Wad; The smallest measurement I ever had was about 17cm (FLBPS). I can now get just under 25cm. That is a difference of 8cm, or just over 3”.
Of course, when I took that original measurement, I was about 13 years old. And I am now on my way to being 21 later on this year. So I am a special case. I can tell you the difference in size, but I can’t say (even to myself) just how much PE contributed to that increase.
In reference to not supplying pics in the beginning, and all the way through, to prove, wtf?
I mean, first of all, if I even had a digital camera back then, I would not have been allowed to post on the forums for another 5 years. Not to mention the fact that I didn’t get an internet connection at home consistently until I was about 15 (And I still wouldn’t be allowed on board for another 3 years…).
In the time I’ve actually been on board, I think I’ve gained maybe 0.75”. (Don’t quote me on that number though). And I only just recently got a camera..
I think it would take a very special kind of troll to claim he gained 3” over 7 years, who actually was born with the latter measurement. Why bother???
To me, and I’m sure alot of other people around, that would be an ultimate form of sadness.
For reference, I am not planning to start up a paysite soon.
>>>I saw a guy lifting a helicopter after his friend was trapped underneath of it.
Dude, I reckon that our everyday movements and exertions are filtered by a mental limitation that restricts injury. For example, would you risk breaking bones, tearing up shitloads of muscles/ligaments etc, to lift a heavy ass refrigerator? No way! Subconsciously or consciously, the decision would be made to just stop trying after a certain point.
But, if your kid is stuck underneath it, those automatic, subconscious mental restrictions get put on hold, and you can use the full potential of your strength, which I believe is much greater if you aren’t afraid of getting hurt.
Did anybody see Ghost in the Shell? When the Cyborg chick starts to try and pull open the hatch of the big spider tank? She pulls so hard all her muscles break and her arm rips off…. same kind of deal. Sort of stupid of her, but she really wanted to rip open that tank! :D