Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Silicone Sleeves - Make your own

Originally Posted by Tamashii
Sounds great! I’ve ordered Ecoflex #30 trial kit myself now.
How do you remove the air bubbles with your pump? Did you make a make-shift cylinder or seal on the container you pour from?
I’ve also got a question for ideal size - I’m about 3,5cm in diameter flaccid - what would be the ideal measure here?
Last thing I was thinking hard about was the cap - I could just find some spray or lotion cap with about 4cm diameter and fill that in with silicone to have a concave cushion, while attaching an anchor so it can be used to pull.
Dickerschwanz, what did you use for your setup?

Thanks for any advice / ideas!

Found a glass bottle that fits right into the opening of my pump.
poured the silicone into the bottle and tightly fitted and taped it so there is a perfect seal and pumped away.
Worked good. Could see the bubbles rising.
Also pour the silicone in a thin stream into the form. This helps avoiding new bubbles.

I recommend to first dry run such a setting to check if its sealed enough.

Ideal size: I did choose half the diameter of my erect girth. I did 3 versions with slightly bigger and smaller diameters.
All are Ok and I recomemnd to have several diameters as they could be usefull for different situations.

Obviously you want a diameter that at least slightly grips while flaccid.
There are many possiblities cause its not only abouut the inenr diameter but also about the wall thickness of the sleeve.

My thinnest wall size is about 0.2 cm which is fairly loose with the ecoflex 30. I think 0.5 is probably the best for an ADS option.

I dont use one.

For me the 5mm (with 20mm inside diameter) sleeve is too strong, when used over the entire length of my penis. When use about 7cm sleeve-length with a cap - I use a transparent hard plastic cap spray cap with 4cm diameter and 5cm length with this - it is perfect for ADS stretching with some elastic bands. I built a harness with 5mm elastic bands and cord stoppers. Over night I switch the 5mm sleeve with a 2mm sleeve (25mm inside diameter), again 7cm in length with the same cap and harness (just with less traction) - works perfectly as ANS for me. My penis and esp. Glans is nice and rosy in the morning, plus there are no problems with night wood.

I also use the 5mm sleeve with a 30mm (inside diameter) PVC pipe - piece (the one that I used as outside wall for the mold) in my penis extender. Coating my penis up to the glans (but not over) with the sleeve and covering most of the sleeve with the cut-open pipe. When I fix that pipe with the silicone straps of my extender it is much more comfortable than to fix the penis directly.

I’ll try to get some pictures if anyone is interested.


(Re-)Started: 15.4 cm NBPEL / 11.7 cm EG (1st Dec. 2014), switched to BPFSL measurement 2015:

15th Jan 2015: 17.0cm BPFSL x 12.1cm EG; 25th Feb 2015: 18.5cm BPFSL x 12.5cm EG

Goal: 18.5 x 14.5 cm NBPEL

Oh yeah the sleeves are great for extender use.

Having several sleeves for different purposes is a good thing. I also switch to a thinner one during night.

I also used 3 cm, 4cm and 5 cm PVC pipe for my sleeves on the outside. For the inside I used several sturdy pipes I found in the hardware store. The 3/4 metal pipe was the best one for me.

In the plumber section I found a great piece of hardplastic that can accomodate an inner and an outer pipe in a somewhat flexible way. I used two of them to get the inenr pipe dead center for even walls.

Too bad the silicone is so expensive :( Many more ideas to try.

The Ecoflex 30 containers say: Limited shelf life, use as soon as possible. Does anyone have any experience how long it will be usable once the containers are opened?

I guess I could always just use my molds to create 2 sleeves every day until the silicone is used up.

(Re-)Started: 15.4 cm NBPEL / 11.7 cm EG (1st Dec. 2014), switched to BPFSL measurement 2015:

15th Jan 2015: 17.0cm BPFSL x 12.1cm EG; 25th Feb 2015: 18.5cm BPFSL x 12.5cm EG

Goal: 18.5 x 14.5 cm NBPEL

I’ve decided to make a few pictures to share how my molds are made / how they look.
Basically I’ve chosen a 32mm/30mm (outside diameter/inside diameter) PVC pipe for electronic wires as my “outer pipe” and 20mm + 25mm inside pipes for thick and thin sleeves.
I’ve wrapped black isolation tape around the inner pipes until they fit the outside pipe perfectly. The connection end of the outer pipe is perfect for the use as a filling-port (filling-helper), as it can be attached and removed after the filling process.

