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Icing to reduce PE inflammation?

Icing to reduce PE inflammation?

OK, I know that icing in a PE routine has been discussed before, I think I have a new twist.


I have gotten a bit of tendinitis in my shoulders, twice, from ballistic moves in weight training. I also, get in it in my elbows sometimes from shadow boxing, from the snapping stop of a jab with no resistance. Sometimes my knees get a little inflamed, too.

I had a physical therapist tell me to stop what ever activity for a week and tendinitis should subside. I also take aspirin wen these things happen.

But it’s true. The first time it happened to me, I lasted about 4 or 5 days into resting, then started training again. This time I have rested a whole week (last Saturday until today). My shoulders were really achy this time and I have been icing everyday while lying off.

There is a serous difference in my shoulders today vs a few days ago.

Anyway, my point is that icing works.

Now on PE:

I sometimes get an ache in the left side of my inner penis, behind the balls. This happens if I either get a really good erection, or a really long sexual episode, or a combination of both.

Now I am thinking that icing may be of some use, here. But not in the stretch, then ice to cement in the stretched state, thought pattern.

I am just thinking that when this type of thing pops up, I could simply ice, one and the same as I do when I have inflamed joints?

Thoughts? Please share.

Does anyone foresee shrinkage, obviously not something a PE’er would want? But I am not thinking about doing this shortly after a PE session. I mean when a good period of time has passed after PE.

Incidentally, I always do PE after I have wound down for the day, before bed. I do this not so much because of the don’t climax after PE’ing thing. But more because I don’t get a very good erection after PE, and being single, sex is more unpredictable as in when I might have an opportunity. I don’t want to PE, then not have a good erection if sex pops up.

Doing PE before bed, I get at least a good 8 hrs of recuperation before I need to have a quality erection. So what I meant was, I could do icing, then, in the morning after there has been any achy-ness in that region, because sometimes that happens if I might have done a bit more than I should have with PE, too. In this situation, I usually take either a 1/2 or 1/4 aspirin, but now I am thinking that maybe adding ice might not be a bad idea.

So there it is, any thoughts, please share.

Icing is a great idea, just don’t freeze your balls off!


Might be useful for inflammation, but I doubt the “cementing gains” part. mgus - Ice Down Penis

Incidentally, my inflammatory problems with my knee and bum hip have gone down a lot since I started eating 2000-3000 mg Omega3 / day.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by GlandMaster
Icing is a great idea, just don't freeze your balls off!


I was thinking the same thing..

Originally Posted by mgus
Might be useful for inflammation, but I doubt the "cementing gains" part. mgus - Ice Down Penis

Incidentally, my inflammatory problems with my knee and bum hip have gone down a lot since I started eating 2000-3000 mg Omega3 / day.

I’ll give it a read. Thanks, mgus. :up:

On Omega3, I eat try to get it in my diet with salmon, mackerel, tuna and walnuts, but I am sure that I am not getting nearly that amount, as I have read that going too far with fatty fish oils can be a problem with heavy metal poisoning as a result.

here is wiki’s account
The greatest risk of fish oil omega-3 supplementation is heavy metal poisoning by the body’s accumulation of traces of heavy metals, in particular mercury, lead, nickel, arsenic and cadmium as well as other contaminants (PCBs, furans, dioxins), which may be found especially in less refined fish oil supplements.[citation needed] For these reasons, the FDA recommends that total dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids from fish be limited to 3 grams per day, of which no more than 2 grams per day are from nutritional supplements.

Have you read that 2000-3000 mg Omega3 / day has therapeutic effects? And are you noticing any side effects?

Originally Posted by mgus
Might be useful for inflammation, but I doubt the “cementing gains” part. mgus - Ice Down Penis

Incidentally, my inflammatory problems with my knee and bum hip have gone down a lot since I started eating 2000-3000 mg Omega3 / day.

Well, mgus, the whole idea is to promote healing of the connective tissues in the elongated state. The combination of heat and ice should help this. Not a hugely new PE idea, really:

Big Girtha - hanging questions

SS4Jelq - Connective tissue- FIRST “THREAD OF THE YEAR”


I use ice in my clinic every day, and I use it in my PE very often. Ice will not cause any shrinkage, but will speed up healing by reducing inflammation.

Originally Posted by firegoat
I use ice in my clinic every day, and I use it in my PE very often.

Are you a physical therapist, firegoat?

Originally Posted by firegoat
Ice will not cause any shrinkage, but will speed up healing by reducing inflammation.

Speed up the healing process, overall? Or, icing and reducing inflammation can combat the slight PE related contraction that can happen from time-to-time?

