Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How to Make Your Dick Look Bigger

This is where boredom gets me. I never thought of any of this.. And it’s absolutely true, the camera skews reality. Kinda funny, the coke can dude. JFC. I’ll try and stick to white backgrounds. Not always possible, though, and I do use my body and legs to hide the background on purpose. I am however, honest about my size though, so how a person interprets the picture is up to them. The picture is after all, just a picture. It’s incomplete without context. For most of us, the context being “the ruler says it’s bigger, look”. When there isn’t a ruler smashed against my shaft, it almost has to be for show, right? If it isn’t, begs the question, why take the picture then?

With a magnifying glass, this definitely looks bigger.


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