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Experiments to increase my cum loads!

Experiments to increase my cum loads!


I’ve noticed that, for all the interest in, and efforts in, increasing cum loads out there, just about no one – including myself – has used any kind of a rigorous method to determining what the best techniques are for doing so, and just how effective they are. This isn’t to say that no one has put much effort into this endeavor. On the contrary: in the threads here, plenty of guys have described the various supplements they’ve obtained and tried (and non-supplement-based approaches, such as edging), and their attempts to judge the results. Some people try many supplements, in various combinations, and over the course of long stretches of time.

But the methodology these guys use to determine the results is invariably informal to some degree or other, to the point of not being very useful*. For example, the actual measurement of loads is often based on “eyeballing it”: simply seeing how much they ejaculate during sex or from masturbating, and judging how that might be different from their unaided ejaculation. This will be useful only if a technique hugely increases cum volume; even a “merely” large increase might be hard to see. And in my experience (though as always, individual results vary), no one technique or supplement will cause a dramatic increase – or even a “large” increase.

[* I admit that I haven’t checked out threads on this topic here for quite a while, so there may well have been guys posting about their more rigorous methodologies that I haven’t seen yet. I’m going to get caught up on the topic here; in the meantime, anyone feel free to point me in the direction of any threads or posts in that vein.]

Another pitfall is trying various techniques and supplements in combination right off the bat, without seeing how these might work in isolation. If such a combination results in a big increase, great; but how useful is this information? What if you get great results from a cocktail of four supplements, but all of the volume increase is from only one of them – the rest are useless? You would have to assume that all four supplements are needed, and you’d waste money and effort (and perhaps needlessly experience side effects) every time you’d take the full cocktail to increase your load. It’s also possible that a combination of supplements will interact in ways to undercut the benefits of one or more of them. You could very well get better results from taking only a particular supplement than you’d get from taking that one plus one or two others along with it.

As I said, it’s not just supplements that are tried in combination; supplements AND other techniques are usually tried in combination. The main “techniques” I’m referring to are abstaining from ejaculation (for at least two days) and edging. This has the disadvantages described above, but is even worse, in a way. The thing is, these techniques are almost guaranteed to increase cum volume, significantly, by themselves. So they don’t really need to be tested, and certainly don’t need to be added to tests of supplements. They just add an unnecessary variable.

As scientifically/statistically-minded as I like to think I am, I’m definitely guilty of hitting these pitfalls. A few years ago, when I first got interested in seeing if I could increase my cum loads, I tried to it in a systematic way. I got a small graduated cup, so I could measure my loads. And I sort of figured out what my “baseline” load was. But only sort of; so even when I did take supplements and measured what my loads were while on them, I didn’t have a reliable “unaided” measurement to judge them against. And every load I measured came after lots of abstaining and edging. How was I to know how much a load increase was due to the abstaining/edging, and how much was due to a supplement? Also, I was haphazard in how I combined supplements.

Once again I’m going to try out increasing my cum loads, and as you can guess, I’m going to do it in a much more rigorous way. It might seem that this takes all the fun out of one of the most fun things you can do, masturbating and cumming – which is probably why just about no one has been so rigorous about it. Maybe so. But, for one thing, I’m going to be doing a lot more masturbating and cumming during these experiments than I would if I weren’t doing any experiments, and more than I would if I did experiments that included abstaining. More fun! And more importantly, at the end of these experiments I’m going to have really reliable, useful information about increasing cum loads. I’ll find my personal optimal combination of techniques and supplements for increasing my loads. I’ll no longer have to inadvertently use anything that doesn’t work or is counterproductive. And by reporting it here, that useful information will be available for anyone else who’s interested.

So let the experiments begin! In my next posts I’ll describe my methodology and my baseline, before getting into actual results.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Happy wanking lol

Seriously, good idea.
The biggest prob is truly taking many at once not knowing what does what.

I think a not so scientific appraoch but stilalvaluable would be take to take either one supp at a time or adding only one supp to determine what it does.

