Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Experiments to increase my cum loads!

Unfortunately the pic is not suitable for here, thelovelybone.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento
Unfortunately the pic is not suitable for here, thelovelybone.

My bad. There’ll be no photo evidence of the results of my testing in this thread, I guess.

Originally Posted by thelovelybone

My bad. There’ll be no photo evidence of the results of my testing in this thread, I guess.

will believe you anyway.

Arginine and macca good stuff

The Zinc Experiment

Like lecithin, zinc is a supplement that I got a bottle of after hearing about its reputation for increasing cum loads; then I promptly wasted it by only giving the stuff a half-assed try. If the zinc had done anything for me within a couple of days, I would have noticed and kept going with it. Of course, that I didn’t see any increase after those couple of days doesn’t mean that zinc is ineffective. Fortunately, I kept the bottle of zinc capsules from that period so I could give it a better try.

Though, I didn’t do much better this time around: my trial for zinc lasted only three days, rather than my standard four. This was due to a combination of some wackiness in my daily schedule after those three days, and the fact that the results that I did get for those three days were very disappointing. While on zinc, my cum loads were even lower than they were while I was on HGW and HGW+lecithin. Again, this decrease could be a side effect of my propecia use rather than of the zinc, making this a tentative result (my libido remained low for a lot of my masturbation time while on this trial). And since my loads are lower than ever, either the side effects of the propecia are getting worse (even though I stopped using it two weeks before this trial), or the zinc somehow made the propecia side effects even worse. Either way, this is quite a surprise given zinc’s reputation for making cum shots significantly bigger!

On the other hand, my cum was more viscous, and the sperm more clumpy, during the zinc trial. This effect was very similar to the one that I’d had with the lecithin trial, except that there was no increase in the amount of sperm. If anything, the sperm volume decreased, to match the overall ejaculate decrease.

During the zinc trial and beyond, I got some acne, particularly on my scalp. This may have been a side effect of the zinc, or a delayed reaction to the lecithin (the trial for which preceded this one) – or of both, or of neither. It’s a minor enough side effect that it wouldn’t stop me from taking zinc for a few days – not that I’m likely to, given these results!

Three supplement trials, three tentative results. I really need to do another check of my baseline load so I can make this stuff more certain. I’ll do that after the celery seed trial that I’m currently on.


The zinc appeared to significantly decrease the size of my load, although this needs to be confirmed with additional testing. The sperm volume decreased in proportion to the overall cum volume decrease. However, the zinc made my cum noticeably more viscous. It would be interesting to stack lecithin and zinc in a future trial, since both have this effect of making my cum thicker. Would my cum end up even thicker, a clumpy sticky mess?

Dose: 50 mg zinc with breakfast or lunch
Effect on Cum Volume: Substantial (~25%) decrease; result inconclusive, further testing required
Effect on Sperm Volume: Substantial (~25%) decrease; result inconclusive, further testing required
Effect on Libido: Decent decrease; result inconclusive, further testing required
Side Effects: Possibly caused minor (small) acne, especially in the scalp

When you do your trial are you monitoring the amount of fluid or water intake as this will have an effect on volume no matter what supplements you are taking at the time. Water intake needs to be the same and also the hours between your loads otherwise the experiment has flaws. Zinc is known in its action with testoserone.

Originally Posted by BPTony
When you do your trial are you monitoring the amount of fluid or water intake as this will have an effect on volume no matter what supplements you are taking at the time. Water intake needs to be the same and also the hours between your loads otherwise the experiment has flaws. Zinc is known in its action with testoserone.

I’m not going to go so far as to measure all of the liquids that I drink, if that’s what you mean. I figure my fluids intake is always pretty consistent anyway (and rather high). Which I can judge via the color of my pee.

The time between my loads is consistent to within a few hours. The only exception would be when I have sex in the morning (rather than at night, which is when I typically “take my samples”) on an off day.

I do what I can to keep all of the variables consistent, but hey, I’m only human. These experiments are crazy enough as it is :)

The Celery Seed Experiment

Most of the supplements that I’d planned to try for this experiment were already well-known to me, to the point of having already tried a lot of them in the past. Celery seed is a clear exception, as I’d first read reports of the sexual magic it supposedly works after I’d started the experiment. And once I’d read about it, I was eager to try it out. Celery seed is said – based on many reports, here and elsewhere – to cause everything from bigger and fuller balls to rampant horniness to, yes, great big cum loads. The most consistent claim was that it acted as a kind of natural Viagra, particularly in terms of bringing on morning wood, even in people who hadn’t had any at all in years.

Since few of these reports focused on cum load size, I didn’t have high expectations for celery seed to do anything for me there. I was more curious about the other effects; and if my loads got bigger while on it as well, so much the better.

Celery seed is available in pill form, but since I already had whole celery seeds in my spice rack, I decided to use that. This turned out to make the trial challenging, because celery seed tastes godawful. People reported ingesting as much as three teaspoons (i.e. one tablespoon) of the stuff per day, but half a teaspoon was all I could manage (I insisted on chewing up the seeds, since I figured swallowing them whole wouldn’t do much good). I’m sure it could be ground up and mixed with food in more bearable ways, but I didn’t have the time to put that much effort into it.

