Thunder's Place

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How much length have you gained from clamping

How much length have you gained from clamping

I wanna get to 7inches I’m at 5.5inches I know clamping is mainly for girth but just wondering how much gains come from it

Not really a signature but a link to a great guide Newbie Routine Steady Progress Chart.

Maybe half an inch over 2+ years. Basically none.

My name is sarcastic.

Originally Posted by ilovetacos
Whats the best for length

Best for length for me was hanging and jelqing at about 60% erection. Clamping and 100% erect jelqing is more for girth gains. And also more advanced, so be careful before attempting 100% erect jelqing. Can easily pick up an injury.

It mainly gave me girth. My length came from pumping.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Very light hanging for long periods of time with heat (for me, it’s often an IR lamp). But Houstonwoods has seen length gains from clamping. Go read his thread.

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