Yes, this will be a fun experiment :)

That approach is basically what I’m going to be doing. Details coming soon…


My experiments will follow this pattern:

Baseline Measurements: I need a baseline cum load measurement to compare the effects of everything I try against. To do so, I measured my cum volume after masturbating on four consecutive days. Of course, I only needed to do this once.

Supplement Trials: Each trial of a supplement (or combination of supplements) will likewise involve measuring my cum volume after masturbating on four consecutive days. I will take the same supplement(s), usually in the same dose, either with breakfast or with lunch on each day.

Off Days: Supplements tend to stay in one’s body for a while, and this can skew the effects of a subsequent supplement’s trial if the trials are done immediately one after the other. To get around this, I will have three off days between each supplement trial. That’s three days of not taking any supplements at all; this should allow enough time for the effects of a completed trial’s supplements to completely wear off and not affect the trial of the next supplement. Whenever possible, I will nonetheless masturbate and measure my cum volume even on these days; with this I can potentially learn more about a supplement’s effects. Plus, cumming every day is important to the experiment as a whole, since abstaining at any point in the process could skew results. That said, I see no harm in not cumming on Day 1 or Day 2 of any group of three off days. On Day 3, however, I must cum.

My ejaculations will come from masturbation – relatively short sessions (20 to 30 minutes – this is short for me, anyway), in the evening or nighttime. I measure my loads by shooting into a small graduated cup that I got from a science supply store. The cup holds up to 50 ml.

I’m in a relationship, and have sex 1-3 times per week. Days on which I have sex will count as “off” days in this experiment. This makes the experiment last longer, but somehow I’m not interested in forgoing sex for the sake of speeding things up :)

I could potentially keep these experiments up for a very long time, if my interest in them holds. There are plenty of supplements to try, several which I have already: L-Arginine, saw palmetto, maca, lecithin, celery seeds, pork, horny goat weed, tribulus terrestris, etc. Plus, of course, I want to try stacking the most effective of these, in combinations of two or three, or even four. I’m sure I won’t keep going for the years needed to go through all the possible combinations, but any amount will help. I can imagine going for a few weeks, at least.

Last edited by thelovelybone : 02-23-2015 at .

I mean, is anyone going to add zinc to the combo? Most of the above mentioned supplements I thought were for boosting desire/erection firmness.

Originally Posted by EdwardTeach
I mean, is anyone going to add zinc to the combo? Most of the above mentioned supplements I thought were for boosting desire/erection firmness.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention zinc. I have it already, and am excited about trying it. You’re right that most of the supplements I listed (horny goat weed, maca, tribulus terrestris, celery seed) are mainly known for being aphrodesiacs. But they all also have some reputation for increasing cum volume. Makes sense that increasing desire and increasing cum loads would tend to go together, anyway.

My Baseline

I’m 40, fairly lean (5’-10” and about 175 pounds), in good health, and reasonably fit (I usually exercise a couple times a week). Like anyone my age, I’ve seen my libido drop over the years. Unfortunately, I think my drop has been greater than most. My erections are usually very good; the biggest problem is that I get aroused less, and feel less, when I have sex or masturbate. Sometimes I even have difficultly cumming from sex. As a result, I’ve gotten in the habit of taking horny goat weed on days that I have sex. That stuff really works: I can count on cumming when I take it – twice even, if I go extra rounds! Of course, this means I’ll have to work my HGW habit into the cum load experiments.

Based on comments from lovers and the little bit that I’ve learned about this online, I’ve historically had pretty large cum loads. The first time that I looked into increasing my loads through supplements, at about age 32, I determined that my average, unaided-by-supplements load volume was 9 ml. I probably got the measurements for that average with long masturbation sessions, possibly without cumming the day before, or longer.

