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How to avoid the baseball bat effect

How to avoid the baseball bat effect

Does anyone have suggestions on avoiding the baseball bat effect that some users experience in practicing PE. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


I’d also love some input on this as well. I already have a baseball bat shape as it is. Could things get worse if I make progress?

Current: 6.5"BPEL x 5"EG First Goal: 7" x 5.75" Ultimate Goal: 8" x 6" Hey Peter North has one.....why not me?

In the tutorials forum there’s a thread called : how to jelq. In that thread is some info about what maybe causing your baseball bat effect.

Which end is wider when having the baseball bat effect? Base or top?

The end I think, just the shape like baseball club.

It’s the end, my problem is this. I wear a wrist wrap on the base of my penis. My thinking is that eventually this may produce the baseball bat effect since the wrap is so tight around the base of my penis, and all the blood is trapped in the body and head of the penis. I don’t have one yet, because I started less than a week ago. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Some guys have this shape naturally. Some think it develops with normal jelqing and others feel it only happens with extreme girth exercises. I doubt that a flaccid helper like a wrist strap will have any effect. To answer the question, I’d say be careful not to do too many Uli-3s or other heavy duty grith exercises and you should be able to avoid creating this shape.

I’m not entirely sure, but from my (thus far minimal) observations, pumping can counteract this effect and help you to gain girth towards the base. After all, thats the part of the tube that packs first! If I’m missing something, feel free to correct me.

Jelq the base only. This has thickened me up all the way from base to tip.


I even have new pics and will post later in the week. No more baseball effect for me!

Start April, 2003: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" Girth Current: 7.125" BPEL, 5.5"+ Girth still trying...


What do you mean jelq the base only. If you hold the penis at the base, how can you jelq the base only if you hand is already there. Thanks.

Photo examples of the baseball bat effect are in this thread.

I read that to avoid baseball bat effect, you need to jelq at good level of erection, not too low because the pressure will be gear more toward the glans, that is what causing the baseball shape. Work at a minimum of 50% erect I would say.

Hey guys, I’m still pretty new, but I thought I’d ask about this thing I do. When I jelq, sometimes, with I get to the glans, with my other hand already around the base, I give the glans a little squeeze. As I work up with the other hand I release pressure on the glans. What do you think? Could this be an effective means of prevent the baseball bat effect? Also is it safe?


I’ve worn the wrist wrap around my cock pretty much 24/7 for several months, and my base has still stayed a good 1/2” thicker than my midshaft even after making +1” in girth gains.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Your cock will respond to your input just like clay molds to a sculptor’s hands, so the best way to avoid an ugly schwanz is to jelq in a fashion that is pleasing to the eye. When you squeeze and apply duress to your penis it will form either in symmetrical patterns or ugly patterns. You need to be very conscious of the effect you are having because when you do more advanced procedures and target specific growth areas this will have it’s consequences. If you perform exercises unevenly your vessel will begin to list.

It is analogous to the bodybuilder; if you just work on the right arm your going to look like a gorilla on one side and a girly man on the other. You are the sculptor make it a colossus.

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