There seems to be two schools of thought on Penis Enlargement. There are you guys who are aggressive about your exercises wanting to see correlating daily results and there are those guys who are more cautious, restrained, and of the mindset that their more passive exercises plus time will give them gains.
I am with the more aggressive crowd but find that working my unit more aggressively fatigues it easily. How about you guys? Is dick fatique, lesser/limper/slower erectile quality while you are working out part and parcel of your workouts? My dick knows that it is in for a workout with my present routine. It recovers later in the day with rest and nothing moves it like arousal with my sweetie/wife later in the day. But lately, while I am in my routine, gettting a hard erection is slower and more labored. What about you guys? Do you also believe that there are two camps of PEers? the aggressive and the more restrained?