Improving golf weights
I have really been hitting it hard with clamping lately after I have reached my lenght goal ( 8” bpel) but I have been worried that clamping for some reason would take away some of my lenght.
So I decided to start using golf weights for a couple of hours a day but one problem is that you need several of them to obtain a fairly good amount of weight. So the other day I was in cabelas ( outdoor outfitter ) looking at some of their fishing supplies and happen to notice coiled lead in 1 lb. weights for making your own sinkers. I thought well if I wrapped this stuff around the golf weights would it make wearing them more effective?
So I bought three coils took them home and tried it. It worked as I figured after wrapping this stuff around the weights I wrapped electrical tape around the lead because we do not want our skin in contact with this stuff.I also noticed that by wrapping the lead around the weights the lead fills in the interior portion of the weights allowing for a tighter fit.
Well at a 5.25 ” girth it works for me.Just thought I would mention this to you fellows.
One more thing, becuase this stuff is flexible you can adapt it to your preferences.