Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Here's the Excel spreadsheet to track Traction device results . . .

Here's the Excel spreadsheet to track Traction device results . . .

Hey guys,

The spreadsheet is formatted to fit perfectly on the newer hi res Pocket Pc screen at 75% zoom, but i’m sure works just as well in other circumstances. just delete the date and time data that’s already in the table.

this is what’s on there … .

“DATE” = enter the current date
“HRS” = enter the number of hrs worn, not including rests.

“CNG-day” = shows the lengthening that occured that day
“CNG-tot” = the sum of all daily progress in terms of length
“HRS-tot” = the total hrs. worn
“HrstoMe” = the hours left until you achieve an approximate gain of .25in, indicating that it is time to measure again.
“DaystoMeas” = the number of days left until an approximate gain of .25in should be realized, based on 6hrs/day use.

“Actual” = type in your measured length when its time to measure
“LASTmeas” = type in date of last measurement

computations are based on the aggressiveJES Extender study and may not be the most accurate … .they are the most optimistic.


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Last edited by dem2 : 09-11-2003 at .


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

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