Thunder's Place

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Hey pumpers, look at your dick!!! (discoloration)


Hey pumpers, look at your dick!!!

Do any of you guys that are long time pumpers have any discoloration problems?? Are you or have you done other manual exercises for any extended period of time?? Let us know. Thanks!!!

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I have pumped on and off, but mostly on again for the past 2.5 years. I have had absolutely no discoloration. Also, in retrospect, I can probably attribute some of my early length gains to pumping. Pumping certainly did loosen up the tight skin on my shaft, which I think allowed me to get the kind of gains I’ve had. Pumping also helped me tremendously to loosen up a very tight and small ballsac to the point where I now have a much looser, fuller and hanging sac to match the bigger dick. For me, it’s now all about maintaining a good balance and symmetry between the dick and balls and about striving for a larger flaccid size.



I’ve pumped on and off for a long time longer than some of the guys on this board have been alive!

No discoloration due to pumping. If anything pumping might actually aid in reducing discoloration by uniformaly increasing blood flow without forcing it.

Hey, T;

I never got any discoloration when pumping was my only PE activity. I did get darkened patches on the underside of my shaft but only after I started jelking. Any jelking for me now results in more darkening so I’ve given it up.



discoloration, pumping, jelqing

Hey advocate, I recently seen one of your posts were you said that jelking was what you thought to be the best PE exercises. How can you say this when you have given it up. Also I was wondering if the discoloration you experienced from the jelqing went away when you discontinued it but continued to pump. How long has it been since you gave up the jelking? I was just trying to get some ideas here about the discoloration, not as many people are participating in the posts as I would like. Thanks.


I’ve had some confusion as to cause of the discoloration and further did not state my situation accurately in the above post. I said there it started when I started jelqing; true and not true.

I jelked for the better part of a year with no problem so long as I took reasonable care. Months ago, I changed my program (again) and started getting dark, patchy discoloration. I was doing erect Horses and jelging alternately semi-erect. I really thought I was doing sensible horses and that the jelking was the problem.

I quit both for awhile recently and just pumped and did stretching. Took maybe two to three weeks off from Horses and jelking. No more discolorations. Last week I started jelking again - real carefully at first. No problems. And then later in the week did some horses. And whammo. Another small patch. I feel sure now it is the erect Horses, not the jelking.

The patches remain. They are on the underside of my shaft and not very noticeable so are of little concern to me since many of us have some darkening at the circumcision scar area. I wouldn’t want them all over the shaft. For now I’ve thrown erect horses out the window and I trust jelking again. I got some of my best gain during that year of jelking and pumping. Good to be able to do them again.

Hope this helps.

BTW, it’s “avocet” not “advocate.” Avocets are tall-legged shore birds with very long bills. Advocates are yet another breed; some trustworthy, some not. I’ll change my avatar one of these days so you guys can see what avocets are.



You forgot one question, or maybe I didnt ask it. How long have you been not doing anything that would cause discoloration. I am trying to see if discoloration would go away on its own with a routine that doesnt cause it.

Originally posted by avocet8

BTW, it's “avocet” not “advocate.” Avocets are tall-legged shore birds with very long bills. Advocates are yet another breed; some trustworthy, some not. I'll change my avatar one of these days so you guys can see what avocets are.

Like, a pair of running shoes? :blue:


"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams

Sorry. I’m missed that one. What is like a pair of running shoes? For those of you who do not know Tex, he is good at abstruse comments, which I also enjoy.

A couple of weeks anyway. Mine hasn’t gone away but this is not something that concerns me much, so long as it doesn’t increase. Last two days, good jelking with no addition of any discoloration.



sorry, long post

Thunder and ledzep,

I suspect your theory that pumping actually does prevent discolouration is true since one role of lymph fluid is to remove waste. It only makes sense that lymph fluid buildup, that accompanies the swelling caused by pumping, is entering areas where blood has been forced and trapped due to ulis or horse squeezes and washing it away.

BTW, I have read somewhere that pumping promotes the development of air bubbles in the blood which may result in death. Is this possible? Sorry, if I could remember where I read this I would have posted a link. I suspect that pumping may be greatly beneficial to all performing PE, at least for the reasons noted in the first pargraph, if the risk I mentioned can be decisively ruled out. Anyone with more knowledge please correct me if I am wrong.

I understand that urologists prescribe fitted (exact to size of user) pumps for individuals that suffer from high blood pressure and a common and well known result is increased length! Is this common knowledge?

BTW, I have not been able to wrap long enough to induce fluid buildup as Bib had noted. Perhaps Ace bandages do not work as well as Theraband? I don’t have much privacy anyway.


You have renewed my hope that I may be able to jelq again and perhaps finally benefit from a long lay off.

Thank you for pointing out that the horses were responsible for your discolouration. I also have had some confusion with respect to the cause of the discolouration. Your assertion has made me realize that the occasional uli (80% erect) I would mix in to my last routine may have caused or at least contributed to my discolouration.

I too changed my routine. I did not gain a thing after 41/2 months of lubricated jelqing at 60% erection for 20 - 30 minutes and 5 days per week. I may have been performing the jelqs incorrectly(see paragraph # 3 below). I changed to an intense dry jelqing routine for 10 - 15 minutes at an 80% erection and dropped the hot wraps at the beginning and end of my routine. After about 21/2 months of the dry jelq routine I noticed that discolouration had set in.

