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Hey pumpers, look at your dick!!! (discoloration)


I never timed strokes but I’d guess each is 2 seconds. It helps a lot if your glans is wide enough to grasp at the end of the stroke. Also, I cannot do as many of these jelks using an oil based lube as with a glycerine lube without feeling some irritation.



Advocet, thanks for your reply. I am thankful that you are taking the time to participate in this post about discoloration even though it is not a concern for you. I think all PE’ers that are experiencing discoloration should be participating in this post. I have been out of PE for 3 weeks and I think my discoloration has faded also, but is still very there. Torso, are you completely out of PE or are you still doing something. I am doing nothing besides masterbating like mad. I am not using any creams or anything. Torso, are you using anything. I think it will be very useful if we monitor what happens with all of our discoloration in the next few months. We are all doing different approaches, it is as if we are all doing different experiments. I will continue to be completely natural and see if my discoloration goes away on its own.


In fact discoloration is a concern of mine but I guess I’ve talked about this in the Pumper’s Forum more than in this one.

I had no discoloration until the past few months when I started developing dark patches on the underside of my shaft, in the area of my circumcision scar. Thought at first it was jelking that somehow did it but now I think erect Horses were the culprit. I know there are seasoned guys who can do many strenuous exercises with impunity, but I am no longer one of them. Something’s different in my tissue compostion.

I’ve speculated that the change has to do with becoming as big as I can get and that attempts at further gains are trouble and not a benefit. I think we all have to pay very close attention to any day to day change, hence the good title for this thread. If you see something new, reflect back on what you did that day and try to isolate the cause. Maybe the thread should be called “… Look At Your Whole Dick!!!”




“ Paragraph #1. Not sure about this, wouldn’t the heat also allow more blood to escape through the membrane also?? ”

are you referring to newly trapped blood during a jelq session or chronically trapped blood (ie. Discolouration)?

For the former yes, absolutely. Thus illustrating the wisdom of warming down at the end of a session and assisting the blood that has pooled in a given area to clear out into the bloodstream and not become trapped within the confines of the intra cellular membrane.

For the latter, again I say yes, theoretically it should work but it has apparently not worked for me. I imagine that this blood has dried out in these areas where it has been trapped and this is why I am strongly leaning towards the idea of jelqing with lubrication ACROSS the skin as opposed to dry jelqing with the skin. I believe that in this way lymph can be forced through the discoloured areas and can take away some of the discolouration. Any counter views to this argument and to whether lubricated jelqing can promote enough fluid buildup to clear out discolouration are welcomed.
BTW, Thunder I believe you mentioned to someone in another thread that lig pops from JAI stretches is indicative of pulling too hard? If so please respond with your view in this matter and read on below. Should I be concerned?


it has been about 40 days since I have jelqed and I am dying to resume with lubrication at about 50% erection and add a sustained pull at the end of a 3 second stroke. I think this has to be the best way to gain length (other than hanging) especially when used in combination with JAI stretches.

The only PE I have been doing are the JAI stretches. I only perform 1 set of 10 - 15 reps 3 times throughout the day. I am working up slowly to doing more but the skin behind the glans is becoming sore ( uh oh… watch out for more discolouration!) as I have to grip pretty hard to avoid slippage. I have not seen any changes from these stretches after 2 weeks but I have had a lig pop occur for the first time ever two days ago to be followed by one yesterday. This is odd since I really pulled hard with manual stretches when I first started in November but never had a lig pop at that time.

(Incidentally, for anyone that is wondering, the manual stretches brought on a case of ED. This is for certain. No performance anxiety bullshit or worrying over my injured dick. It totally caught me by surprise! My erections resumed in their previous glory once I stopped manual stretching.)

I am not using any creams at all. I used the Arnica for about 3 weeks but I cannot say it helped. Perhaps I did not use it long enough but someone on this forum noted that since it is a homeopathic remedy you are not supposed to use it over and over but should instead apply it a few times and let it improve your bodies ability to heal. I am a little unsure about the correct use of this product and how soon you can expect to see results.


I knew that heat and a “sustained pull” at the end of a stroke must be the keys to gaining through jelqing. Thanks



What I was getting at was, if the heat aids blood in leaving the areas where it is not supposed to normally be, what is keeping more blood from entering those same areas while aided by the heat?
If the heat is enlarging the openings in the membrane allowing blood to escape, the same enlarged openings may allow more blood in. I don’t know if this is true or not, just a thought that came to me.