My cum was quite viscous for the first two days of the trial, and my guess was that this was caused by the zinc from my previous trial, even though I had a full four off days between the trials. And as for quantity? Quite good. I mean, technically there was no change in volume vs. my baseline. But I’ve been increasingly thinking that my baseline isn’t that accurate, probably because Propecia use has been reducing the size of my loads since I established that baseline. At any rate, all three of the supplement trials that preceded the celery seed one have resulted in loads that were smaller than the baseline. After all that, to have found something with which my loads are “normal” again seems, well, quite good.

The more obvious effect of the celery seed has been on my libido. Yes, my horniness and hardness have definitely been better while on it. And yes, I got morning wood, and plenty of it. Morning wood is something I rarely experience these days, and when I do, it’s usually on a day that I’ve taken horny goat weed or Cialis (if I never took any such supplements, I bet I’d only get morning wood once every few months). I had morning wood on three of the four nights of the celery seed trial (and chances are that I got it on that fourth day as well, but I simply didn’t wake up while I had it). The first night on the trial, the morning wood started unusually early in the night, and seemed to last for hours. That is, I slept restlessly for quite a while, and when I finally woke up enough to be consciously aware of it (at about 3:00 am), I realized that I’d had a boner during all of that restlessness. And I continued to get morning wood the two nights following the end of the trial, evidence of the celery seed still hanging out in my system and doing its thing.

The celery seed may have caused some side effects: the aforementioned restless sleeping (which I experienced the second night of the trial as well), and some stuffiness in my nose while sleeping. I took the latter to be due to a swelling in my nasal passages rather than to mucus buildup, an effect I got the few times I took Viagra as well. But as with the restless sleeping, I only experienced this effect during the first two nights of the trial.


Celery seed technically caused no change in my cum volume, but likely actually caused a decent increase in volume; more testing is needed to confirm (e.g. by re-establishing my baseline load). It didn’t cause any obvious change in my sperm volume. It increased my libido, and made my erections come easier and harder. It definitely caused morning wood, and lots of it.

Dose: ½ to 5/8 tsp whole celery seeds, chewed/ground, with breakfast
Effect on Cum Volume: No change; result inconclusive, further testing required
Effect on Sperm Volume: No change; result inconclusive, further testing required
Effect on Libido: Solid increase, on average, but this effect proved uneven; erections come easier and are harder
Side Effects: Possibly caused some restless sleeping and nasal congestion from swelling while sleeping

Celery has natural dialating qualities which will improve erection but not necessarily increase sperm volume. In your conclusion I can’t make sense out of the 1st sentence as it seems contradictory.

Originally Posted by BPTony
In your conclusion I can’t make sense out of the 1st sentence as it seems contradictory.

True. You’d have to read the full account of the trial to understand what it means.

Just cut to the chase and go with 6 to 8g of Arginine alphaketoglutarate (AAKG) daily. About doubles my volume of ejaculate.

Here’s where I get mine, decent price;

http://truenutr … -100-grams.aspx

Mix in water, take on an empty stomach.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Just cut to the chase and go with 6 to 8g of Arginine alphaketoglutarate (AAKG) daily. About doubles my volume of ejaculate.

Here’s where I get mine, decent price;

http://truenutr … -100-grams.aspx

Mix in water, take on an empty stomach.

This is new to me, although I’m familiar with L-arginine, which I assume it’s related to (if not actually the same thing; do you know?). In my experience, L-arginine is tied with pork for greatest effectiveness, although in both cases we’re talking about a volume increase of maybe 50-60% for me, rather than a doubling. I’m intrigued enough that I’ll do a trial with this AAKG stuff. Thanks for the tip!

Originally Posted by thelovelybone
I never drink pineapple juice. Love the stuff, but I get a weird reaction to it where I get a sore throat for a day or two.

I’m afraid I’m going to have to do an amino acid trial. L-arginine has always seemed to do good things to me, so I’ve got to test it. I’ll probably try maca too.

Take a look at this post that I posted in another thread tntjockey - Male Response Supplement I broke down a lot of herbs, vitamins and minerals. I also mention that all the claims of maca is false. Ha! take a look at it. it may help, it may not.

Arginine works. I take 5g morning and night and my volume is great, but then I do take a lot of other stuff too. When I don’t take arginine for a few days volume and EQ diminish

My Baseline, Revisited

My testing went awry pretty much from the start, what with my suspicion that my baseline cum load that I’d established at the beginning was unreliable. And thus all the “tentative” and “inconclusive” results as all four of the supplement trials I’ve done so far. The only way to make those results more conclusive and to make any future results mean anything would be to go back and re-establish my baseline.

It was just four baseline “samples”, this time, but that was enough to prove my hypothesis that my typical load was in fact lower than I’d thought. This time my measurements were 5.5, 6.0, and 6.3 ml, for an average of 6.0 ml - in contrast to the solid 6.75 ml I arrived at for my baseline the first time around. My baseline sperm content went down by the same amount, from 2.33 ml to 1.87 ml.

My leading hypothesis for the discrepancy between the two baseline measurements is still that 6.75 ml was in fact previously my average load size; but that side effects from my Propecia use kicked in, shrinking my loads. If so, my average may continue to vary over time, as my body gets back to normal after dropping the Propecia (which I did as soon as I noticed the side effects). Plus, I might start on the Propecia again - and drop it again before the side effects kick in. A varying baseline will continue to hurt these experiments, but I’ll do my best to account for it. I may have to keep re-checking my baseline from time to time.

Anyway, now that my previous four supplement trials are finally more conclusive, next up is to post the updated results from them.


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