That 9 ml was no doubt a reduction from my cum loads of my youth, just as my loads these days are no doubt reduced from my days of 9 ml. In the Baseline part of my experiments, I wanted to determine just what my average is these days, under the same conditions as I’ll be basing the rest of my experiments on. That is, what is my typical load if I masturbated for 20 to 30 minutes in the evening, after having cum the day before?

It turns out that it’s 7 ml (based on measurements of 6.0, 7.0, 7.0, and 7.0 ml on consecutive days). This must actually be only a small reduction from what I was shooting 8 years ago, considering the average I got then was based on a lot of edging and abstinence. Already I’m learning something interesting in this little project!

One last note about my baseline. I’d been taking Propecia for the previous few months to fend off hair loss. A couple of attempts of taking Propecia in the past have taught me that it tends to give me sexual side effects – i.e., it squashes my libido – three or four months after I start taking it. I’d been hoping to miss the side effects this time around by taking a smaller dose. It seems I wasn’t so lucky. Just after establishing my baseline measurements, I started getting that familiar drop in libido. Most likely this side effect is lowering my cum loads along with my sexual appetite – at any rate, that’s what my results in experiment seem to suggest. The good news is that, probably because of the lower dose, the sexual side effects seem to be smaller than what I experienced before, and will be around for a shorter period after I’ve gone off the Propecia (which is what I always do when this happens, as it’s such a bummer). In the past, it took a good six weeks off the pill before my libido got back to normal! This time I might be looking at more like three weeks to get back to normal. With luck.

My Baseline, Part 2

I forgot to mention another thing I’ll be testing in my experiments: sperm content. This is a concern of mine because over the years my cum has become more clear in color, and less thick; it’s basically been looking less like true cum. And rather than being uniform in consistency, I’ll usually have a blob of thick white stuff in clearer thinner stuff. I take the white/thick component of ejaculate to be sperm, and the rest to be something else (precum basically? That’s what it seems like).

In the past year or so when I’ve occasionally taken something (and edged and abstained) to increase my cum volume, I’ve found that it worked – that my loads were quite a bit bigger – but that all of the increase seemed to be only in the clear component of my cum. I had a bigger load, but it looked less like “classic” cum. Ideally, I would be getting both larger loads and whiter/thicker loads.

So, I’m going to track “sperm content” along with overall load size in my experiments. These measurements are going to be a lot rougher than my measurements of load size, but it’s better than nothing. What I’ll do is estimate the percentage of my ejaculate that is “opaque”. Then I’ll multiply that by the load size to get the rough volume of sperm in the load.

Of course, I determined my baseline for this.

When I did my baseline load size measurements, I found that my cum was consistently about 35% opaque. This works out to an average sperm volume of 2.4 ml.

Well guy’s if you want to increase your cum load for cheap then get a zinc based supplement which can be readily purchased over the counter [WARNING] consumption of more zinc will cause copper deficiency in your body ,which might cause your few hairs to go grey in color (Example . A white thread on a black shirt ) even if you are 18 this will happen, so increase your copper intake with supplementation or by adding copper rich foods to your diet like (Kale,Nuts,Dried Fruit,Avocado’s,Seafood’s) etc…

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

The Horny Goat Weed Experiment

As I’ve mentioned, I’ve used horny goat weed (HGW) to improve my libido on days that I expect to get laid. And boy howdy, does it work. Without HGW, my erection is good, but not all it could be, and the odds of me reaching climax aren’t great. With HGW, I can count on a great erection and at least one orgasm (well, 90% of the time, anyway; even with it, I sometimes have a hard time getting there). Since my early 20’s, cumming twice during sex has almost never happened for me; if I go for a second round, I just last and last, without ever reaching a second peak. With HGW, though, I can get that second orgasm maybe 2/3 of the time that I try for it (which is admittedly not very often). What’s more, this HGW effect lasts for at least 12 hours; usually I can still get some of the effect after 24 hours.

So HGW is a great aphrodisiac for me, but how is it at increasing cum loads? There is some anecdotal evidence out there that it works for that, too. I haven’t done any kind of formal testing with it myself, but based on informal observation, it has seemed like my loads are bigger than usual when I’m on the stuff.

