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Increasing head size

Increasing head size

I tried the search but to no avail, I could not find a specific thread talking about increasing one’s head size only. I am sure there is a thread floating around, but I don’t know where it is.

Is it possible to increase head girth only? The only thing I can think of is if you are partially hard, you trap the blood in the head only while clamping right below the head.

Are there other ways? Has anyone been successful in making their head only bigger?


I don’t think there are exercises just for the head but iv noticed an increase from drys and ulis. I don’t think the head enlargs well compared to the shaft.

If there is, I would be interested. My head is so small.

I try partial extreme ULI, dry jelq with extreme pressure when I get near to the top and I squeeze here 3-4 sec. each stroke. I will see what it does.

EDIT I just saw the last post, Im going to squeeze for more time, that is maybe why I didnt see a lot of gain.

There is one that I used to do, but I don’t remember what it’s called. Here’s how it works:

1. Get a 50-70% erection.

2. Clamp it a the base with your right hand.

3. Using an overhand grip with your left hand, clamp it right after the grip you made with your right hand.

4. Then clamp down with your middle finger for 15-30 seconds, followed by your ring finger, then your pinky finger.

The point of the exercise is to move all the blood that you trapped down into your head. It should plump your head up nicely.

I’ve never tried it, because I have no desire for a bigger head, but I can’t see why clamping just beneath the glands wouldn’t work. I get a lot of PMs from guys getting baseball bat shapes from clamping too high. If you try this, just make sure to use plenty of wrap and point the screw down. Clamping over the dorsal nerve bundle might be risky. I personally don’t think I’d risk it. Might try that Kaplan Head Enlarger, however that thing looks like a Krispy Kreme maker to me.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Sorry, I didn’t mean actually ‘clamping’ below the head. I meant with the hands or something :)

I remember reading on a Pumpers website about a method to produce a mushroom head effect, although I don’t know if you could make the effects permanent or not. It had to do with wrapping your erect shaft with a constrictive wrap, leaving the head exposed, and then entering the pump chamber for a 5-10 minute session. Maybe some of the regular pumpers here can help with something like that, if you’d be interested. I don’t know much about it at all, just remember something from my reading years ago.

Try Ulis with a reverse grip, i.e thumb toward your pelvis. Hold this for 20 sec, 10-15 per session…

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