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how erect while jelqing?

how erect while jelqing?

When I first start jelqing, it’s pretty easy to keep semi-erect(about 50 or 60 percent maybe). However, the longer I jelq, the more flaccid I get. My head and upper shaft stay engorged with blood but the lower half is about the normal flaccid size. It’s kind of frustrating because it makes it hard to get a good “O-grip” around the base when it isn’t semi erect. So I’m wondering if there is any problem with jelqing like this or am I not doing any good to the bottom half of my penis?

You want to make sure that you have enough blood to work with. If you find yourself loosing your semi-erect state, then you can try the following:

1. Visualize something stimulating. Hot women rubbing you down, furry woodland creatures, just whatever turns you on enough to bring in some more blood to work with.

2. As you stroke with one hand, use the other hand to stimulate yourself.

3. Stop and build back up to the level you want to be at and start jelqing again.

You could also try to tape some sexy pictures on the bathroom walls around you and take a peak when you need some wood:D

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

I visualize WallaWalla sweet onions all saute’d up and soft…… Just kidding and btw hello from the other side of the state! Check out pics of Jen (I hope you don’t mind DLD) and TazGirl. They give me enough “wood” to keep up the jelq’ing (sometimes too much and I need to look at the damn gray sky here to get below 80%). :D

"Don't be like Jackie. There is only one Jackie. Go to school and study computers instead." Jackie Chan

Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
You could also try to tape some sexy pictures on the bathroom walls around you and take a peak when you need some wood:D

I thought about that, but damn where are the pictures? *sniff*

I will need that to do the squeezes the right way.


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