Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How can PE work ? There are no scientific proofs!

I don’t know what the hell a “chirurgical” is, but there’s plenty of things that work perfectly well without 100% scientific documentation. Allow me to demonstrate.

Scientists don’t fully understand exactly how a transistor works, on a very low level, nor superconductors amongst other phenomena and technological building blocks. There are ideas as to how they might work, in theory.

Thing is, the theories are usually based on results, not the other way around. We do our best to explain the things we see happening around us, hence religion. (but that’s another topic entirely) Point is, we don’t need an explanation to know something works, somehow.

You don’t need to know [b]exactly[b] the biological mechanism behind enlargement to understand that there are thousands of guys here who have reported significant gains in both length and girth. Whatever they’re doing, it makes sense that the penis is larger for it, whether there are more cells or simply larger cells is relatively inconsiquential, given that virtually nobody has ever reported negative health concerns beyond temporary injury (and all of those were for a reason)

Hence, your computer is sitting there working as it was designed, is it not? I don’t give a fuck how it works on such a low level, just like I don’t care how my dick is getting bigger, only that it is!

Originally Posted by RisingUpTo7
If a doctor tells me that even cells when skin is stretched to cover wounds after an accident DONT multiply this IS definitely a thing to think about.

Your doctor is wrong. New cells are created. Here is an article from (membership may be required to view it) that discusses tissue expansion. Tissue expanders (bags of saline placed under the skin and inflated over time to create new tissue) are often used to create new skin for burn victims, etc. The application of a constant pressure against cells causes them to create new cells to accommodate the enlarging bag under the skin. This principle works the same in PE when we jelq. Pressure is applied, repeatedly, to the tunica albuginea of the penis which causes it to enlarge by growing new cells.

Here’s the section of the physiology of tissue expansion:

Skin expansion is more than merely stretching the skin to cover a defect; multiple changes occur in the tissues overlying the expanders during the process of expansion. New skin is generated during the process so that a net gain of tissue results. No evidence of dysplasia or other abnormal cellular architecture has been demonstrated in expanded tissues.

Mitotic activity in the epidermis is increased during expansion. The epidermis thickens initially, probably because of postoperative edema, but returns to baseline within several weeks. Hair follicles demonstrate some compression but no degeneration. New follicles are not created. Individual follicles may be separated by at least a factor of 2 without producing noticeable hair thinning.

Melanocyte activity increases during expansion, accounting for the hyperpigmentation of expanding tissues. This increased activity also returns to baseline following reconstruction, and the hyperpigmentation disappears.

The dermis undergoes more substantial changes than the epidermis, demonstrating a rapid decrease in thickness. Activated fibroblasts are observed throughout the dermis. Overall, expanded skin has a net accumulation of collagen. Thick and compact bundles of collagen are formed and are oriented parallel to the expander surface. Collagen fibers are incapable of returning to their relaxed convoluted form once they have been stretched.

Muscle tissue above or below the expander demonstrates atrophy but no alteration of function. This atrophy probably resolves following expander removal. Subcutaneous tissues display a relative paucity of adipose tissue. This loss of fat seems to be permanent.

People, Rut has known about PE and this great site for more than a year. And he has done nothing as far as PE goes. He is waiting for scientific proof. And we haven’t provided scientific proof.

Apparently he thinks there is a group of scientist working on this. They have taken off time on their work on cancer to unravel the PE conundrum.

Lets face it if he was blind he wouldn’t believe in color. If the man was deaf he wouldn’t believe in music.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

There’s an old saying: I’ll believe it when I see it. Latest scientific research in the field of quantum physics is actually showing that consciousness does effect matter. If you reverse that phrase to I’ll see it when I believe it, then you are a step closer to fulfilling all of your dreams - including a larger penis.

Originally Posted by iamlisted
Latest scientific research in the field of quantum physics is actually showing that consciousness does effect matter.

Do you have a link?

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.


You say you want proof. There have been many posts giving examples of the effects of PE, probably more than any scientific survey would produce,

So it’s really up to you. If you do not consider PE works because what has been discussed and answered here. Then the only choice left to you is not to do it.

You give some measurements that show you gained 0.6 cms. If you don’t believe the evidence of your own eyes then nothing will ever convince you.

I’ve looked in two dictionaries and can’t find ‘chirurgical’

Does anyone know what it means?

chi·rur·gi·cal (k-rûrj-kl)

Surgical. No longer in technical use.

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

Originally Posted by iamlisted
Try this for starters http://answers. … dview?id=324178

Also read the work of Deepak Chopra, Richard Bandler, and Wayne Dyer. Consciousness is a fascinating field.

Thanks, Listed.

Have you read the "Dark Materials" trilogy by Philip Pullman ("The Golden Compass," "The Subtle Knife," and "The Amber Spyglass"). I don’t want to give it all away, but it deals in very imaginative ways with the connection between conciousness and physics. It actually posits that there are elementary particles of consciousness and that human consciousness is the result of structures that organize these particles.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Thanks, Listed.

Have you read the “Dark Materials” trilogy by Philip Pullman (“The Golden Compass,” “The Subtle Knife,” and “The Amber Spyglass”). I don’t want to give it all away, but it deals in very imaginative ways with the connection between conciousness and physics. It actually posits that there are elementary particles of consciousness and that human consciousness is the result of structures that organize these particles.

I’ve read 2 1/2 books of that trilogy, please don’t spoil it for me, I’m saving the ending for my next flight :D

Last edited by Shiver : 11-25-2004 at .

Thanks OneHung,

I rather get the feeling we are all chasing our tails (or should it be tales) here

Latest scientific research in the field of quantum physics is actually showing that consciousness does effect matter

This is actually true, in 1984 string theory finally got accepted. Basically it is the theory that Einstien was looking for that proves that E=MCsquared is just a work around (as Einstien predicted)

ok, atoms are made up of protons, and protons are very small, for instance, this dot “.” contains about 500,000,000,000 protons.

The string theory goes something like this, everything is made up of little pieces of string like structures, much much smaller than a proton. Strings can be of at least 4 states (we only know to 4 forces but we suspect there is about another 7) gravity, electro magnetism, weak atoms and strong atoms. Each seperate string is different, but influenced by the ones next to it. For those who have seen the matrix then imagine it a bit like Neo see’s the world, but instead of the world being 1’s and 0’s, they can be any number, and colour and any shade. Depending on how these strings are influenced by the ones next to it, depends on which forces effect it.

Now, if you followed that bit ive done pretty good. Right, it means basically that each string can be either a wave or a proton. And if it can be either a wave or a proton, and it is influenced by the ones to the side of it, then, in theory, it means that waves of thought can influence matter.

On a side note, those of you who really followed that lot will notice that the very fact that all these strings that make up the world in both mass and wave form, are influencing each other, and if these strings are all influencing each other, then we don t infact have any free will at all, which kinda fits in with the old theory that everything you do was decided a millisecond before, and before that, and before that, untill eventually we get to the beginning of time and realise that we never had free will at all.

sorry i kinda love this sort of stuff as you can see.

But anyway, as a roulette player once said about his quick pick system… “even if it does not work, it cant do any worse than leaving it to luck”

Originally Posted by MrJelq
Basically it is the theory that Einstien was looking for that proves that E=MCsquared is just a work around (as Einstien predicted)

What do you mean by ‘a work around’ ?

I know that string theory is the theory that is supposed to unify all the physical ‘laws’.

Well this thread certainly took a step into outer (or inner) space.

2010-01-09: BPEL: 19,7cm [7.75"] EG: 15,0 cm [5.9"]

2010-04-24: BPEL: 20,4cm [8.0"] EG: [???]


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