Hope this helps anyone!
If you have questions - I’ll be happy to answer.


(Re-)Started: 15.4 cm NBPEL / 11.7 cm EG (1st Dec. 2014), switched to BPFSL measurement 2015:

15th Jan 2015: 17.0cm BPFSL x 12.1cm EG; 25th Feb 2015: 18.5cm BPFSL x 12.5cm EG

Goal: 18.5 x 14.5 cm NBPEL

good pics. Looks like an easy set up.

When I cut the pipe I always ended up with an uneven 2 piece that I couldnt fit properly together.
I then used a carpet cutter knife to do 2 lines that almost cut through. It enabled me to when ready jsut rip the pvc between the lines down.
Great result but need a new pipe each time I use it. But I did 3 long sleeves so no biggie.

A valuable resource. Thanks for sharing. You could call the manufacturer regarding the shelf life, but I imagine it would be at least a year.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Good pics. Looks like an easy set up.

When I cut the pipe I always ended up with an uneven 2 piece that I couldn’t fit properly together.
I then used a carpet cutter knife to do 2 lines that almost cut through. It enabled me to when ready jsut rip the pvc between the lines down.
Great result but need a new pipe each time I use it. But I did 3 long sleeves so no biggie.

I cut the pipe long-side with an iron saw and used some sandpaper to make the edges smooth. The de-molding process with my molds is a bit of a challenge - but there is a trick:
I pull them apart (or rather lift the walls off the silicone) with my fingers - will work for a few millimeters. I insert some item with a coarse thread, so both sides of the “pipe-wall” snap into that thread. I can then move the item alongside the mold to pry it loose.
The thing on the picture is a plug from a hot water bottle. You can “stage this” by inserting something small first and then move to bigger things easily as the gap can be widened by pressing round items with threads against the gap.
With this you can make the molds reusable. I used them to make several sleeves already and they are as good as new.

I hope I explained the idea well enough and it helps someone!

(7.0 KB, 223 views)

(Re-)Started: 15.4 cm NBPEL / 11.7 cm EG (1st Dec. 2014), switched to BPFSL measurement 2015:

15th Jan 2015: 17.0cm BPFSL x 12.1cm EG; 25th Feb 2015: 18.5cm BPFSL x 12.5cm EG

Goal: 18.5 x 14.5 cm NBPEL

A bandsaw makes a nice straight cut through pvc if you have access to a good size one.


It’s very expensive in my country the silicon, the price is like 3x~4x more.

Is 1kg of silicon enought to do sleeves with Tamashii model?

I only have the option to buy Ecoflex 00-30 1kg or 4kg option.

Originally Posted by Pumpbra

It’s very expensive in my country the silicon, the price is like 3x~4x more.

Is 1kg of silicon enought to do sleeves with Tamashii model?

I only have the option to buy Ecoflex 00-30 1kg or 4kg option.

Yes, the 1kg( 0,91 kg) is enough for some sleeves like I did.
Should be enough for tamashii’s too.

Consider doing one really small sleeve at first as possiblities are high you do something wrong first time.
Wasted so much :(
I would love to have a ton of this stuff lol.

Hey dicker, one thing for testing and prototypes is to get some plastic that activates in microwave andis cheap and reusable, once you get the right mold then cast in silicone. I would use alumisol soft plastic. Order from just keep casting until perfet then cast with silicone. Thats what I would do

Some folks were saying that the Eco-flex is more expensive in their country. I bought mine on Amazon because the shipping was cheaper. If Amazon is available where you live, you might look there.

Others were asking about bubbles. I found that holding something that vibrates against the mold for a couple of minutes forces most of the bubbles out. It doesn’t have to be a vibrator, though. I used my orbiting sander and it worked well. The advantage of getting the bubbles out is that it makes the sleeve stronger and last longer. After a few weeks of use a few bubbles on my first sleeve popped, leaving holes in the sleeve that caused it to fail.

Can always degas the silicon with plexiglass and a bucket with vacvuum pump, if you really want to. There are youtube video showing how. Ive heard microwaving the ecoflex a little help too.

Degassing - bubbles

I build a very akward construction to apply my pump to a glass full of the ecoflex and pumped away most of the bubbles.
I basicly taped it to my airpump. (again make a test before doing it for real). Has to be absolutely airtight.
It worked at about 20hg I could see the bubbles rising.

Also pouring the silicone very thin helps very much. You can basicly stand up and pour it in a thins tream to a glass on the ground.


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