Experiments to increase my cum loads!
I’ve noticed that, for all the interest in, and efforts in, increasing cum loads out there, just about no one – including myself – has used any kind of a rigorous method to determining what the best techniques are for doing so, and just how effective they are. This isn’t to say that no one has put much effort into this endeavor. On the contrary: in the threads here, plenty of guys have described the various supplements they’ve obtained and tried (and non-supplement-based approaches, such as edging), and their attempts to judge the results. Some people try many supplements, in various combinations, and over the course of long stretches of time.
But the methodology these guys use to determine the results is invariably informal to some degree or other, to the point of not being very useful*. For example, the actual measurement of loads is often based on “eyeballing it”: simply seeing how much they ejaculate during sex or from masturbating, and judging how that might be different from their unaided ejaculation. This will be useful only if a technique hugely increases cum volume; even a “merely” large increase might be hard to see. And in my experience (though as always, individual results vary), no one technique or supplement will cause a dramatic increase – or even a “large” increase.
[* I admit that I haven’t checked out threads on this topic here for quite a while, so there may well have been guys posting about their more rigorous methodologies that I haven’t seen yet. I’m going to get caught up on the topic here; in the meantime, anyone feel free to point me in the direction of any threads or posts in that vein.]
Another pitfall is trying various techniques and supplements in combination right off the bat, without seeing how these might work in isolation. If such a combination results in a big increase, great; but how useful is this information? What if you get great results from a cocktail of four supplements, but all of the volume increase is from only one of them – the rest are useless? You would have to assume that all four supplements are needed, and you’d waste money and effort (and perhaps needlessly experience side effects) every time you’d take the full cocktail to increase your load. It’s also possible that a combination of supplements will interact in ways to undercut the benefits of one or more of them. You could very well get better results from taking only a particular supplement than you’d get from taking that one plus one or two others along with it.
As I said, it’s not just supplements that are tried in combination; supplements AND other techniques are usually tried in combination. The main “techniques” I’m referring to are abstaining from ejaculation (for at least two days) and edging. This has the disadvantages described above, but is even worse, in a way. The thing is, these techniques are almost guaranteed to increase cum volume, significantly, by themselves. So they don’t really need to be tested, and certainly don’t need to be added to tests of supplements. They just add an unnecessary variable.
As scientifically/statistically-minded as I like to think I am, I’m definitely guilty of hitting these pitfalls. A few years ago, when I first got interested in seeing if I could increase my cum loads, I tried to it in a systematic way. I got a small graduated cup, so I could measure my loads. And I sort of figured out what my “baseline” load was. But only sort of; so even when I did take supplements and measured what my loads were while on them, I didn’t have a reliable “unaided” measurement to judge them against. And every load I measured came after lots of abstaining and edging. How was I to know how much a load increase was due to the abstaining/edging, and how much was due to a supplement? Also, I was haphazard in how I combined supplements.
Once again I’m going to try out increasing my cum loads, and as you can guess, I’m going to do it in a much more rigorous way. It might seem that this takes all the fun out of one of the most fun things you can do, masturbating and cumming – which is probably why just about no one has been so rigorous about it. Maybe so. But, for one thing, I’m going to be doing a lot more masturbating and cumming during these experiments than I would if I weren’t doing any experiments, and more than I would if I did experiments that included abstaining. More fun! And more importantly, at the end of these experiments I’m going to have really reliable, useful information about increasing cum loads. I’ll find my personal optimal combination of techniques and supplements for increasing my loads. I’ll no longer have to inadvertently use anything that doesn’t work or is counterproductive. And by reporting it here, that useful information will be available for anyone else who’s interested.
So let the experiments begin! In my next posts I’ll describe my methodology and my baseline, before getting into actual results.