Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How to Make Your Dick Look Bigger

Wow. I was actually looking at that tube of paint stimulating an NBEL and it already looks impressive. Can’t believe it’s only ~5.25 “.

That’s funny, I have that One dick pic I send to women where my dick looks huge. I took it about a year ago, and I just love how it came out. I’m keep this in mind next time I update my dick pic.

Objects in mirror (and edges) are closer than they appear.

Here’s another trick I’ve seen popping up lately. An effect that I noticed here in the This guys is big thread.

By now, most of us have been trained on some level to accept that the distortion of a lens tends to magnify the objects in the center of the photo. By placing those center objects even closer to the camera, some pretty dramatic magnification can be created even with a relatively “normal” lens. This is how most porn videos are shot wide angle lens, close up.

As we view more and more photos, our mind tends to allow and compensate for a common distortion effect so without thinking, we will tend to assume objects radiating from the center will be displayed smaller than they actually are.

To maximize this effect, clever cropping of the original image can create the illusion that the most magnified objects are in fact not in the center and in turn increasing their perceived size even further. This is as simple as cropping down a larger image so the most magnified part is at the edge rather than the center.

The attached images use very little lens distortion and objects of recognizable size yet the effect is still visible. The red paint tube appears much larger in the cropped photo as opposed to the original centered (wider) image. When dealing with higher distortion lenses, as well as unknowns such as penis size and body size, etc. the effect can be and is much more dramatic.

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Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Last edited by cantlook : 07-23-2015 at .

Well this is an issue of conservation. However, you make an interesting point in that the manner in which vids are done is such that the mind doesn’t always account for the data that might be gleaned in a scene.

It’s really quite an annoying trick, I think, and I have to wonder how many have had their perspectives skewed as a result. I think that sucks.

Thanks for the post.

I couldn’t care less about photos of my dick. I only believe what the ruler says and how a woman moans. Period.

Very interesting thread though

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

So, how does one go about taking a selfie pic from the front facing angle? Do you use a selfie stick or what?

Originally Posted by greatg
Do you use a selfie stick or what?

That just sounds funny !!! :-)

Is a vatican assassin

Originally Posted by greatg
So, how does one go about taking a selfie pic from the front facing angle? Do you use a selfie stick or what?

If you have a smartphone, set the camera to reverse mode, so you can see what the camera is pointed at. If you need your hands, set the camera shutter timer and put/tape the phone on a surface.. Or have some else take the photo.( :

Howdy.! Work smarter, not harder and learn from others mistakes. Photo verified start at 8" bpfs x 6.25" base. Currently 8.6.25 bpfs" x 6.375" msg. New goal 9" bpel x 7" msg.

Photos can be very deceptive and the overall height of the person can distort the image a great deal. We’ve been discussing that in another thread. I’m 5ft5in tall, and I have had more than one woman tell her friends they thought I was 10”. The shorter you are, the larger it seems in proportion.

Howdy.! Work smarter, not harder and learn from others mistakes. Photo verified start at 8" bpfs x 6.25" base. Currently 8.6.25 bpfs" x 6.375" msg. New goal 9" bpel x 7" msg.

Bumping 1 of the best threads ever.

Forum rule #69. Your avatar must be of a woman's ass.

My adventures in PE:Damnit

I guess similar to when you look down at your penis, you have to remember the rules of perspective and foreshortening will make it look smaller to you than someone looking directly at it from the front.

October 2017 BPEL 5.25 (5 1/4") EG 5.00 (5")

December 2017 BPEL 5.625 (5 5/8") EG 5.125 (5 1/8")

If you want your penis to hang lower to the ground, you could always walk around on your knees! :)

October 2017 BPEL 5.25 (5 1/4") EG 5.00 (5")

December 2017 BPEL 5.625 (5 5/8") EG 5.125 (5 1/8")

This thread has blown my mind. Somehow I’m asking myself where in the hell have I been. It’s all been a lie. Was I in the matrix?

Start: BPEL: 7” MSEG: 5" | Current: BPEL: 8.25” MSEG: 5.75" | Goal: BPEL: 8.5” MSEG: 6"

1st Goal: 7.5" x 5.5" | Achieved: 01/15/2021 | 2nd Goal: 8.25 x 5.75 | Achieved: 05/19/2021

Progress Pics: Road to 8x6 | My Log: Daros PE Notes and Progress Reports | Routine: Hanging with FIRe

Would anyone really want to be as thick as a Coke can, or as long as a 16.9-ounce bottle?

Originally Posted by humptydumpty62
If you want your penis to hang lower to the ground, you could always walk around on your knees! :)



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