I wanted to use HGW for my first supplement trial because it has become an important part of my sex life; I didn’t want to stay away from taking it – or at least some aphrodisiac – for too long. I figured it would be a good idea to start my trials with HGW, and then to proceed with trials of other supplements PLUS HGW. In other words, this first trial would in effect establish another baseline – my baseline cum volume while on HGW.

The HGW I used for the experiment is the same kind I’ve always used: Vitamin Shoppe Standardized Herbs Horny Goat Weed. This product actuals includes other herbs and herbal extracts. A capsule (which for the sake of simplicity I refer to simply as “500 mg HGW”) contains 500 mg HGW, 250 mg maca extract, 33.3 mg mucuna pruriens extracts, and 25 mg polypodium vulgare extract. My dosage wasn’t consistent throughout this experiment: I took 500 mg on two of the four trial days, and 1000 mg on the other two days.

I mentioned in my introduction to this thread that my libido suddenly dropped off early on in my experiments, and that this was probably a side effect of the Propecia I had been taking. Well, the libido drop started the first day of my HGW trial. I was a good deal less aroused in these “sessions” than I usually am while masturbating. Typically I started “slow” and then gradually worked up to a decent arousal by the time I came.

My cum loads during the trial were actually smaller than my baseline load (the loads measured 6.0, 6.5, 5.5, and 7.0 ml – an average of 6.25, vs. my baseline of 7.0 ml). I wouldn’t have been too surprised if I’d had no increase with the HGW; but to have a DEcrease? It’s unusual enough that I have to think that the reduced libido / Propecia use must be involved. And at any rate, I’ll have to take this into account in my future trials. I may need to do some more baseline sessions, for one thing.


The data suggest that HGW actually decreases my cum loads by a decent amount, but this is a tentative result that needs to be investigated further. There was no noticeable change in the sperm content of my cum (though there was the anomalous day during the trial that my cum was 80% opaque, yielding a rough sperm volume of twice my baseline!). And while a decreased libido happened to coincide with this HGW trial, the overwhelming evidence of my experiences prior to this experiment show that HGW in fact is excellent at increasing libido.

Dose: 500 mg or 1000mg Vitamin Shoppe Standardized Herbs Horny Goat Weed (with maca extract and other herbal extracts)
Effect on Cum Volume: Sizeable (~11%) decrease; result inconclusive, further testing required
Effect on Sperm Volume: None; result inconclusive, further testing required
Effect on Libido: Significantly increases libido
Side Effects: None

Are you drinking plenty of pine apple juice. I have read that it not only helps with increased cum load, but for taste as well for the person giving you oral. Just remember, every thing you take has to come out somewhere. If your body has it’s intake, it will reject what ever it does not need, and you know that. So for the person giving you oral, she will taste all that stuff. Stick with the herbs and stay away from the amino acids. i did what you are doing many years ago, but I included vitamins as well. If you do that, be careful that you take vitamins compatible with the other vitamins or your body can become toxic. You will have to drink plenty of water to get them out of your system.

Read up on the maca extract. I read not to long ago that it doesn’t work. I will try and find that artical. I too used it as well. I did find that horny goat weed gave me all kinds of energy when not only having sex, but during my weight lifting training as well as for my 5 mile runs.

Just be aware of what you are putting into your body.

The Horny Goat Weed + Lecithin Experiment

As I mentioned, I’ve gotten in the habit of taking horny goat weed (HGW) on days that I get laid so the sex is more fun and I have a better chance of reaching orgasm. I didn’t like the idea of staying away from HGW (or other aphrodisiacs) for too long during my experiments, which is why HGW was the first supplement I tested, and why I tried my second supplement, lecithin, along with HGW. As such, this trial would test both how my HGW + lecithin load compares with my (non-supplement) baseline, and how lecithin use affects my HGW baseline.

