Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How much will you grow if you do not see results as a beginner? Data Analysis


Originally Posted by BigWally
Very good analysis!
I have thought of similar analysis, but has been to lazy to do the data sorting scripts that would do this.

I see quite a lot of +6cm/year growth in the data. Does that sound reasonable? Any explanation of this, to me, massive growth?

Those people reported growth of 3~4 cm in six months usually. Not realistically they would grow 6~8 cm per year but I think cm/year is a better way to report the data to compare between people than just a flat growth disregarding time spent.

Originally Posted by unhung1
So basically I’ll never grow

That, or very slowly. Or you are doing something different from everyone else and not realizing. Assuming you are actually following a proper routine consistently for 3~4 months and measuring every month.

What is the +- notation? Is it 95% confidence intervals or is it basic standard deviation?

Very nice article, very good useful work.

Originally Posted by and970

That, or very slowly. Or you are doing something different from everyone else and not realizing. Assuming you are actually following a proper routine consistently for 3~4 months and measuring every month.

I’m on my final routine right now and if there is 0 gains in 6 months I’m done with PE forever.

Originally Posted by and970
The chance is low, around 5% of not seeing gains at 2 months as per reported data, but it is there. There is also the fact that people who do not see gains get unmotivated and stop the exercises, so the forum’s word of mouth and results may be biased towards reported gain.

I just measured my penis and added to the stats. I think I will measure once a month only. I have a pretty heavy upward curve that made it difficult to find a consistent way to measure (using measuring tape).

When did you see your initial gains?

I have been at it for 5 weeks
Vacuum Hanging 1 hour twice a day and pumping 20mins every other day

Still no erect gains

Originally Posted by Derrik123
When did you see your initial gains?

I have been at it for 5 weeks
Vacuum Hanging 1 hour twice a day and pumping 20mins every other day

Still no erect gains


Please visit the link in my sig. I gained pretty quickly last year.

BPEL: 5.5" --> 7.9" ; BPFSL: ~5.6" --> 8.5"

Progress log summary: Hanging with FIRe

"Going hard, fast and heavy is all against the scientific knowledge of tissue expansion or elongation." - Kyrpa

Originally Posted by igigi
I love you approach. That is certainly the proper way to invest in pretty much anything.

Based on latest knowledge, there are certain factors that will help you in a fraction to predict your potential gains. For example, how your BPFSL compares to your BPEL. If they are equal, or if BPEL is greater than your BPFSL, your girth might grow faster than your length. In fact, your length might not grow at all limited by the size of your septum. On the other hand, if your BPFSL is greater than your BPEL, then your BPEL will have in other words “an open lane” to grow.

I want to support this view from igigi. I have found that my BPFSL first increases, and then I see gains in BPEL. Basically, I keep a detailed log of my BPFSL during my vacuum-hanging routine, and with known weights, I can see if there is a BPFSL increase over time. With my gains, over many months, I noted that if the difference between BPFSL and BPEL is more than 2.4cm, then I should measure BPEL again and check if there is a BPEL increase. This keeps me focused on PE training and increasing BPFSL over time with the end result of an increase in BPEL. I’m sure that each person is different, but maybe some statistics are available in the data.

Keep the focus.

This reminds me to get more rigorous about measuring progress. I know there’s a happy medium between too little and too often.

I started off at “too often” and was discouraged when I stalled out for several months after the first while on the newbie routine. I’m guessing the quick ~0.75 cm increase in both BPSFL and EG were just some stretching without new growth (former) and improvement in EQ (latter).

I changed my routine around the beginning of November, which was my fourth month of PE. I “unofficially” measured around a 0.4 gain in BPSFL around four to six weeks into the change, but I often don’t trust my measuring technique and consistency. EG *maybe* was up slightly, but again it could be a bad measurement.

*IF* that last measurement for length is right, then I guess it impacts your analysis insofar as some of us just may need a few months of conditioning before anything happens; or perhaps that initial routine does not work for all bodies, but another one will. Hard to say, and the jury is still out in my case.

Interesting data for people who are slow to see gains.

New easy gains willl go away if stopped. I think it’s best to focus on the late gains, new gains are made to get to the late gains and keep some improvements permanently

You clearly don’t have the mindset that PE is a lifestyle, but rather a thing you do once to reap a certain benefit, and then go on about your life.

This, in my opinion, severely limits your possible achievements with any endeavour in life.

2022: BPEL 7.08" / 18.0cm x MSEG 5.00" / 12.7cm

2024: BPEL 7.50"/ 19.05cm x MSEG 5.30" 13.5cm

Extender: 1.2k hours (6/5/2024). Goal: 3k hours.


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