How much will you grow if you do not see results as a beginner? Data Analysis
I wanted to evaluate whether or not I wanted to begin this journey and what growth to expect based on the time I invested on it. For that I decided to analyze the data available on this site.
I searched for answers to the following questions:
- If I am diligent, how much should I expect to grow in a year?
- If I see no results in the beginning, should I continue blindly?
To answer the question “If I am diligent, how much should I expect to grow in a year?” I filtered the data available on Thunder’s Place by the following criteria:
- Only people who had registered data for more than six months
- The measurement interval should be less than 2 months
- Only people who made at least four measurements
Those 199 had the following growth:
- BPEL: 2.98 +- 1.93 cm per year
- MSEG: 1.23 +- 1.12 cm per year
Great results, in my opinion. I should expect, pessimistically, growth of 1 cm in BPEL in a year.
To answer the question “If I see no results in the beginning, should I continue blindly?” I took the same filtered data and asked the following question:
- How many of those had less than 0.5 cm of growth in the first month?
- 30 of 199 diligent people showed less than 0.5 cm of BPEL growth in the first month. They eventually grew 1.97 +- 0.82 cm per year.
- 75 of 199 diligent people showed less than 0.5 cm of MS-EG growth in the first month. They eventually grew 0.96 +- 0.67 cm per year.
After those results I wanted to know how the expected yearly growth changed based on how long it took to see more than 0.5 cm growth. The plots are shown below
My goal is 3 cm in length and 2cm in girth. From the above plots I plan to start my journey and stick to it for at least 3~4 months. If I don’t see at least half a centimeter of growth in that time frame I will stop. It would probably take longer than I would like to invest (more than 3 years) to see my desired BPEL growth. It seems improbable to achieve my desired girth goal, so I will treat it as a bonus.
What do you guys think? How does it compare with your experience? Especially if you were a late bloomer.
I think this post would better fit in the Penis Enlargement section but I can’t post there.
That’s it. Hello everyone. Wish me luck and dedication on my journey.