Hot Wrap VS. Cup
Hello all!
This is my first post, and first of all I want to say how much this forum has been stimulating, not only because of the gains made by many members (notorious DLD :) ), but also because there’s a whole community out there (I first stumbled upon PE when searching the kazaa network, and thought I was kinda lonely..) who share their experience(s). This way many injuries can be prevented and it also prevents people from buying bogus pills. Keep up the great work!
I hope I am not double posting here, or asking something rather obvious (the amount of information here is so BIG, forgive me if I haven’t seen it).
Here’s what I do instead of using a hot wrap:
I fill to glasses with water. A large one (0.5 liter) with ultra hot water, and a smaller one with some nice warm water (the water level is about 1 inch under the rim). Instead of wrapping a hot towel, I soak my penis in the smaller glass. After two minutes or so, when the water starts to loose it’s heat, I pour (<-please don’t mind it if I spell something wrong, but I used my English-Dutch dictionary to make a hanger and it isn’t really in the position to be used now) some water away and refill the glass with still very hot water from the large glass.
This, I found has a few pro’s:
-It’s much faster than reapplying a wrap. With a little practice you should be able to refresh in 5 to 10 seconds.
-This way a warming up can be done anywhere (I hardly spill any water anymore, I always sit on my bed with only a towel on the floor. It’s quite stealthy.
-After the first refreshing of water, your penis will sort of have adjusted to the temperature, so the next time you can increase it (simply by varying the volumes of colder and hot water). I refresh three times, and after the first time the water is really hot (hotter than I would have been able to dig the first time).
-Overtime you will need a taller glass, or else the water will run over when you don’t decrease the volume (low volumes cool down quicker)! So it’s also sort of a gaindication.
Overall I find that a cup is more convenient than a wrap, but I was wondering: do any of you guys now whether really it makes a difference when you use a cup instead of the wrap, qua gains I mean?
Greetz Yoshi