Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'd like to share my experiments with you

I'd like to share my experiments with you

Hello Everyone!

After experimenting with Ecoflex #30 silicone I’ve modified my PE methods and tools quite substantially - and as they became much better (for me) I’d like to share my findings with you.
If you are interested in how I made my sleeves - take a look here: Tamashii - Silicone Sleeves - Make your own
Thanks to tps for his really great idea!

Basically I’ve used the silicone sleeves for 3 things:
-> As pumping sleeves: cutting short sleeves to cover the soft part under my glans - where my foreskin was - so it does not “bulge” out during pumping
-> As ADS/ANS together with a harness made from elastic cords + cord-stoppers
-> As method to use my penis extender much more efficiently and without pain

The ADS/ANS is pretty much straight forward:
One 2m elastic cord and 3 cord stoppers to wear like a shirt - either “front-side” or “back-side” - just put your arms through the loops and have the connecting loop either in the front (your chest) or in the back (on your back).
I’ve attached a picture on how it is made. The cost is about 6-7 Euros in material and it can be easily made.
For the cap I’ve used a simple spray cap 4cm diameter and 5cm length, fortified it with some isolation tape and attached a wire-strap with several layers of transparent tape so it can sustain quite some traction.
As you can see in the picture with the bottle (the substitute penis), the silicone sleeve (about 6cm in this case) connects the cap with the bottleneck very firmly. To adjust the traction force, just move the cord-stopper to make the cord-ends longer or shorter.

I’ll do a second post on my extender modifications in a minute.

ADS - ANS Caps.webp
(14.0 KB, 62 views)
ADS - ANS Caps 2.webp
(15.8 KB, 49 views)
ADS - ANS Harness + Cap.webp
(23.1 KB, 41 views)
Overview - Extender.webp
(23.6 KB, 58 views)

(Re-)Started: 15.4 cm NBPEL / 11.7 cm EG (1st Dec. 2014), switched to BPFSL measurement 2015:

15th Jan 2015: 17.0cm BPFSL x 12.1cm EG; 25th Feb 2015: 18.5cm BPFSL x 12.5cm EG

Goal: 18.5 x 14.5 cm NBPEL

For the extender part I’ve done away with the silicone straps and padding material, as this was just hellishly hurting my glans/penis head after a few months. With growing stretch-length the resistance of my penis grew too and the force to “tie down” the head to get the desired traction just was a huge pain (that left my glans blue and aching in minutes).
My solution is the “mounting pipe”. Basically a piece of PVC pipe (5cm in my case) - same type that I used as mold for the sleeves - glued (with hot plastic) to some short piece of steel-sheet, that I bent to form a hook and fit the pipe (straight does not allow for good “footing”).
To this “mounting pipe” I’ve attached transparent tape stripes in multiple layers (so they don’t rip) to be able to pull the pipe open and allow the silicone sleeve covered penis to enter.
With the penis in place (covered in silicone sleeve) inside the “mounting pipe” I use a piece of cable strap to hold everything together tightly. After that, I just hook the mount to the front-side of my attached extender.

This allows for amazing traction with much less or no pain - depending on the level of force I apply. A word of WARNING though: This also allows you to overburden your penis - even more than the regular setup - so be careful and LISTEN TO YOUR PENIS!

In any case: With this I’m able to wear my extender for a few hours every day and in combination with the ADS/ANS described above plus daily jelqing and pumping I’m seeing really good gains.

I’m happy to answer any question!

Mounting Pipe 1.webp
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Mounting Pipe 2.webp
(8.0 KB, 27 views)
Mounting Pipe 3.webp
(10.5 KB, 31 views)
Mounting Pipe 4.webp
(8.9 KB, 30 views)
Pipe + Extender.webp
(16.4 KB, 51 views)

(Re-)Started: 15.4 cm NBPEL / 11.7 cm EG (1st Dec. 2014), switched to BPFSL measurement 2015:

15th Jan 2015: 17.0cm BPFSL x 12.1cm EG; 25th Feb 2015: 18.5cm BPFSL x 12.5cm EG

Goal: 18.5 x 14.5 cm NBPEL

Good work, thanks for sharing and providing beautiful pics!

Tamashi, thanks for sharing this. Truly inventive and looks very effective.

Did you have to experiment much with the size of the mounting pipe / silicone sleeve combo in your extender so you got the right amount of grip so your penis is held firmly but not too tight as to cause problems?

I have been using a silicone sleeve with a DIY velcro strap in an extender but find I need to put a bit of cloth around my penis, under the silicone sleeve to stop slipping when I tension up the extender.


Originally Posted by austfred
Tamashi, thanks for sharing this. Truly inventive and looks very effective.

