Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How can PE work ? There are no scientific proofs!

So there’s no proof that PE works? Funny, I think there’s been quite a lot of talk about this and a lot of people have racked up scientific citations over the years. Here are a few and how they relate to PE:

Penile elongation and thickening—a myth? Is there a cosmetic or medical indication?

Austoni E, Guarneri A, Gatti G. - Andrologia. 1999;31 Suppl 1:45-51

This study looked at a relatively new way of increasing penile size. The authors conclude that for length, the dual attack of suspensory ligament surgery and stretcher device is suggested. For girth they discuss a new method which is about making an incision in the tunica albuginea and enlarging that structure with grafts. That allows for more space for the corpus cavernosa to expand into as they should after the stretch stress of the stretcher device. After a 9-month follow-up, the increase in girth was 1.1-2.1 cm. Unfortunately, the regimens of stretching were not revelead, neither when they were begun (considering the post-operative recovery process).

Penile enlargement surgery.

Alter GJ. - Tech Urol. 1998 Jun;4(2):70-6

To cite the revealing text of the abstract "Penile lengthening is performed by releasing the suspensory ligament of the penis followed by use of penile weights". Why the weights? Because without that stressor there has been no statistically significant gain in length after surgery, some even experiencing a slight reduction in size. Proof enough that just the stretching should give benefits.

There has also been a study peformed on actual PE. This study was ordered as part of a court case against the Chartham method and was carrie dout by independent researchers. Here’s the gist of the relevant part of the case (the actual documentation can be found in full here ).

10. Dr. Richards conducted the trial and prepared a report thereon received in evidence as respondent’s exhibit 5. Sixty-four randomly selected patients of Dr. Richards participated in the study, thirty-two as test subjects using the "Chartham Method" and thirty-two as a control group (Tr. 140, 186). Dr. Richards excluded from the test group those who by reason of special problems or conditions would cause confusional factors (Tr. 192). None of the test subjects had what Dr. Richards would characterize as an underdeveloped penis (Tr. 184).

11. The trial lasted approximately three months. It began with measurement of the penis of each test subject at maximal erection. Length was measured with a metal rule and slide marker, the base of the rule being placed on the pubic symphysis and pressed firmly against it. The slide was then moved to the top of the glans where the measurement was read. Girth was measured with a flexible metal tape at a position one inch proximal to the coronal sulcus. The same technicians conducted all measurements throughout the trial with the object of reducing personal error factors (RX-5).

12. After the initial measurements, test subjects were instructed in the "Chartham Method" and told to start practicing it (Tr. 139). Insofar as possible the penis of each subject was thereafter measured, in the method above described, on a weekly basis (Tr. 139, 140). Dr. Richards recorded each measurement. Of the test subjects two dropped out of the test and two achieved no gain in dimensions. Dr. Richards recorded gains among the twenty-eight remaining subjects ranging from 2.4 cm. to 3.6 cm. (.94 in. - 1.4 in.) in length and from 1.4 cm. to 3.1 cm. (.55 in. - 1.2 inc.) in girth (Tr. 142; RX-5). No changes of any significance were found in the measurements taken of the control subjects (Tr. 145, 146). He reported the success rate as 87.5 percent in the test group (Tr. 143). In Dr. Richards’ opinion, the study was conducted in accordance with prevalent medical and scientific standards (Tr. 142). The report of Dr. Richards’ study has been accepted for publication in the British Journal of Sexual Medicine (Tr. 143).

13. Dr. Richards’ conclusion as a result of the test was that the "Chartham Method" is a very certain and very positive working method for enlargement of the penis (Tr. 146, 147). His rationale for the results observed was that as the result of the intense application of the "Chartham Method" for three months the actual tissue spaces of the penis had increased sufficiently to account for the changes in measurement; that the tissue spaces of the erectile tissue of the penis had been expanded to the extent that they would accept more blood during erection (Tr. 146, 147).

14. In Dr. Richards’ opinion the "Chartham Method" will enable a large percentage of males to enlarge the dimension of the penis and, to his satisfaction, is a scientifically evaluated and proven effective means for so doing. Further, in his opinion, it incorporates new and significantly different principles from all other methods and products intended to increase the size of the penis that he knows of (Tr. 148).

15. Dr. Richards was skeptical that enlargement of the penis produced by the "Chartham Method" would be sustained for any considerable length of time. He will not be satisfied on that point until he has done further investigation (Tr. 208, 211).

