Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I actually did it.

Originally Posted by theleviathan
When I read these stories I understand why I’m not really deep into PE.
Not that I believe it doesn’t work, not at all. And not that I wouldn’t want a bigger penis, someway (I’m a little above 6”NBP, a little below 6”EG).

But when I read “If all you have time for is twenty minutes in the morning it is OK, just make sure you put in your 60-90 minutes at night”, I understand I just don’t want SO much a bigger penis.
20 minutes in the morning+60/90 minutes at night?
Maybe I’m just lazy, and I’m sure I just prefer to waste my time in much worse and useless things, but I do not want a bigger size so much to justify me grabbing and pulling my penis for 2 hours each a day.

It is not easy if you don’t have it in you. When I used to struggle during my first six months, it was hard to PE for twenty minutes every other day and it just felt like a chore.
Once I started reading some posts about guy’s doing PE daily and limiting rest, I gave it a try and it worked well. From there I became obsessed and the gains just kept coming.

In order to gain, you basically need to see gains to get excited to keep PEing. I understand that I am on the extreme end of this. I actually have lost a few friends this month because I refused to hang with them because I am to busy improving my life, but I can’t tell them “Oh I’m sorry, I am pumping my dick right now and then I am going to bend and squeeze it for the rest of the night, so I don’t have time to hang out”. So I stopped answering my phone and said fuck everybody. I only need one male friend anyways, and that is the guy who is a GM of a restaurant in the city; we’ve been boy’s forever, and I also have a couple other friends that I’ve know since pre school that don’t care if I return phone calls or answer, but I think I have lost all my new friends that I have made last year. Fuck friends, I rather have a big dick. What I want is girlfriends. Do you know that I seriously counted down the new year with my dick in my pump ten minutes into a fifteen minute pumping session. The way I see it is, when you start gaining a half inch in a month, your personal life goes up in flames.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by Stumpy1

Thank you stumpy.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Nice work.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

“Do you know that I seriously counted down the new year with my dick in my pump ten minutes into a fifteen minute pumping session.”

LMAO! Thats some serious dedication.borderline obsession. But with gains like yours makes me wonder if I’m spending enough time with my cock.

Hahahahahah nice work Clubber.

Originally Posted by Sleight of Gland
I know this is totally off topic, but your quote reminded me of an old Harry Enfield sketch. :xtop:

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LOL! Jesus that clip was hilarious.

Originally Posted by Clubber

That was just a joke. I know my penis is not indestructible, but assure you it is tougher than yours.

It’s interesting we are at approximately the exact same size. I agree that a pumping/clamping routine is paramount for fast girth gains. What size cylinder are you using and what sort of pressure do you maintain?

Originally Posted by pwpp
It’s interesting we are at approximately the exact same size. I agree that a pumping/clamping routine is paramount for fast girth gains. What size cylinder are you using and what sort of pressure do you maintain?

The cylinder is about nine inches long and about 2’ 3/4 in diameter. I have the 8 inch mark marked on the tube, and it looks like I am about 8’ 2/16’s in the tube right now past the mark. It actually is a manual pump, so it doesn’t have a pressure gauge. It creates more then enough pressure though. Let’s put it this way, toward the end of my second set, my fat pad is in pain from the pressure of the tube pressing against it. If I wanted to I could kill my dick in that pump. It is a great starter pump. I’ll buy a fancy pump one day if it breaks, or if my dick can’t fit in it any more.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by Clubber
If I wanted to I could kill my dick in that pump. It is a great starter pump.


Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

Alright well I think it’s time to step it up a notch. I’ve been searching for THE exercise which is gonna give me gains again, and I don’t think it exists. I think basically I have to just PE more. My nightly sessions are intense, but by the time 24 hours is up all the gains I made are gone and I’m back at the same place.

I’m now going to PE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE whenever I can. I’m bringing my clamps to work, lol, no joke. I’ll clamp up in the bathroom and then sit at my desk and unclamp through my pants. Also when I get home if I just do a few quick clamp sessions or whatever, that should help to keep what’s there. If this doesn’t work then I’m all out of ideas… nothing seems to be working right now.

Just thought I’d post this here since you (Clubber) are of basically the same mindset as I am.

Oh ya… never let it turtle… who’s motto is/was that? Big Girtha’s? Anyway, that’s what I’m going by. If I never let my cock deflate to normal size it’s gotta increase.

Jeez, Mr. Lang, you are my hero :D

Not since BG have I seen dedication like this.

And Mick, you don’t have to dedicate yourself, you’ve already got a massive tool.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by Mick
Alright well I think it’s time to step it up a notch. I’ve been searching for THE exercise which is gonna give me gains again, and I don’t think it exists. I think basically I have to just PE more. My nightly sessions are intense, but by the time 24 hours is up all the gains I made are gone and I’m back at the same place.

I’m now going to PE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE whenever I can. I’m bringing my clamps to work, lol, no joke. I’ll clamp up in the bathroom and then sit at my desk and unclamp through my pants. Also when I get home if I just do a few quick clamp sessions or whatever, that should help to keep what’s there. If this doesn’t work then I’m all out of ideas… nothing seems to be working right now.

Just thought I’d post this here since you (Clubber) are of basically the same mindset as I am.

Oh ya… never let it turtle… who’s motto is/was that? Big Girtha’s? Anyway, that’s what I’m going by. If I never let my cock deflate to normal size it’s gotta increase.

Alright now, that’s the spirit; bring your gear to work. Now are you pumping dammit? I don’t remember you mentioning anything about pumping.
And I never let it turtle.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by kazooplayer
Jeez, Mr. Lang, you are my hero :D

Not since BG have I seen dedication like this.

And Mick, you don’t have to dedicate yourself, you’ve already got a massive tool.

I like to think of this month as heroic and triumphant. Shock and awe is what this is all about. My dick is growing so fast, that this all seems like a dream. Very surreal.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Ya, I think I’ll be in the same boat as you if this works… every time I PE it’ll be just fun. Right now it’s a chore cause it’s so fucking frustrating every time I check and I’m back to where I was. Hope I can gain like you have been.

Originally Posted by Sir Wally

Uh uh Sir Wally that’s my throne! Hehehehe!

Congrats clubber!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!


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