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Golf swing weights: the quest for Truth

View Poll Results:

If you use weights, how many hours a week do you wear them?

10 hours or LESS per week


10-20 hours per week


20-30 hours per week


MORE than 30 hours per week

Total Votes: 41. You may not vote on this poll

Golf swing weights: the quest for Truth

Since adopting the wrap/golf swing weight method of ADS (all day stretch) into my routine, I’ve found that I have all of these ideas and questions banging around in my head. That said, I fully expect some of this to have been repeated elsewhere. So, to keep this clear and stay away from RAMBLING, I’m just going to lay my thoughts and questions down and invite the larger (or smaller) community of Golf Swingers (Monte PE weight users inclusive) to respond if they’ve got an inclination to help/clarify. If you’ve got ctrl+c/ ctrl+v skills and can give a reply on a majority of my questions then, hey, yowza- thanks!

1. Do you feel that “golf swing weights” work? If so, why?

2. How long do you wear them per day?

3. Do you take them off throughout the day to give your dick a rest? If so, how much?

4. Have you ever experienced the overly engorged head thing where it feels like blood is rushing into your head, but not coming back out which leads to a really ballooned (and eventually painful) head? Obviously it’s the product of a too tight wrap, but have you found a failsafe way to prevent it- i.e. do you have the Perfect Wrap? If so, what is it?

5. If you get a really good wrap that feels good do you sometimes leave yourself to hang for say, 5 hours without unwrapping?

6. How many weights did you start hanging with and how quickly did you go up in weight?

7. Are Monty’s PE weights the same size as golf swing weights basically? i.e.- if I can easily wear 4 golf swing weights and still have a good amount of space for a wrap should I also be able to hang 4 of monty’s?

8. For those of you with a curve- do you feel that wearing the weights on the same side of your pants as the direction of your curve makes your curve more pronounced? If yes, do you then wear your dick “cross pants” to even things out? And if you do indeed do this, does it get more comfortable to do after you do it for awhile? Does it work?

9. Near the end of your day of ADS’ing do you ever get a kind of very sharp- seemingly skin based- stinging sensation on the skin at the base of your dick? Is this perhaps just the skin and nerves at the base relenting after a long day of stretching and pretty much telling you that you’ve done all you can for the day?

10.) Do you piss with your rig on?

11.) If you could give a newbie “golf swinger” one piece of valuable advice what would it be?

12.) Do you think that working out and then ADS’ing might have a better effect than ADS’ing and then getting a workout? i.e. do you think it’s better to wail on the little guy first so that you’ve going into your ADS fatigued or do you think it basically doesn’t matter?

Well, that’s a start at least. As I said, I’m sure most (if not all) of this has been brought up before but what I’m after are people’s opinions and expertise. I’ve read through some of the other golf swing weight stuff, but it seems that if you throw a query out there that you never know what’s going to come back your way. Thanks for any help with these questions in advance.

I’m sorry to see such poor response. I am interested in these things as well. I will answer my opinion to your questions:
1. I don’t know if they work. I have my doubts since so much of the time I am wearing them, I am sitting. While sitting, the benefit, if any, is in the slight traction of being held extended by the weights, but very little gravitational force is pulling on the unit.
2,3 - I am inconsistant in wearing time. I am planning on being better for a while to see results. I need to take a break every hour or two. Just a few minutes is enough break for me.
4,5 - No, no.
6. I use 4 golf weights. That is what I have always used.
7. Yes
8. NA
9. No
10. Yes, I can take the wrap off and pee with the weights still on.
11. My advice would be to thread some type of string or ribbon through the weights and attach it to your underwear, before you lose your weights and embarrass yourself.
12. My theory and hope, is that a good PE workout, like stretching, should be done first. After stretching, the ADS will keep the penis extended allowing the tissue to heal in the stretched, slightly longer state.

I am interested in hearing what people think about this method of ADS compared with others they have tried, like for example the elastic tied to the leg below the knee, or the Cap’ns wench ADS, traction wrapping, the various commercial extenders, the waist belt style, etc.

Horny Bastard

I’m surprised that Slack hasn’t posted his infamous “got search” in this thread. Most of this information can be found with some work… you have to search and read. This includes other people’s “opinions & expertise” as you mentioned. Since I am already in your thread and feeling a bit helpful, I will go ahead and answer.

2.) you should wear them as long as possible that fits into your PE schedule
4.) NO… squeeze the blood out of the glans as you are wrapping to avoid this.
5.) yes
6.) started with 4 but went up to 9 as soon as I could afford them.
7.) NO… do some searching and reading.
8.) no
9.) Lack of circulation to the skin area from being too tightly wrapped.
10.) no… it’s a good time to give it a 5-10 minute break and do some manual stretches.
11.) Buy a whistle lanyard like lifeguards use. Put the loop end by the base of your shaft with the clip end hanging past the head. put the weights on over the lanyard and penis. When all weights are on, take the clip end and thread it through the loop by the base of your penis; this will encirlce all the weights and if one slips off, it will still be on the lanyard and not hit the ground. Hook the clip around your belt buckle or belt loop or top of your pants to secure it. Use some kind of powder on your penis and rings to keep them from sticking and pinching!
12.) Why not do PE before AND after! Do a full PE workout before exercise. During exercise, blood is directed away from the groin area. Jelq in the shower after exercise to get the blood flow back into the penis. I always ADS after a PE workout… that’s the point, to keep in in an extended state as it heals/recovers.

PE for length: so her heart stops when she sees it. PE for girth: to get her heart started again!

One need only leave the surface of the planet to realize we are all one people.

Originally Posted by grx
I’m surprised that Slack hasn’t posted his infamous “got search” in this thread. Most of this information can be found with some work… you have to search and read. This includes other people’s “opinions & expertise” as you mentioned. Since I am already in your thread and feeling a bit helpful, I will go ahead and answer.

I am a strong believer in searching, but I think it is sometimes useful to start a new thread, even if the topic has been discussed. Sometimes, a topic has been discussed too much, making it very difficult to sift through all the info to find your specific answers.

11.) Buy a whistle lanyard like lifeguards use. Put the loop end by the base of your shaft with the clip end hanging past the head. put the weights on over the lanyard and penis. When all weights are on, take the clip end and thread it through the loop by the base of your penis; this will encirlce all the weights and if one slips off, it will still be on the lanyard and not hit the ground. Hook the clip around your belt buckle or belt loop or top of your pants to secure it. Use some kind of powder on your penis and rings to keep them from sticking and pinching!

I just discovered the lanyard trick myself. I was at a conference and I got a lanyard to hang my name tag. I do it a little differently. I put the loop end through one weight, and then thread the clip end through the loop to tie the lanyard to the first weight. I then slip the tied weight on, followed by the others, of course threading each weight with the lanyard and then onto the penis. Just a variation. I don’t know which is better. I also clip to my underwear instead of pants. It looks kind of odd to see the metal clamp sticking out of the top of the pants.

6.) started with 4 but went up to 9 as soon as I could afford them.

You wear nine weights at the same time? Wow. Do you use Monties or golf weights?

Also, you didn’t answer number one. Do you think they work?

Horny Bastard

1.Only been using for two weeks, so still evaluating

2. Only try them at home for about 2-4hrs per night, tried one weight at work today, in case it fell off!
3. Took off on way home, replaced back at home.
4. No
5. No wrap, the standard weights fit me perfect, no wrap needed
6. 1, then over a course of 2 nights achieved 4 with the end ring
7. No idea
9. No
10 Yes
11.) If you get an erection after putting first weight on, do not apply another until it has subsided!
12.) Im trying an ADS only technique, the weights druing day and the AutoEXT at night, I will let you know

Honey, it's not the end of the world that you have a small penis, just the end of our relationship :swimmer: :moon2: .......

I hope that tiny mobile phone is inversely proportionate to the size of your penis

I am including some links that should answer a lot of the questions you are asking since the search button does not seem to be working. :leftie: I can accept payment thu paypal. ;)

The New Golf Ring Thing
PE Golf Weights
How Should I Use the Monty PE Weights

I’m sure that these weights work to help keep the penis extended and prevent turtling. I started hanging heavier weights & then using the PM afterwards because it is more stealthy to wear in public under my pants AND the PM works while you’re seated in a car or public transportation, the weights don’t.

PE for length: so her heart stops when she sees it. PE for girth: to get her heart started again!

One need only leave the surface of the planet to realize we are all one people.

Last edited by grx : 03-13-2006 at .

Originally Posted by grx
I’m surprised that Slack hasn’t posted his infamous “got search” in this thread.

LOL…That is so true. Slack must be slacking.

Thanks for the replies guys. And was I ever right about the “search” issue coming up on this one! LOL. But I will say that it was less laziness than the desire to re-open the topic.

Thanks for the suggestion about the talc. I’m all over that tomorrow. I also think that the lanyard suggestion rocks. Someone had previously suggested tying a piece of string but that rankled me as being kind of a pain in the ass. However, a piece of cord with a convenient clip on it? Now I think I can get behind that.

Rock on!

To the lanyard store….I mean to the sporting goods store I go.

Since I’m on my feet for most of the day, I’ve really been able to put the weights to the test. I probably get a good 7 hours of hanging in per day with them. Pretty sure that I’m ready to move up to the Monty’s weights now that I’ve got wrapping pretty much down.

Thanks for the suggestion about squeezing all of the blood out of the head before wrapping. I can see how that could work for some. However, it doesn’t really work for me personally. If I don’t do anything to mitigate head swelling then I often get the gravity pooled super swollen chicken choked by my wrap “help me I’m going to explode” beach ball glans. If I squeeze all of the blood out and then wrap, my wrap will creep over my head and the whole works is then very prone to slipping off. If I squeeze the blood out and then wrap more tightly, I cannot wear the rig for extended periods because the whole end of my tool gets very cold and dark very quickly from lack of circulation.

What I’ve done is I’ve started to wrap my head very lightly as a kind of “containment” wrap for the extreme head expansion I was getting and when I reach behind the glans I wrap as usual. This has worked out EXCELLENT for me. Happy to have discovered it and hanging very happily these days.

The more I watch my flaccid after peeling my weights off, the more I’m convinced that this is an extremely valid technique for those of us who are on their feet a lot. Gravity is definitely pulling on the weights attatched to my dick all day and it shows. I pull a fantastic flaccid now.

Went to the ocean with a bunch of my girl’s friends the other night. Eight girls and three guys. We all got naked by the full moon and went for a swim. Standing out on the sand bar by the light of the moon I could check out the other guys easily. I had the biggest flaccid!!!! I couldn’t believe it! First time in my life I can remember being in a group of three or more dudes and had the most flaccid meat as I’m definitely a grower. I had hung 4 weights for around 11 hours that day and only had my weights off for like an hour. My shit was probably hanging 6. It was a righteous moment to be sure.

I cannot wait to get my Monty’s weights!!!!

I was about to try the same this week. I usually buy a 3 inch ace bandage. I was thinking of cutting it in half then wrap it around my unit to support my pe weights to prevent slippage. I was going to wrap it close to the PE weights instead of the head portion, so if the head part shrink i will be fine and the weights wont fall off.


How many weights do you wear in the day?

I use a piece of mouse pad, about 6”x1” for wrap, then secure it with a rubber band. It is comfortable, and the rubber band’s elasticity allows it to adjust if I shrink or grow, so I usually don’t have a slipping problem.

Horny Bastard

Someone here suggested using Scunci hair bands. These are basically narrow cloth tubes sewn into a loop. Buy one, cut it to size and slip it on :-) For me, anything else would be too thick to get the weights over (but I’m using Monty’s PEWeights, which may be narrower than golf weights).

Originally Posted by plustwo
Someone here suggested using Scunci hair bands. These are basically narrow cloth tubes sewn into a loop. Buy one, cut it to size and slip it on :-) For me, anything else would be too thick to get the weights over (but I’m using Monty’s PEWeights, which may be narrower than golf weights).

I don’t understand your comment. You put the wrap on before you put the weights on?
Don’t you want to put the wrap on last, and make it thick enough so that the weights CAN’T slip over?

Horny Bastard

The things I don’t like about golf weights:
1. Not heavy enough: Three peweights weigh just under 2LBs. I think you need about six swings for that much weight best I remember.
2: The shape: The swing weights always pinched me because of the way they fit or don’t fit together.
3. Hole is too small: Always found them to be a pain to get off, and after a post session swell I couldn’t get them on even with lube.

The perfect ADS when out running around is just one of Monty’s biggest weights. For me, with the rubber coating stripped off the big weight is just right. If I pull all my skin through the ring and push it all the way back against the fat pad it will stay on without wrap. I wear three when I jog or run the tread mill, but I wear one almost constantly. The only time I don’t wear at least one peweight is when I’m going to be sitting for a while, then I’ll wear the Extender of just Fowfer.

But I always wear something or sit on it. Never Let it Turtle.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

BG, so you aren’t concerned about lead against your bare skin?

Horny Bastard

Yes, I put the wrap on first. It prevents chafing and pinching.

You put your wrap *over* the weights?

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