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Best routine for length with a traction device?

Best routine for length with a traction device?

I have a lot of spare time coming up with which to use a traction device. I am happy with my girth it’s length I really want so taking into consideration the time under tension of the device being a workout what do you think would be a reasonable stretch/jelq routine to incorpate alongside it?

I plan on using the device for upwards of 6 hrs a day for at least two months I’m hoping.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

I think you should just add a mild jelq routine if you plan to wear a traction device for more than 3 hours daily. What kind of device, by the way?

Probably the legit PM one marinera. What do you recommend?

Cool, so manual stretches would be a bit overkill..

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

I don’t recommend any, I have only used a homemade device.

Manual stretches wouldn’t add that much in term of gains IMHO; moreover, when I did manual found harder to wear the device for many hours. Of course we all are different etc. etc.. :)

Thanks dude.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Originally Posted by Lord Harris
I have a lot of spare time coming up with which to use a traction device. I am happy with my girth it’s length I really want so taking into consideration the time under tension of the device being a workout what do you think would be a reasonable stretch/jelq routine to incorpate alongside it?

I plan on using the device for upwards of 6 hrs a day for at least two months I’m hoping.

I have the same goal. Please keep posting your routine/device/progress.

When I first got mine I was doing 2 sets of five way stretches, at thirty seconds each direction. Then I would do a hundred jelqs, and then put my extender on. Every week I added another hundred jelqs, until I hit 400 per workout. This worked really well for me. Some would say it’s a lot right off the bat, but it’s what I did and I gained pretty well.

Hey Lord Harris,

I’m using monkeybar’s autoextender about 2-3 times per day, about 1.5 to 2.5 hours max each session (ie. 5-6 hours a day).

I was also pumping (daily 1 to 1.5 hour session at 5 mg with heat pad) + dry jelquing (not daily, more infrequent but about 3-5 days per week, maybe 100 jelqs but I didn’t really keep count) + edging with no porn (4-5 times per week, 10 to 20 minutes). I clamped once in a while as well but only 10 minutes and maybe once or twice a week, not consistent with that at all.

There is probably too much in this routine though, I dry jelqed blood out of my urethra again last night (the second time since I’ve been doing this routine). My erection level was probably only 35-40%, which could have been a contributing factor. Also, I’ve doing a shitload of kegels while in the tracking device and during dry jelqs too, maybe too much blood going into my dick because of this?

Anyways, sorry for rambling in your thread, I’ve been doing this for about 6 weeks so far, I’ll keep you updated on any gains I see.

Originally Posted by HungLow123
Hey Lord Harris,

I’m using monkeybar’s autoextender about 2-3 times per day, about 1.5 to 2.5 hours max each session (ie. 5-6 hours a day).

I was also pumping (daily 1 to 1.5 hour session at 5 mg with heat pad) + dry jelquing (not daily, more infrequent but about 3-5 days per week, maybe 100 jelqs but I didn’t really keep count) + edging with no porn (4-5 times per week, 10 to 20 minutes). I clamped once in a while as well but only 10 minutes and maybe once or twice a week, not consistent with that at all.

There is probably too much in this routine though, I dry jelqed blood out of my urethra again last night (the second time since I’ve been doing this routine). My erection level was probably only 35-40%, which could have been a contributing factor. Also, I’ve doing a shitload of kegels while in the tracking device and during dry jelqs too, maybe too much blood going into my dick because of this?

Anyways, sorry for rambling in your thread, I’ve been doing this for about 6 weeks so far, I’ll keep you updated on any gains I see.

Thanks man please do. I am seeing more and more good feedback from extenders.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

I did not want to start yet another thread on the same topic of extenders, so I thought I would continue this discussion as it is still recent. I hope I am in the right place to pose this question: Are rest days necessary when wearing an extender?

When performing manual PE rest days are the key to unlocking growth. Do the same rules apply to mechanical PE? I am new to this arena and still learning the nuances. If I were to just wear an extender does my penis need a day off during the week to heal?

I am sticking with low tension until I reach the point when I go two weeks with no new gains. I am trying to avoid making my penis cells tougher and more resistant to growth. So with wearing the extender alone would rest days help? Or should I wear it everyday gradually working my way to 8 hours a day at full tension? I am interested to hear opinions because PE is one big experiment at this point.

My goal is to gain an 1.5” of length. I haven’t touched my newbie gains. I am patient when it comes to this goal. Patience will keep me from over-training and stunting growth. I would rather take 2 years to grow 1.5” than to max my gains at .75” in three months. The extender may not give me 1.5” but by that time I will have my own place and I can incorporate hanging.

We all know that when it comes to PE the rule is YMMV, but I am just looking for some perspective.

Thanks, friends.

I don’t think rest days are necessary when using an extender if a) you are using it at very low tension; b) you don’t feel you need it. 1 or 2 rest days per week won’t harm either or make difference in terms of gains, basing on what I’ve read on the subject.

Originally Posted by marinera

I don’t think rest days are necessary when using an extender if a) you are using it at very low tension; b) you don’t feel you need it. 1 or 2 rest days per week won’t harm either or make difference in terms of gains, basing on what I’ve read on the subject.

Okay thanks, marinera! You have experience with extenders so I trust your word.

I gained from using a vacads: over a long time I became very conditioned to it, so I can use it for many hours a day applying a decent traction force, probably around 6lbs.

I’ve never been really consistent, but I can tell that I actually gained only in those periods I was NOT PEing.
For example, I spent one month jelqing (up to 1hr) and wearing the extender for 4-6 hours a day, and I gained only in the following month, when I did nothing.

Cool, I will move on to a traction device at some point, i’ve ordered monty’s pe weights for the time being though.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Great info! How long did you guys stick to the newbie routine before adding the traction device? I was thinking of adding a 20-30 minute session with low tension after a 10/15 min wet jelq session. I’m happy with my girth so I’d like to focus on length for a good while.

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