Lecithin has long had a reputation for not only (sometimes dramatically) increasing cum loads, but for making those loads thicker and whiter. So it’s kind of odd that I’d never really tried lecithin before. I did go so far as to get a bottle of it back when I first started tried out supplements to increase my loads about eight years ago. But for some reason I barely used it. I think I tried it for maybe three days, got no result, and just gave it up. I think I was also worried about experiencing bad side effects from the stuff that I had read about, so that short test was all that I was brave enough to undertake.

However, this time around I was very interested in trying lecithin, and more for its cum-thickening/whitening powers than for volume-increasing. As I’ve said, my cum has gotten thinner and clearer over time. And it’s even more so when I manage to make my loads bigger, with combinations of edging and abstaining and supplements; all of the increase in volume is apparently only in the clear stuff. A perfect example is attached: this is a recent tribute I did that worked great in that it was a massive load for me; but most of it is clear – it doesn’t look real! Lecithin had great promise to be part of a supplement stack that would make my loads both huge and thick/white.

Well, I did find that my loads were thicker and whiter in this trial, a pretty good improvement. My percentage-opacity numbers went up a good bit, to an average of 44% (vs. my baseline of 35%). This works out to an average sperm volume of 2.65 ml, a small increase from my baseline of 2.45 ml (and a similar increase from my HGW-only baseline). More noticeable was the thickness of my cum. It was definitely more viscous in the final three loads of this trial (I noticed no difference with this on the first day). So the lecithin lived up to its reputation in this respect.

Alas, it did not live up to its volume-increasing reputation. There was no change at all in my load size compared to the HGW-only trial. Which means that, tentatively anyway, the HGW+lecithin combination actually reduced my load somewhat compared to my baseline. (I say this is tentative because of the recent drop in my libido that I talked about.) So at best, the lecithin made no difference in cum volume.


As with the HGW-only trial, the data suggest that HGW+lecithin actually decreases my cum loads by a decent amount, but this is a tentative result that needs to be investigated further. Adding the lecithin to the HGW regimen resulted in no change in volume. The lecithin did seem to cause a small increase in sperm volume, and it made my cum more viscous.

Dose: 500 mg Vitamin Shoppe Standardized Herbs Horny Goat Weed (with maca extract and other herbal extracts) + 1000 mg lecithin (capsule), with breakfast or lunch
Effect on Cum Volume (vs. baseline): Sizeable (~11%) decrease; result inconclusive, further testing required
Effect on Cum Volume (vs. HGW baseline): None
Effect on Sperm Volume (vs. baseline): Decent increase
Effect on Cum Volume (vs. HGW baseline): Decent increase
Effect on Libido: Result inconclusive, but likely significantly increases libido (from the HGW)
Side Effects: None

Go for it buddy, if you need some help let me know perhaps I can join in on your experiment too.

Here’s the pic I’d meant to attached to my last posting - an example of how my supplement-aided loads are big, but mostly clear.

Originally Posted by tntjockey
Are you drinking plenty of pine apple juice. I have read that it not only helps with increased cum load, but for taste as well for the person giving you oral. Just remember, every thing you take has to come out somewhere. If your body has it’s intake, it will reject what ever it does not need, and you know that. So for the person giving you oral, she will taste all that stuff. Stick with the herbs and stay away from the amino acids. i did what you are doing many years ago, but I included vitamins as well. If you do that, be careful that you take vitamins compatible with the other vitamins or your body can become toxic. You will have to drink plenty of water to get them out of your system.

Read up on the maca extract. I read not to long ago that it doesn’t work. I will try and find that artical. I too used it as well. I did find that horny goat weed gave me all kinds of energy when not only having sex, but during my weight lifting training as well as for my 5 mile runs.

Just be aware of what you are putting into your body.

I never drink pineapple juice. Love the stuff, but I get a weird reaction to it where I get a sore throat for a day or two.

I’m afraid I’m going to have to do an amino acid trial. L-arginine has always seemed to do good things to me, so I’ve got to test it. I’ll probably try maca too.

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