Golf swing weights: the quest for Truth
Since adopting the wrap/golf swing weight method of ADS (all day stretch) into my routine, I’ve found that I have all of these ideas and questions banging around in my head. That said, I fully expect some of this to have been repeated elsewhere. So, to keep this clear and stay away from RAMBLING, I’m just going to lay my thoughts and questions down and invite the larger (or smaller) community of Golf Swingers (Monte PE weight users inclusive) to respond if they’ve got an inclination to help/clarify. If you’ve got ctrl+c/ ctrl+v skills and can give a reply on a majority of my questions then, hey, yowza- thanks!
1. Do you feel that “golf swing weights” work? If so, why?
2. How long do you wear them per day?
3. Do you take them off throughout the day to give your dick a rest? If so, how much?
4. Have you ever experienced the overly engorged head thing where it feels like blood is rushing into your head, but not coming back out which leads to a really ballooned (and eventually painful) head? Obviously it’s the product of a too tight wrap, but have you found a failsafe way to prevent it- i.e. do you have the Perfect Wrap? If so, what is it?
5. If you get a really good wrap that feels good do you sometimes leave yourself to hang for say, 5 hours without unwrapping?
6. How many weights did you start hanging with and how quickly did you go up in weight?
7. Are Monty’s PE weights the same size as golf swing weights basically? i.e.- if I can easily wear 4 golf swing weights and still have a good amount of space for a wrap should I also be able to hang 4 of monty’s?
8. For those of you with a curve- do you feel that wearing the weights on the same side of your pants as the direction of your curve makes your curve more pronounced? If yes, do you then wear your dick “cross pants” to even things out? And if you do indeed do this, does it get more comfortable to do after you do it for awhile? Does it work?
9. Near the end of your day of ADS’ing do you ever get a kind of very sharp- seemingly skin based- stinging sensation on the skin at the base of your dick? Is this perhaps just the skin and nerves at the base relenting after a long day of stretching and pretty much telling you that you’ve done all you can for the day?
10.) Do you piss with your rig on?
11.) If you could give a newbie “golf swinger” one piece of valuable advice what would it be?
12.) Do you think that working out and then ADS’ing might have a better effect than ADS’ing and then getting a workout? i.e. do you think it’s better to wail on the little guy first so that you’ve going into your ADS fatigued or do you think it basically doesn’t matter?
Well, that’s a start at least. As I said, I’m sure most (if not all) of this has been brought up before but what I’m after are people’s opinions and expertise. I’ve read through some of the other golf swing weight stuff, but it seems that if you throw a query out there that you never know what’s going to come back your way. Thanks for any help with these questions in advance.