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Help me, help PE!


Originally Posted by hopeforgains
I think the survey is a great idea. I’m not sure but you might want to survey guys on what brands of devices that they are using? I think that might be part of a question. As for the nutrition aspect. As an average guy, I think this is way too much work. I play basketball 4-5 times a week. I play softball and Soccer. I lift weights and have a pretty decent body. I eat sensibly I think. I do not count calories or count carbs or any of those things. For me persnally it is way too much work and takes the fun out of life(again just MY opinion) If I were into BB I would feel differently. But how many guys doing PE are into BB? Just a thought.

There are suprisingly a lot of guys on here who BB to some extent.

Remek, I already have 5 people who want to do the diet. Since the majority of them want to wait until next month, we’ll start May 1st. If I get 3 of them to have improved gains with the same routine, then the diet proves useful.

Originally Posted by xlmagnum
Thanks for the support remek! :up:

Just to let everyone know, I took remek’s survey, and it is very user friendly. Not only that, but it doesn’t require you to think a whole lot if you already know your gains. It only takes 5-10 mins depending on how slow you are, and the number of exercises you do. All in all it is a very good survey, a survey that elminates most every big variable you can take out. Practically the only big variable left is genetics.

Thank you XLmagnum.

Unfortunatly, As of now the survey is on temporary hold, because I am working with the people to make sure I can recieve easy to anaylze results. If not, the survey is worthless… I am working a deal out with them now, and if the deal goes bad I will be looking for another person to host my survey…

But, do not fear. I will make sure this project is up and running asap.

The good news is that in the short time I had the survey up and running, over 15 people took it. This was before I even wrote a tutorial… I can’t wait for the project to get started..

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by xlmagnum
Remek, I already have 5 people who want to do the diet. Since the majority of them want to wait until next month, we’ll start May 1st. If I get 3 of them to have improved gains with the same routine, then the diet proves useful.

I am curious. Are you going to test these people with a BEFORE and after scenario?

If not, there is a BIG possibility that their improved gains will be from your routine… unless by the same routine you mean the same routine they have been using..

That would make sense. Good luck man.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson


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