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Ingrown Hair or Genital Wart !?!

Ingrown Hair or Genital Wart !?!

Recently noticed 2 red “splotches” on base of shaft. I dont know what the heck they are, but have been there for about 2 weeks. One is slightly raised, and the other is completely flat. Often times they itch, but thats all, no pain. The reason I am concerned is because they are both the size of 1/2 of a dime (kinda big). I have not had sex for a long time and partners were clean last time they checked.
Does anyone know what the heck these are?!?

Kinda worried here. I hear you can get some STD’s just from other contact besides sex (I jelq about 5times/day and maybe hands werent as clean as they should be or something).

Could they be bug bites or something?? They are in close proximety to each other (1/4 cm apart)

Any comments would be appreciated.

Do a research on Genital Warts on the web. That should give you some info to go on, but from what you are telling me it sounds like something to really check out. There is ample info on the web with pics, so let us know how it turns out. And hope for the best, cause you never know.

hey bro sorry to hear, I know how you feel and you’re probably scared as shit right now.. I got some bad news about g.w. you probably won’t even know you got them till about 3-6 months after contact…..which coould have been oral, hand job, or just the rubbing of genitals. Even worse is sometimes these are microscopic so the donor might not even have a clue that they have them. Ok that being said, “big red bumps that itch”…..sounds like something else, hopefully just ingrown hairs or even better redbug bites (the louisiana boys will know what im’ talking about, if you spend time in the woods as a yougin, you got big red welps on your balls!! also called “chiggers” ) If you wanna know if they are ingrown hairs you could put some compound w on one spot and that would eat through the top layer and then you could see if there was a piece of hair down there causing the problem. Did it many times when I was paranoid. Feel free to ask more questions

Good luck bro, G.W are forever…..

Ok, let me clarify the “long time” means more than 5 years (very long time). If its some sort of std, im going to shit kittens, cuz it didnt come from any sex or sexual act.

What are the symptoms of an ingrown hair? How long does it take to go away / what should I do to help the process along

What are the symptoms of this redbug you talk about? How long does it take to go away / what should I do to help the process along.

Thanks for replies

[QUOTE]Originally posted by UpgradingUnit
[B]Ok, let me clarify the “long time” means more than 5 years (very long time). If its some sort of std, im going to shit kittens, cuz it didnt come from any sex or sexual act.

Chances are this rules out everything accept hiv, which I know dick about.

What are the symptoms of an ingrown hair? How long does it take to go away / what should I do to help the process along

I hate hair, all hair and remove all of it from time to time from my waist down. so I’ve had my share of ingrown hairs. It can range from a small white head (infected) to a small flesh color “bump” to red bumps that you speak of. The fastest way to get rid of them I’ve found was to dig in there and pull the hair out. I’ve let a few just grow and what happens is they grow under the skin and end up sprouting up a quarter inch over from there they should have if they had grown straight up like they were supposed too.

What are the symptoms of this redbug you talk about? How long does it take to go away / what should I do to help the process along.

Well a redbug bite would itch like hell. They go away in about a week.

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