Thunder's Place

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Hey pumpers, look at your dick!!! (discoloration)



Pretty nice post, but it is not what we all wanted to hear. I am currently still out of PE. Been 5 weeks now, sometimes I think it has gotten better, other times I get frustrated. The idea of this stuff being permanent is pretty scary. Torso, did you see a urologist yet. I am anxiesly waiting to hear the results. The only thing about the activity ceasing solution, it is hard to pin point which activity is causing it. I think everyone agrees that the sqeezing type exercises are more likely to cause it and somtimes jelking. I still think we need more info on the condition. Is it just a skin thing or a blood thing like previosly thought? I decided I would probably wait until the end of this semester, about 3-4 more months to decide if my discoloration is going to go away or if it is a real problem.

I have permanent discoloration on the underside of my penis from using a pump twenty-five years ago. The line of darkened skin runs lengthwise. I stopped using the pump when the darkened skin appeared, but the discoloration remained.


obviously this does not bode well for those of us that want to get rid of our discolouration.

Have you tried to get rid of it by any means or did you simply wait it out. Is it as bad as it was 25 years ago? Any fading at all?

My understanding is that pumpers should be the least susceptible to discolouration since fluid buildup assists greatly in removing waste from the semi permeable membrane in which it is trapped. Your post flys in the face of what has been theorized recently.

I was actually considering pumping as a last resort in my efforts to restore my unit to its pre PE appearance.

Thanks for your input. Some more detail though would be appreciated.


Moderate pressure pumping does not cause discolorations. Experimental pumping at high pressures will often cause them. I pumped 5 - 6 x a week for over a year without ever a mark. But Horse squeezes did it for me. Too bad. I really enjoyed doing Horse suqeezes.



Torso, I never sought a means to remove the discoloration. I’d say that the skin has become less darkened over the years. It looks as though I have a line of suntanned skin on the underside of my penis.

I used a bulb-type pump, so it wasn’t because of an extreme vacuum that the discoloration occurred.


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