Did you have to experiment much with the size of the mounting pipe / silicone sleeve combo in your extender so you got the right amount of grip so your penis is held firmly but not too tight as to cause problems?

I have been using a silicone sleeve with a DIY velcro strap in an extender but find I need to put a bit of cloth around my penis, under the silicone sleeve to stop slipping when I tension up the extender.


Hello Fred!

I’ve been thinking about the issue of how to fix my penis in the extender without hurting it for months. Had several ideas, but this is the one that was actually implementable + works well.
For the size of the sleeve I chose a grippy one:
My flaccid penis diameter is about 35mm, I took an outside pipe with 32mm and inside pipe with 20mm (for the mold of the sleeve) - this allows for circulation (I’m using it also with my all night stretcher setup - though my thin sleeve is a bit more comfy there).
One very important part for me here is the length (5-6cm) - I used a sleeve much longer than that before, hampered my circulation from the base (as it is thicker), so this was definitely not something to wear over longer time.

With this setup with no tension in the extender I could run around happily all day. Applying a lot of tension in the extender (like I do) presses the extender-end strongly against the pubic bone, thus creating problems with circulation + pains from pressure after some time. So I am switching my penis from being stretched “upwards” to “downwards” about every 30 minutes or so to apply a different force to my base/pubic bone area. After 2-3 switches I usually also disengage the system as the glans also “suffers” from this base circulation problem.

The big and important difference here is: The circulation problem stems from the lack of blood flow from the base and not from the constriction of the penis head (that I had before when trying to fix the glans / penis head with silicone straps). As before the constriction happened on “both ends” with the extender base pressing against the pubic bone + the penis head being constricted. The pipe around the sleeve in my setup regulates the maximum pressure as it acts as “hard shell” - that prevents the upper penis part to be constricted too much + the constriction is “carried” by 6cm of penis and not limited to a less than one cm area.
I’m also using the thick sleeve to cover the base of the extender - to make it a bit “softer”.

The next thing I’ll create is some even thicker extender base pad - with about a centimeter thickness to mitigate the circulation troubles from the base even more.

I hope my explanation helped! I’ll post new pictures and findings once I’ve made new experiences with this.

(Re-)Started: 15.4 cm NBPEL / 11.7 cm EG (1st Dec. 2014), switched to BPFSL measurement 2015:

15th Jan 2015: 17.0cm BPFSL x 12.1cm EG; 25th Feb 2015: 18.5cm BPFSL x 12.5cm EG

Goal: 18.5 x 14.5 cm NBPEL

Tamashii, thanks aqain for the detailed description. This is very helpful. You have put a lot of thought and experimentation into this and come with a great outcome..

>With this setup with no tension in the extender I could run around happily all day. Applying a lot of tension in the extender (like I do) presses the extender-end strongly against the pubic bone, thus creating problems with circulation + pains from pressure after some time.

I got a bit of base pain when I first started extending but now do not notice it but rarely extend for more than 60 mins at a time. I have done a bit of ball stretching and now the base does not seem to put pressure on my testicles which it probably did earlier. I am uncut and have a fair bit of skin. One thing I always do before tensioning up is to pull my skin forward from the base before I tension up to avoid skin folds under the base which can be painful.

>The pipe around the sleeve in my setup regulates the maximum pressure as it acts as “hard shell” - that prevents the upper penis part to be constricted too much + the constriction is “carried” by 6cm of penis and not limited to a less than one cm area.

Yes that is great. You are distributing the force over a greater surface area so you can get a good non - slip clamp with lower clamping pressure. After I have settled into my new house properly I must make one of these.

>The next thing I’ll create is some even thicker extender base pad - with about a centimeter thickness to mitigate the circulation troubles from the base even more.

Something like the Universal Base Pad that Monkeybar sells here under Accessories? Penis Stretcher Products & Natural Penis Enlargement without Pills


Yes, something like that. I’ll just try to make the opening ideal for my penis and my extender, as the opening can also cause constriction.

Just wanted to add: My extender vendor suggested to add a 0,5 cm piece to the length every week for 2 months and after that one of those every 2 weeks. So after a few months the traction gets intense (as the length you try to stretch is way longer than your initial length) and thus causing increased pressure to the base area.

(Re-)Started: 15.4 cm NBPEL / 11.7 cm EG (1st Dec. 2014), switched to BPFSL measurement 2015:

15th Jan 2015: 17.0cm BPFSL x 12.1cm EG; 25th Feb 2015: 18.5cm BPFSL x 12.5cm EG

Goal: 18.5 x 14.5 cm NBPEL

Last edited by Tamashii : 02-26-2015 at .
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