Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Normal for NBPEL to not grow but BPEL to grow

Normal for NBPEL to not grow but BPEL to grow

So I just measured recently (very, very off and on hanging/jelquing) and realized my BPEL is 6.25 now and it was 5.75 before. But the NBPEL is still the same?

Current: : NBPEL = 5.5" BPEL=5.75" EG=4"

Long Term Goal: BPEL= 7" EG= 5"

Is your penis exiting your body slightly lower? (Not talking about erection angle here)

But in short, yes it is possible if you stretched the ligaments.

Also remember that NBPEL is a little more subjective.

Start: (Aug 2001): 6 1/2 bpel x 4 7/8 mseg

Current: (6/24/14): 7 3/4 bpel (7 nbp) x 5 5/8 mseg. BEG 6 1/4. BPFSL 8 1/8.

Goals: First: 7 1/2 bpel x 5 1/2 mseg ACHIEVED! Current Goal: 7 nbp x 5 3/4 mseg (almost there!)

Have you gained weight recently?

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

I have experienced the same type of thing, and can’t seem to find much information or responses to the situation except for the normal “you must have gained weight”. I have not gained or lost a single pound in my entire 11 months of PE but my BPEL has gained over an inch yet my NBPEL gain is more like <1/2 inch. There must be something more to this phenomenon but I haven’t been able to find more information.

At one point I did find a post that I have since been unable to locate again, it had some diagrams about how the lowering of the exit point of the penis and stretching of ligaments could produce such results. It seems to be a common posting question, and I am definitely interested in learning more if anyone has any new theories or ideas of how this works.

Eating lots of salty snacks? That can cause your body (fat pad) to retain water and be thicker.

This is pretty much why we measure BPEL to track gains. NBPEL measures fat/water retention, which can fluctuate.

I suppose that’s possible. I don’t have very healthy eating habits.but they have been consistently bad for years, much before beginning PE. But that’s a whole other matter entirely, I could definitely stand to lose a few pounds, and that would probably have the most effective impact on NBPEL.

I do still wonder about the discrepancy in gains though, I found another thread that talks about tenting and tightened skin, I suppose that could explain some of the difference as well..

BPEL gains but no NBPEL gains

I observed the same thing. Gaining BPEL but no or only a little NBPEL while keeping the same weight.

11.01.2006: BPEL: 17,3 cm (6,8 inches), EG: 13,5 cm (5,3 inches)

03.11.2011: BPEL: 20,5 cm (8,1 inches), EG: 16 cm (6,3 inches)

-- For people who stopped gaining length --> Gaining volume 2 -- Progress log: Wurst's progress log --

Maybe your pubic bone curves down slightly and you are measuring from lower of the bone?
Maybe you are stretching/hanging and the same time pulling your base skin towards your head, so you get loose skin at the base?

Or maybe you are measuring wrong. I have never grown BPEL without NBPEL.

When you pressed against the pubic bone the measures always tends to be exaggerated, with only to press more you gain 1 or mm, while obviously not grow the same in NBP.

In addition small variations in the way of measuring BP produce changes in the extend, sometimes the anxiety can make you press more than before and see more long.

So I am in favor of taking the maximum extent so pressing BP prevents more growth nonexistent appears.

Originally Posted by wurst
I observed the same thing. Gaining BPEL but no or only a little NBPEL while keeping the same weight.

Same here.

There is a “tenting” effect on the base skin. So that BPEL can grow and a NBPEL measurement without a press may not appear to change.

Originally Posted by Illivan
I have experienced the same type of thing, and can’t seem to find much information or responses to the situation except for the normal “you must have gained weight”. I have not gained or lost a single pound in my entire 11 months of PE but my BPEL has gained over an inch yet my NBPEL gain is more like <1/2 inch. There must be something more to this phenomenon but I haven’t been able to find more information.

At one point I did find a post that I have since been unable to locate again, it had some diagrams about how the lowering of the exit point of the penis and stretching of ligaments could produce such results. It seems to be a common posting question, and I am definitely interested in learning more if anyone has any new theories or ideas of how this works.

Even if your LOT changed they would both measure the same. Lig gains they would also both show an increase in length. If I had to take guess, and that is what it is for me because honestly I have no clue on why this would be. So my guess would be is your unit is just more pliable, and in being so it can retain more blood and is providing you with an increase in size.

Kind of like better EQ. Except you are not seeing gains because of better blood flow, you are seeing gains because your tissue is able to hold more blood by being stretch beyond on what it use to hold because of more pliability.

I would have to say in my first 6 months of PE even though I gained both in NBPEL and BPEL, I notice on how much more pliable my unit was. And it being pliable IMO provided flaccid and erect gains.

An example:

I’ll give you two balloons. Balloon one, blow up until you think its just about ready to pop and then tie a knot in it. Balloon two, stretch it out, blow some air in it and jelg it for awhile. Now blow up balloon two and take measurements. Its more pliable so it holds more air.

Starting Stats: BPEL = 5.875, EG = 4.375 <> Current Stats: BPEL = 7.25, EG = 4.6

Definitely more pliable. Of all the different measurements, my greatest gains were in the stretched flaccid state. I started charting gains of all the different measurements to see if I could draw some correlation or find clues in what’s going on, but nothing conclusive yet. It seemed in the beginning to take around 1-2 months for BPEL to catch BPFSL. The last stretch was about 6 months for BPEL to catch BPFSL. The gap in catch up time seems to be widening.

But again, the strangest thing is the NBPEL measurements, they don’t seem to follow the gain curve of BPFSL and BPEL. Although BPEL lags behind BPFSL, they have roughly the same graph curve. NBPEL has been an almost linear, near horizontal line. In other words, they have been much slower and much less than either BPFSL or BPEL.

I still think the craziest thing is at this rate I’m going to hit my girth goals before coming anywhere near my length goals. And everything I’ve done for the most part has been length length length. But that’s a whole other topic and I’m definitely not complaining, I’ll take any gains I can get!

Bro keep record of you weight it’s very important , if you believe your appetite for food is much, then keep checking your weight every 15 days, Remember you have a fat pat that could suck your dick , and you will end up with a pimple , be careful of this, the main thing to be healthy,

And diet alone can give you 1 inch in length , or maybe more, it won’t give you gain, but it will give you the rest of your penis that was hidden inside the fat pat, I got 1.5 inches from diet , fat pat is a nightmare for every man, so be careful and never eat and directly sleep , and measure your calories , if you need help I can help you in this just pm if you need anything,

And let us remember good body, and good blood pressure , fit without fat, will make your sexual life better good luck

Start July 07 2011 = Length 6.5 Girth 5.3 ---> 07 / May / 2012 = NBPEL 7 In / BEG 6.2.5 In / MEG 5.8

Goal : All the way --- And no this is not my photo :D

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