Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How much extension is the norm?

How much extension is the norm?

I just thinking and never been extend that much until recently but I must admit I have grown a bit but I do not know how much is the norm

Thank you

OK! What about 430mm in four weeks?

Blue eye, blonde latino

Do you mean what’s the average rate of growth in lenght? There isn’t anything like that, any gains is a bless.

Last edited by marinera : 04-14-2013 at .

Oh! Well Thank you Marinera I thought I never get someone to aswer my question. All I do is stretch it and relax for few hours then again accomodate it properly on the noose and make sure it does not slip out then off I go doing the house chore. At the beggining I did have troubles bt now like you say I am blessed my dick keep on giving as I said it before when I had my first gain no one could beleive it now again the same story repeats with xlabs but I just keep on gaining and I am a very happy chap 7 or 7,25 and stop there I wantto be able to fit most women without the hassle of inflicting pain and I can tell you I am very close to my goal.

Thank you

Blue eye, blonde latino


You shouldn’t measure the length you extend to, but the force you apply on your penis. The easier way to do this is use a hand scale and push it down on the extender and see how far the springs should go down to apply the proper force.

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