This is to the best of my knowledge one of only two studies actually done on the effaciacy of PE by hyperemitation. I think you’ll all be interested to know that the "Cartham method" involves:

4. The "Chartham Method" consists of four elements.

a. A series of exercises involving the large muscles of the upper thighs, the lower abdominal wall, the gluteal, or buttocks, region, and the larger muscles of the pelvis (Tr. 134).

b. Application of hot compresses to the penis.

c. Massage of the penis.

d. A vacuum developer consisting of a partially sealed plastic tube so designed to permit creation of a vacuum with the penis inserted in the tube.

Looks somewhat familiar. Too bad they don’t mention what the actual "massage" consists of. The main thing to remember about PE is that we’re dealing with tissues that are collagenous. Collagenous tissues can be stretched, that’s just common sense. But hey, if you don’t want to believe that’s fine.

2010-01-09: BPEL: 19,7cm [7.75"] EG: 15,0 cm [5.9"]

2010-04-24: BPEL: 20,4cm [8.0"] EG: [???]

maybe the massage of the penis is PE.

a. A series of exercises involving the large muscles of the upper thighs, the lower abdominal wall, the gluteal, or buttocks, region, and the larger muscles of the pelvis (Tr. 134).

b. Application of hot compresses to the penis.

c. Massage of the penis.

"Men are gifted with two heads, sadly they do not

have enough blood to run

both at the same time" by anonymous

Ahm, I havent read through a lot of posts i just reenterend the forum so if there are some new studies I just dont know them yet, that’s what I asked you.

I also don’t want you to give me polemic comments I am just searching for a factor in the body that MAKES IT POSSIBLE to gain through Peing.
Just something like “all skin and flesh can multiply cells by stretch being applied to it”

Because the doctor has insecured me. I wanted to go on with PE but I have no explanation how this could work so this keeps me again away from it.

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

Originally Posted by RisingUpTo7
Ahm, I havent read through a lot of posts i just reenterend the forum so if there are some new studies I just dont know them yet, that’s what I asked you.

I also don’t want you to give me polemic comments I am just searching for a factor in the body that MAKES IT POSSIBLE to gain through Peing.
Just something like “all skin and flesh can multiply cells by stretch being applied to it”

Because the doctor has insecured me. I wanted to go on with PE but I have no explanation how this could work so this keeps me again away from it.

Read the study I posted above. It is a fact that some who suffer from priapism gain significant permanent girth. There you have it.

Originally Posted by RisingUpTo7
I also don’t want you to give me polemic comments I am just searching for a factor in the body that MAKES IT POSSIBLE to gain through Peing.
Just something like “all skin and flesh can multiply cells by stretch being applied to it”

Because the doctor has insecured me. I wanted to go on with PE but I have no explanation how this could work so this keeps me again away from it.

If a doctor told you to jump off a bridge to cure your’e hiccups, would you do it? It doesn’t matter if there is no proof of PE scientifically, when you have actual results and testimonials to it actually working. Just because you don’t know how something works, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work.

Progress Tracking As of 01/01/05 : 6.5 BPEL x 5.25 G As of 04/08/05 : 6.75 BPEL x 5.25 G Short Term Goal : 7 BPEL Long Term Goal : When a trip to china and getting on the great wall means hopping on my member

In this case its about my PENIS there is no much room for a lot of experiments with him.
If a doctor tells me that even cells when skin is stretched to cover wounds after an accident DONT multiply this IS definitely a thing to think about.

I dont want to be naive and do exercises which CANT have permanent effects.
I think you understand my point.

But there is wadzillas thread “PE and permanence” which makes me recognize that there is still no answer to my question.

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

A long time ago there was no scientific proof planet Earth was sphere-like and not a table or a turtle floating on milk.

I think no scientist is really trying to prove Peing right, or how it works for that matter. PEing is still more like an underground activity.

I’m all for science and proven rational ideas. I’m a skeptical about everything and generally against any blind belief or faith.

But I had to read and really start to believe in the “scientists” of PEing for the time being, many in this forum. So I gave it a try and after a long time my dick IS NOW LONGER, and that is a fact.

I would like to know what worked and why, so maybe I could accelerate the process. But the truth is that I don’t clearly know what happened inside my dick. ¿Was the LOT theory right? ¿The warm ups maybe? ¿Does the tissue have memory? ¿Is exposure to weight in time the key for most of us?

I think the key is reading, learning and consistency in a fare amount of time, years in my case.

That’s my opinion.

I could care less about “scientific” proof. I have personally seen my penis go from 5” non bp lenth to 7” non bp length and 5” of girth to a little over 6” of erect girth over the last few years of PE related efforts.

I think Xiedeh sums things up well. The biological/scientific understanding of what is happening when we gain penis size is not there. But it does not mean it isn’t happening.

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

(My cynical side) I want to add that nobody is actually investigating this PEing thing (manual stretching, hanger, etc) because there is no money involved in it. You can make your penis longer for free. Therefore maybe they’re thinking of a way to make your dick bigger WITH something they sell you.


When penis enlargement happens as a side effect of priapism, to the best of my knowledge, the size is not lost.

Here is a study on a guy who maintained his extra size for nine years:

Urology. 2000 Sep 1;56(3):509. Related Articles, Links

Megalophallus as a sequela of priapism in sickle cell anemia: use of blood oxygen level-dependent magnetic resonance imaging.

Kassim AA, Umans H, Nagel RL, Fabry ME.

Department of Medicine (Division of Hematology), Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, New York 10461, USA.

“Priapism is a common complication of sickle cell anemia. We report a little known sequela of priapism: painless megalophallus, with significant penile enlargement. The patient had had an intense episode of priapism 9 years previously and his penis remained enlarged. Blood oxygen level-dependent magnetic resonance imaging revealed enlarged, hypoxic corpora cavernosa. Megalophallus probably resulted from permanent loss of elasticity of the tunica albuginea due to severe engorgement during the episode of priapism. This sequela needs to be recognized by physicians because no intervention is necessary and sexual function seems to remain intact.”

This suggests that there can be permanent gains, however, I am not sure we are changing our penises in the same way priapism changes the penises of a few of those who suffer from the condition.

Please don’t consider inducing your own priapism, loss of penile function is far more common than enlargement.

Originally Posted by RisingUpTo7

Because the doctor has insecured me. I wanted to go on with PE but I have no explanation how this could work so this keeps me again away from it.

You consulted a doctor for professional evaluation of your penis health where PE is concerned. He evidently advised you not to PE because of possible risk, loss, or injury to your penis.

It seems a little redundant to search for evidence verifying reasons to PE after your doctor has advised against it. Duuuuu. I don’t think you will get a more scientific answer than that.

Since your hell bent on ignoring your doctor and ruining your dick I guess you should at least try to find some validity in doing so. Blaming this forum or PE in general for your negligence is not working though.

When you consider how many guys here, over whatever period of time, have increased the volume of their penis I can not understand why or how a person could come up with the logic that says cells don’t increase in number.

The doctor you talked to is obviously protecting himself. Afterall he would be liable if you injured yourself at his advise to continue PE. It is not to his advantage to advise you to do something that is free anyway. Doctors don’t work that way. They have an industry to protect. Usually it is to protect themselves from law suits.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Please do not attempt this until there is solid “scientific” proof to back this up. Then when that day arrives I”ll have a 2” gain head start on you ;)

Well, maybe I can put your mind at rest.

Try this experiment with your Dr. Put on alot of wieght, live on nothing but Mc Donalds for the next 6 months, and try to eat more food everyday and eat lots of cakes and sugary foods.

I guarantee that when you return to see your Dr he will claim that you have put on wieght.

At this point ask him to explain, “How on earth can that be? you told me my cells were physically impossible of increasing in both size or number” . He will probably go on about the fact you have added fat cells.

At this time go on a serious fast, and dont eat any fat or sugary foods. Eat less and less each day, eventually you will get back to the same wieght.

At this point go back to the Dr, inform him you are back to your old wieght. Remove all your clothes and ask him, “So how come I dont look the same as I did before I started gaining wieght?”

I hope at this point he will then explain to you exactly why your physical structure has gained in size of all dimensions. If he trys to fob you off that there is still some fat left over, then get a sharp knife and remove your gut from inside your stomache. Place it on the table and ask him if it contains fat or has you gut actually increased in size. (it could be worth finding a twin brother so he can make a comparison) This should get his attention.

Of course, you could always work it out for yourself, or, let me explain.

When you force more substance into a part of your body it causes that part of your body to swell and stretch, If the forcing is of a long enough period, and the frequency is often enough, then the effects of this swelling and stretching will last longer, sometimes long enough to be considered permanent.

So to sum up, in my opinion, PE works by using swelling and stretching techniques for a long enough period and a high enough frequency of repetition to cause long lasting effects on the penis in exactly the sameway way as eating too much has on the gut, skin and other permanent cell numbered organs.


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