Thunder's Place

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How Do I Increase The Size Of My Glans?

How Do I Increase The Size Of My Glans?

I have been trying to increase the size of my glans but seem to be having no visable results. Can some of you you other members tell me the way that has helped in your own case? Thanks I’ll be looking for a reply


I’m with you, bro.—just waiting for a response.

I’ve heard that Uli’s can add some glan size, but I am not sure.

Every girth exercise I do seems to increase my Glans size, it has been the biggest gainer and well above my shaft size.

I think Jelqing and manual base clamps after kegeling in more blood have helped the most.

Thanks guys. I’ll try clamping and keegling.

I want a bigger glans as well. I’m anxious to hear about a super effective exercise for this!


How about pumping with a head cylinder?


One idea: do two handed ulis. Do a regular very tight uli grip around the base, then take your other and and do an O grip right under the glans, no further south than the circumcison scar or lack thereof. You can either just hold that grip tightly for a minute or two, or pulse it with little five second on/off squeezes. I do these with a multi-clamp around the base, like I am right now.

I also do basically the same thing with two cable clamps, one around the base and one just below the glans.

Thanks Ike, Tell us a bit about your gains in glans size, and how long did it take for you to notice a difference. How big is it now and when you statred your routine of clamping?

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