Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm your DICK fairy and I'm here to grant you any sized dick you want!!!

Hmmmm… Dear Dick Fairy, Please oh please will you grant me a 8 NBP* 5.5 EG.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Dear Dick Fairy,

I want to be a foot long.

My wife’s foot, that is, which would be 8.5 inches. I believe a six inch girth is an option available, please add that to my order.

Thank you.

Dear Dick Fairy

I’d be happy with rock solid 8.5 x 6.5 slightly curving up, but if you can make it so it vibrates when I want it to then I’d be even happier.

A 6.25” base with 6” mid

9” length would be powerful too, but I’m not as fussed about that.

2005 :: 7" BPEL, 5.25 EG

2007 :: 7.6" BPEL, 6" EG (base) - 5.5" (mid)

2015 :: 8.1" BPEL, 7" EG(base) - 6.1" mid)

Dear Dick Fairy,

Please I beg you! Increase my dick’s size to 9”x7”

Ohhhh Incredible Dick Fairy, “pleashe”!

One day I'll be able to do PE o/

There’s something fishy about a “dick fairy” who wears an eye patch and plays the stockmarket….and there’s a skull and crossbones on his tutu- something just ain’t right~!

I thought I fired the dick fairy? Pink is not your hue dick fairy.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Half inch by January or February would be cool……

7.5x5.5 sounds big enough for me :)

I wish for 8.5 x 6.5

I need 12x7 when I wake up tomorrow.

Hey I got my cousin Tony helping with the back log. Just talk real slow to Tony he ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed if you know what I’m saying, and he’s been making a lot of mistakes. And you might want to lock up your valuables and anything else real shinny. And guys guess what I quit drinking and it’s been hard but I got past the first hour now and I’m feeling strong.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Now we’re getting somewhere- THAT is a respectable dick fairy. Will work for tube socks.

Hi Tony, love the hate.

If you’re not too busy, pleasure conjure me up a 10x6.5, solid gold penis.

Then: 6.75" x 5" ----> Now: 8.5" x 5.75"


I’m thinking 8” by 6”

06/01/2007 Bpel: 6.75" Nbpel: 5.75" Eg: 4.30"

06/25/2008 Bpel: 7.25" Npbel: 6.25" Eg 4.50"

12/22/2008 Bpel: 7.50" Npbel: 6.50" Eg 4.50"


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