Originally Posted by Tivase

Are you a physical therapist, firegoat?

Yes. That’s what brought me to PE in the first place. Connective tissue.

Originally Posted by Tivase

Speed up the healing process, overall? Or, icing and reducing inflammation can combat the slight PE related contraction that can happen from time-to-time?

Inflammation heals by producing scar tissue, which is relatively inelastic but which also reinforces the tissue, creating cross-linkages and resisting further stretching. By reducing inflammation, we reduce the amount of scar tissue produced.

I think the old PE idea of producing growth by creating ‘damage’ and therefore scar tissue has died. At least I hope it has. I aim to stimulate the process of adaptation and the production of healthy tissue.

Scar tissue is still produced in the process, but jelqing acts as a natural way to maintain the parallel structure and pliability of scar tissue as it forms. I feel jelqing is a vital component of any PE routine, even if only used in a very gentle way as a ‘massage for penile health’ rather than an (excellent) exercise in it’s own right.

I ice after any session where I think I have worked a little too hard, but if not for laziness would ice after every session. I usually ice once my penis has completely cooled down. I use heat throughout my PE exercises.

Excellent info, firegoat. :up:

Only other thing it’s essential to mention is time. Icing a penis is not like icing a thigh or back.

Cold penetrates quickly through the tissues, especially if you are wrapping an ice pack around the penis, so don’t leave the ice pack on too long. I won’t suggest times; some prefer fridge temperatures and some freezer temperatures. I prefer somewhere in between. Avoid very cold ice packs as you need a little time for cold to penetrate without freezing the outer tissues. Time varies so use your own common sense.

Use a wrap between penis and ice pack to prevent sticking. A wet wrap conducts heat/cold much faster than a dry wrap.

If you think there are any reasons why ice may cause you any problems, check out the internet for contra-indications; especially if you have any circulatory disorders.

I use hot/cold gel packs.

When I use them on my shoulders, knees or elbows, I use them freezer cold, wearing something medium thick. I haven’t worked out the logistics of how to go about it with the penis though. Also, I ice for 20 minutes with those areas.

I didn’t even think about how long I would ice the penis, until you brought it up. Good point, it is something to consider.


Note that the wiki talks of "less refined" product - search for Omega3 and you’ll find a number of threads discussing purity. The only scientific "proof" of metal contents I’ve found I’ve linked to in one of those threads, but the ones with high contents were codliver and sharkliver oils - predatory, high up in the food chain. Common fish oil made from pressed meat were below threshold levels, with Eskimo3, ACO and Pikasol doing well. The tests were not carried out on common US brands, although Eskimo3 is available in the States. Also note that they (wiki) say 2-3 grams - which equals the 2000-3000 milligrams I mentioned. You’ll get about a gram of Omega3 from 100-150 grams of Salmon, a little more from Mackerel.

So my conclusion is that any decent fish oil brand will not put your health at risk.

As for theraupeutical benefits, there are shitloads of studies at . No side effects noticeable, other than that for a month or two I had a scab in my nose that wouldn’t heal, I’d blow pink snot and got a nosebleed two or three times - fish oil does dilute blood, there is a contraindication for fish oil and bloodthinning medicines. American heart association basically say that up to 1000 mg is okay for everyone, up to 2000 you need to speak to your doctor and up to 3000 you really want to speak to your doctor - but they are dealing with people that already have heart troubles and likely have medication for it too. Poor people living by the coast have always eaten lots of fish, and they didn’t die from bleeding. Neither do the inuits.


I don’t have an issue with promoting healing in elongated states, or reducing inflammation - I was talking about cementing gains by cooling - I haven’t seen anything but speculation to support that idea.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by mgus


I don’t have an issue with promoting healing in elongated states, or reducing inflammation - I was talking about cementing gains by cooling - I haven’t seen anything but speculation to support that idea.

mgus, I’m sorry if my post above sounded a little know-it-allish: you’re right, there is a difference between “cementing gains” and “healing in the elongated state”.

I suppose that the idea of “cementing” is controversial itself in a “hypertrophy vs. hyperplasia” way… :shrug:


Originally Posted by mgus
Also note that they (wiki) say 2-3 grams - which equals the 2000-3000 milligrams I mentioned. You’ll get about a gram of Omega3 from 100-150 grams of Salmon, a little more from Mackerel.


You’re right, mgus, that’s what I get for posting without paying attention. Though, I don’t eat fatty fish everyday, so still, I am not close to 2-3 grams a day..

I will have to look into this.

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