I want YOU, and I want you NOW.
Thunder's Place has a big project in the works. We need your help with pictures.
If you are one of the following, then this thread applies to you:
1) An experienced photoshopper, who is willing to help out.
2) A man who is not afraid to submit a picture (you can do this anonymously)
We need the following pictures:
1)5 pictures that are taken:
- By predominantly white males
- With the above view (i.e. looking down at the penis)
- With a full erection
- 18” inches above the penis
We need all sizes for this category. Small, big, average, we need them. We presume the small ones will be hard to acquire, so if you are small, and willing — please help out.
2) One picture of a predominantly black male
- With the above view (i.e. looking down at the penis)
- With a full erection
- 18” inches above the penis
3) Multiple pictures of the same penis, at very different angles and poses. If you choose this route, please contact me before you take the pictures.
4) Two pictures of the same penis:
- one picture has to be with a “bush” (preferably, quite a bit of pubic hair.)
- one picture, with the pubic hair completely gone (i.e. shaved off)
Both pictures have to be taken:
- With the above view (i.e. looking down at the penis)
- With a full erection
- 18” inches above the penis
If you choose this route, take the “bush” picture first. ;)
5) One picture of a heavier male, with a nice size fat pad.
- With the above view (i.e. looking down at the penis)
- With a full erection
- 18” inches above the penis
If you are an experienced photshopper and would like to help out, PM me.
If you are interested in taking pictures, PM me with the your number.
Do not take the pictures before you PM me, someone might have already filled the spot you are looking to supply pictures for.
Do not post your pictures on this thread. You can remain anonymous if you wish, or you can choose to receive recognition for helping out Thunder’s Place.
Also, you will have to provide your measurments.
Thank you. If you have any general questions, post them here.
TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?
"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson