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Increase In Girth Will Shrink Length?

Increase In Girth Will Shrink Length?

Hey guys there was a time i was up to 8.25 BPL in length, now im about 7.75, but during that time i managed to gain in girth a little bit. During that time i noticed that my length had shrunk has my girth increased. I have been clamping for about 15-20 minutes, and a manual stretch for about 5 minutes about 5-6 times a week but i still seem to be losing length. My girth gains have not continued either. Any suggestions guys? I Definitely need to stop this backslide on BPL, especially if now I am not gaining on girth even.

Starting Stats: 6.5 Inches In Length By An Estimated 4.75 - 5 inches in girth

Current: 8.00 x 6-6.25 Inches In Girth

Goal: 8.75 length x 6.75 girth Although at this point seems impossible with slowing gains.

Maybe you gained body-fat, that’s why your BPEL has gone down. You should check your BPFSL, instead than BPEL.

This subject has been discussed many times, so maybe you could do a search; summarizing, somebody believe that there is a negative transfert GIRTH-> LENGTH; somebody else (like memento) think that the transfert is positive; others that there is non relation.

About the rest you are asking, I think you hitted a plateau, so you should take a deconditioning break.

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