Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

JES Extender.Basically any traction device

JES Extender.Basically any traction device

I’ve been using the JES Extender Device for the most of 6mo. I have also, but seldomley Jelqued and have been hanging now and then.

I have an increase in erect length of 1/2” and I haven’t measured my girth except for the very first time. I measured 5-7/8” Erect Girth and 6” if I clamped the fucker to death!

Anyway, this Extender device does work and I am here to back it up. I wear it daily and While doing so I use a hair tie cut in half w/ an athletic wrap from Wal-Mart! I also use this while Hanging. It works great!

By saying I wear it daily, I’m saying that atleast two out of the 24 hrs. I wear it. I started with an erect legth of 6.25” and am now at 6.875” I’m feathering the 7 incher! I also hang w/ wieghts. Usually 10-15 lbs. For 15 min. At 3 sets! It honestley works.. Well for me it does! I was talking w/ my My fiance’ last night about our sex life and she paid me the biggest compliment ever! She said: (My Name) you are a big boy.. It hurts sometimes! I know that you huge cock fuckers laugh but I am proud of my accomplishments w/ PE.

Congrats on your gains! Keep it up!

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