Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How to Make Your Dick Look Bigger

Originally Posted by Decent07

I have a cigarette lighter that is about 7” long, but looks just like a regular size one. That can be fun to camera play with.. Maybe not :D

Your oversized lighter gave me the inspiration to add the “Comparing Apples to Oranges” section to the original post today. Thanks Decent07! :)

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

The ruler one is clever! Good thread :up:

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Nice and well done but there’s a tiny miny note.. my girth isn’t as near as a coke can, my width is but also with a slight difference :)

do you understand the difference between width and girth? diameter and circumference is total two different things, you know that mister brilliant, don’t you? ;)

Do you understand that the first letter of a sentence should be a capital letter instead, Cokecandiameter?

Yeah I do understand that Capital letter thing :)

Thanks for giving me more obvious nickname :CokeCanDiameter ;)

No problem. ;)

Originally Posted by cokecanwide
do you understand the difference between width and girth? diameter and circumference is total two different things, you know that mister brilliant, don’t you? ;)

Of course I do, however, this thread was not about proving or disproving your namesake.

This thread is about tricks and gimmicks guys use to make themselves appear bigger than a ruler might say they are. Sorry, but you fall squarely into that category.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Originally Posted by cantlook
Of course I do, however, this thread was not about proving or disproving your namesake.

This thread is about tricks and gimmicks guys use to make themselves appear bigger than a ruler might say they are. Sorry, but you fall squarely into that category.

This thread won’t make mine smaller in the real life but I want to admit that the comparison pic between mine and the coke can was for showing off (or make it look bigger, as you say) and all I want from PE is just more bulging head and veins ;)

Please expose what would the ruler might say what my size is :)
(I don’t mind if you did in length)

Great thread…. I don’t think that gain 3 inches in a year is even possible… So I will take a look carefully to pictures of people who claims things like that, according to your explanation.

Thanks mate.

Originally Posted by cokecanwide
Please expose what would the ruler might say what my size is :)
(I don’t mind if you did in length)

I seem to remember you weren’t too impressed with the length estimates some members gave based on your comparisons strictly to house hold objects.

If you want to know how long or wide you really are then (as suggested before) measure with an actual ruler or measuring tape. If you are confident your measurements jive with what you have already told us, then feel free to share those stats with us in hopes of documenting growth down the road by uploading a measured pic (picture with a ruler in it for reference) to your thread.

My interest was really only in the staging of your photos, yet knowing an actual measurement would help show the exaggeration that certain angles and comparisons create. I wont hold my breath for truly accurate measurements though, as that’s a lot of humility to ask of a guy who originally uploaded images here (and all over the net) just to show off.

I do wish you luck with your PE. Have you worked on a routine and/or noticed any changes over the last half a year?

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Originally Posted by cantlook
I seem to remember you weren’t too impressed with the length estimates some members gave based on your comparisons strictly to house hold objects.

If you want to know how long or wide you really are then (as suggested before) measure with an actual ruler or measuring tape. If you are confident your measurements jive with what you have already told us, then feel free to share those stats with us in hopes of documenting growth down the road by uploading a measured pic (picture with a ruler in it for reference) to your thread.

My interest was really only in the staging of your photos, yet knowing an actual measurement would help show the exaggeration that certain angles and comparisons create. I wont hold my breath for truly accurate measurements though, as that’s a lot of humility to ask of a guy who originally uploaded images here (and all over the net) just to show off.

I do wish you luck with your PE. Have you worked on a routine and/or noticed any changes over the last half a year?

Ok, beside that I didn’t read all of that, I already posted two ruler pictures for the Diameter and Breadth, does it have the “pornstar angle” thing you say, too?

Having Fun

The ruler pictures are attached..

You can do simple Analytical Math to calculate an Ellipse Circumference, am I wrong ?

Originally Posted by cokecanwide
The ruler pictures are attached..

You can do simple Analytical Math to calculate an Ellipse Circumference, am I wrong ?

One point of my apparently ridiculously long post :rolleyes: was that you can’t upload dick pics in this thread, so I suggested you do so in your initial thread if you felt it necessary.

I can understand your feeling defensive in this situation, but lets lose the personal attacks and name calling. I am questioning your claims, not attacking your intelligence. I can only hope to expect the same from you if you want to keep posting here.

In fact, I can perform all kinds of math if the occasion calls for it, but an honest and accurate girth measurement requires no calculation. Wrap a tape around your cock and read the number. Simple. No gimmicks, which is what this thread is about.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Simple things don’t have enough fun and mystery :)


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