Avocet8 and anyone else is welcome to comment on the following numbered paragraphs:

(1) I initially thought that dropping the hot wraps was the cause of the discolouration and I am still believe that they play a role in warding off discolouration. Hot wraps allow the penis to remain distended longer during the warm down stage thus affording an opportunity for some trapped blood to escape the confines of the intra cellular membrane. Therefore, without the hot wrap less blood can clear from any given area and over time the buildup results in marked discolouration. TRUE or FALSE?

(2) Lately I have blamed the dry jelq. It was easy to develop blood spots but never had discolouration when using lubricant for jelqing. Curiously, blood spots were extremely rare when dry jelqing. In retrospect, it only seems logical to me that jelqing across the skin rather than with the skin may aid in regenerating the skin and help remove trapped waste material from the various layers of skin. Lubricant allows you to milk the skin as well as the body of the penis. I am uncut and dry jelqing traps and forces blood towards the glans thereby forcing blood into the same skin that is now discoloured. For me this skin forms the entire foreskin when my unit is flaccid and rides about two thirds of the way down the shaft when erect.

(3) Many have described jelqing as squeezing blood towards the glans and performing slow strokes, ranging between 2 and 4 seconds, but few have remarked whether a tugging action (akin to an AI stretch) at the end of the jelq stroke is MANDATORY when jelqing if you expect to gain length. Common sense says yes. Your thoughts please…


I have not jelqed for over a month and have taken a good look at the unit last evening to find that it is about 20% faded from 5 weeks ago.

Looking forward to all your comments and also learning a little more about pumping,


Great post!

Hey Torso,

First, stop apologizing for long posts. I enjoy reading your “long” posts and I am sure others do as well. Hell I’ll even kick the number of words allowed in a post up, if you need me to. :D

The “pumping causing air bubbles and death” is a new one to me. Never heard it before. It would be real interesting to see where that came from. I don’t really understand how that could happen, but there is a lot I don’t understand.

Paragraph #1. Not sure about this, wouldn’t the heat also allow more blood to escape through the membrane also??

Paragraph #2. You may have a point there.

Paragraph #3. Could this be why some gain from jelqing and some don’t?? The gainers are actually doing an AI stretch at the end of each stroke, whether they are doing it on purpose or not??

I am going to move this thread to the Main Member Forum. I think it will get far more attention there.

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Say as much as you want, whenever. Lots of food for thought in what you wrote.

“air bubbles and death:”
I’ve read a heck of a lot about pumping in the last couple of years and have never seen that caveat printed or heard it from pumpers themselves. It sounds like the invention of someone who has a prejudice or fear about pumping.

The reality is that many noted urologists are recommending pumping now as a help in alleviating some forms of erectile dysfunction (ED) - poor vascular flow among them - and as an aid in restoring eretile function following various prostate cancer therapies. Were there a chance of an air embolism, they would not be suggesting pumps, imo.

Heat wraps:
I’ve done it both ways, with them and without. I’ve found that I get much better stretching of ligs and better girth engorgement with 5 minutes of moist heat than without, and that my cock feels better even after a strenuous workout than if I have not applied heat. I used to use heat in the middle of a workout (after each pump, say) and at the end, but I’ve since dropped all but the initial heat application. Maybe I got myself in trouble recently with some discoloration by not using heat more often? There are those who believe that heat also causes cells to divide more readily. If so, additional heat applications during a workout might be a benefit. In all honesty I have to point out that I got my best gains using heat more often and find that I now take short cuts simply because I have the size I wanted originally with some to spare and don’t work so hard. (No, I am not offering any surplus.)

Additional length to those who pump for health reasons: Yes. This is a common side effect - not to all but to many - and nobody ever told me he was disappointed to get bigger, either longer or thicker.

I’ve tried dry jelking. I find it uncomfortable (skin-wise) and I don’t feel I get nearly the stretch lengthwise or the shaft girth and head expansion that I do with a lubricant. I’m cut, for whatever that’s worth on this topic.

Jelking then tugging at the end of a stroke: I’m not sure what you mean here. I jelk at about 75% erect or a bit more. (Had to work up to that, btw - not for newbies). With more blood volume to work with and to milk forward, the cavernosa and the glans get greater expansion. For me it’s not so much a tug at the end of a stroke but a more a slightly sustained pull. At that point, the glans is about as full as it can get. Don’t know if it’s technigue or tissue genetics but my head girth gain has been consistent with shaft increase and expansion.

Hope some of this helps. And don’t be shy about thoughful posts, even long ones. Sharing experience is how we’ve accumulated all this nifty knowledge here.



Hey Avocet,

What I was getting at with the mention of the “tug” was that some guys use a tourniquet grip at the base when jelqing or doing jelq type exercises. Quite a few of the exercises on paysites recommended using a tourniquet grip with the hand not actually doing the stroking.

Could guys who are actually milking and giving that slight sustained pull, as you mentioned, be getting better gains because of it? The tourniquet hand may actually be stopping all stretch of the ligs?

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Air bubbles


The only way I know of to induce a bubble of air into the bloodstream is thru a hypodermic needle.. Ever watch the TV shows where the doc squirts the needle into the air before giving a shot(ok TV tends to be dramatic ie, ER docs working on heart attack patients) It is done to purge the air from the syringe before an injection. An air bubble is usually fatal if it is big enough, but you’ll never get one from pumping. It would have to be injected into a vein.

Hope this helps


Speed costs money... So how fast do ya wanna go?

Re: Tug


I don’t know. Never used the tournequet technique.

But the pull at the end of the stroke does feel like it’s stretching ligs. And if one is doing 3-400 of these little pulls a day, that can add up.



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