On the lig pop post, see if you can dig up a link to it to refresh my memory. Thanks!!

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it was the “ Lig Pop Felt Different ” thread in the Injuries Forum. The surprise you expressed to highlite15 with respect to the lig pop during AI (better yet JAI) stretches made me wonder if I had pulled too hard. The strange part is that I wasn’t pulling very hard when the lig pops occurred. I have pulled really hard in the past when experimenting with manual stretches and really hurt my ligs.
Hmmm… I wonder if they just healed up stronger at that early stage and thus precluded me from gaining anything in length thereafter like most newbies.
I guess that unanswerable question: “Just how hard do you have to pull to realize a positive benefit without hurting yourself?” is still banging around in my head.

On the other issue we agree except that I believe that the “enlarged openings” you are referring to have been effectively blocked by larger molecules in the blood that have somehow been lodged in place. Thus, the blood may be able to enter somewhat but cannot enlarge the openings enough to remove the excess buildup of waste. (I am imagining the plaque situation that builds up in arteries for those that have high cholesterol levels.)
I understand that protein molecules are quite large and cause great challenges to the lymph when it attempts to remove excess waste, molecules, waste or whatever from tissues. Perhaps protein molecules in the trapped blood are to blame. If so, how do you flush them out if you cannot get a fluid buildup to occur?

Blood spots cleared quite quickly from my unit (and I have had some bad ones) so I do not believe that I have a circulation or healing problem. Bruises are also caused by ruptured blood vessels. My fear is that I may have disturbed the healing process of these blood vessels by continuing to dry jelq and thus caused them to clog with scar tissue.

I thought in my last post that lubricated jelqing might help but it may make matters worse.
Clearly I am f#$@$%g! frustrated and confused… I am sick of waiting around and not making gains and the worst thing is that all this posting is not resulting in answers for anyone. I apologize for the little rant but I am just about ready to quit.


Hey Torso,

I’m not sure how hard a guy has to pull, or what is effective and what is dangerous. I don’t think the popping itself is a bad sign, or a good sign for that matter, it is just something that happens.
I got the impression someplace, I don’t know where, that JAI was a “medium strength” pull, not an all out yank. I could be wrong on this because I have not yet gotten around to reading the info on the links that have been posted.

As far as being discouraged, why not take a short break from PE and spend the time on something else for a change. Then come back and see if things are any better. That may help clear your thoughts a little. It may also help speed up the discoloration.

I’ll see if I can get Jelktoid to bug his PEing urologist friend and see if the doc has anything to add.

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Hey Jelktoid


When you get a chance, how about asking your pe’ing urologist friend his take on discoloration? Does he have any? Did he acquire any and come up with a way to get rid of it?? Be interesting to see what he has to say on the subject. Thanks!!!

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Will do!

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!


I just talked with him. He has had some permanent discoloration that he attributed to jelqing. He said that there is no way to get rid of it quickly. He uses cocoa butter and sometimes vitamin E to lessen it somewhat. He said that the discoloration will fade naturally over time once the activity ceases. On another note - He now has a Bib hanger (he asked me to buy him one). He wanted the starter, but I ordered it and kept it and gave him the regular since he is already 8”.


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Last edited by jelktoid : 09-06-2002 at .


Well, I think we can forget the “once the activity ceases” solution.

I’ve decided that if the dark patches (circumcision scar area) remain confined to the underside of my shaft, I can live with my discoloration.



Thanks JT,

I was hoping he would have some magic potion that would speed the process up. Oh well, back to the drawing board.

On the other subject, does that mean that he is frequenting the board now?? For hanging information?? Hmmm, maybe he will get interested enough that he will “expose” himself to the PE masses.

Time to figure out how to turn up the “Guilt-o-Matic”.

Thanks again!!

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It doesn’t matter to me. I think that the thread should be moved if it could help someone. The Doc wanted the hanger for two reasons. First, to try it himself. Second, to consider it as a possible treatment option for some of his patients with Peyronnes. He said that he gets 100 or more cases a year and he presently gives them a swim cap drawing and has them hanging 2.5 lbs. I thought that this might be a good niche market for Bigger and his hangers, but he just about shit a brick when he read my e-mail. Anyway, the Doc is supposed to get back to me on the hanger. I wasn’t happy with his discoloration response either, especially since I have some. I think it will go away after I quit PE though. I took a month off due to injury and most of it went away then, although it has come back some since I started hanging again.

Take care


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!


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