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horse squeeze swelling

horse squeeze swelling

I dont know what it is exactly but just above the hand at the base I get this skin that swells up. Doesnt hurt at all and doesnt seem to effect my work outs and is gone in the morning. Just wondering if anyone else had a similar experience when they started doing them. Also when I jelq or uli the area around the scar tissue feels a lot of pressure like a stinging sensation and still inflates to a small donut even after 2-3 months of pe. That normal?


Sounds to me with the skin swelling that you migtht be somehow pulling in a small amount of lymph fluid. And my guess on the doughnut is that you are exerting too much pressure. Horses shouldn’t sting; rather you should feel a straining sensation from the tissue expansion and this is not at all an unpleasant sensation.




Thanks but the sting in the scar tissue is when I jelq….any ideas??? And should I be getting the donut thing this far into peing?

Hmmm. Cut out jelking for awhile and do other, painless exercises?

Problem with a doughnut is, once that area’s tissue is weakened (this my theory), you need to back off a fairly long time from whatever stress caused it and not stress it in the same ways until it has healed and strengthened.

This doesn’t mean you have to drop PE, just alter your routine.



Donuts and swelling...


When I did the horse squeezes I got the swelling on the base of my dick and while I was worried in the beginning, it didn’t really do anything, it didn’t hurt or anything and was completely gone the next day. It only happened that once, maybe I used too much pressure? As for the donut behind the head, I got one after PEing but it doesn’t show when I am warm flaccid, it doesn’t really do anything so I wouldn’t worry about the extra skin.

thanks guys

any recomenddations on what to do instead? I sort of do it as a warm up exsercise for 5 min to kind of loosen the tissues inside the dick which seems to help. anythiing else I can do?

I have swelling under the circumcision scar like a ‘donut’ even when flaccid, I never saw it as a problem before, should I have something to worry about? ( i don’t mind how it looks - it only swells up at the sides under the head)

I have a Netfriend who has a significant doughnut and claims it gives better friction in sex, even though it gets in the way of entry.



Re: thanks guys


>any recomenddations on what to do instead? I sort of do it as a warm up exsercise for 5 min to kind of loosen the tissues inside the dick which seems to help. anythiing else I can do?

Horse Squeezes for a warm-up ? That doesn’t sound right :)
IMO this is one intensive technique. Try to do it after jelqing.


Re: Re: thanks guys

Actually,you should read the original post :

Horse 440 Squeezes

I got the same ring

I hope this tube around my cack goes away before my wife sees it. Shit.

I always get a hell of fluid build up after a session, sometimes it really looks disgusting like a disease.
Am I clamping and squeezing too hard?

When I don`t get any fluid I really feel like I didn`t had a nice session.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


most of it gone

I don’t have the swollenness of it but do notice a new ridge that is more defined now below the head. Start of girth gains maybe?

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