Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hi All (Intro and Theory of L-Lycine w/ PE)

Hi All (Intro and Theory of L-Lycine w/ PE)

Hey everyone! I’m new here so I thought first I’d do an intro then some of my ideas.

Why I started…

Well I started P.E. because of a sexual experience I once had with a girl. We were making out and then when we were rounding 2nd base she said “It’s so small!” After that she said “OH! I’M SORRY… I meant… I… ehh… I didn’t mean it like that” (She was obviously not the brightest of people), we then continued making out but it didn’t matter becuase me nervous went straight up and I couldn’t get it up anymore. To put some sprinkles on this wonderful cake she later told her friends, and I live in a small city, her friends are THE CITY! Ever since then I was paranoid about what people were thinking about me, it got to a point were I just had to move, so I did.

How I found out about P.E.

Well through one of my porno escapades I stumpled upon a link that said “INCREASE THE SIZE OF YOUR DICK”. I clicked on it and inside they told me they new secrets from ancient methods to increase my dick. I didn’t want to pay… so I use my knowledge of the internet to find FREE information because I KNEW there was some way to get anything on the internet for free. So I ended up at the power-jelq website which had a link here and viola!

—————————-NOW MY RESEARCH!!! AND IDEAS———————————

Well I have been doing pe for about 1 year now and I started to think of some ways I could help my pe journey with something or anything. So I researched the penis thoroughly and now I have counstructed a basic outline of the penis… which I will post later because I need a way to get it on here.

But basically corpora contains the venois sinoids (Small spaces for blood) and trabaculea.

Focus on trabaculea here for a second…

Trabaculea (erectile tissue) contains smooth muscle and Connective tissue

Now focous on Connective tissue

The dicks connective tissue is made up of Collagen type-III

Now lets focous on Collagen type-III

I was looking up what collagen was and it turns out it is a protein, and a protein is a chain of amino acids (kinda like DNA for protein) well it turns out collagen type-III is made up from L-lycine and L-proline…

Now you can buy amino acid supplements of the specific amino acid, exp. l-arginine.

—————————-MY QUESTION——————————-
Wouldn’t it be beneficial to P.E. if you supplemented with L-lycine and L-proline?

First of all… WELCOME, to this fantastic forum!

You make a good point about the amino-acid suplements. As far as I understand it, L-Arginine only has the effect of increasing your cum-volume (and quality I guess). I have to admit I’ve never come across the other two you mentioned, but I’m sure some of our more technically-minded members would care to share their vaste knowledge on this issue.

However, from the information concerning penile tissue that I did pick up on this forum, I have a feeling that the amino-acids in question would only really aid in tissue-rebuilding, as opposed to tissue growth. We are primarily concerned with the second one, since the faster tissue rebuilds itself, the tougher it will become to produce ‘microtears’ in the CC / CS, thus leading to a overall tougher penis that may become resistant to the effects of PEing… and that is something most are trying to avoid, except during resting times when it becomes more important (to allow the penis to regenerate for future torture).

But then again, I could just be talking from my cadbury canal…


By the way: What exactly were your measurments when that BIMBO BONEHEAD decided to destroy your self-confidence?

Helluva thing that- to move locations just because of one person…


I agree with Baracus. Although type III collagen is indeed made from many derivatives of lycine and proline (such as L-lycine, L-proline, hydroxylycine, hydroxyproline, L-hydroxylycine, L-hydroxyproline, etc.), I personally don’t think the addition of lycine and proline would in any way aid penile growth. When any tissues are placed under stress, there is a natural adaptive function of the tissue which increases the diameter of the individual fibrils in order to make them stronger. If you made more lycine and proline available, you might actually aid in strengthening the tissues when this takes place. Also, it would stand to reason that a general increase in the production of collagen would make it even more difficult to meet the tissues point of microfailure/microtrauma as the force is now divided between an increased number of fibrils which are at their maximum point of extension when a load is added(and thus each fibril is now supporting less weight). However, with all of that said, it is merely my opinion and I could definitely be incorrect. If you happen to try anything with aa supplements, keep track of your progress and report back in the supplements forum as to whether or not you see a difference in your rate of growth.


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This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

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