Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Injury-Dont be stupid like I was...


I would have traded you. I had to make one of them doc visits early in my sexual career however I didn’t know what I had. Ended up the large red spot on my dick wasn’t an std but my girlfriend getting a bit carried away orally. We did have the same diagnosis though. Don’t F-with it and it should work itself out. I bet urologists have some great stories.

Originally Posted by CaptnHook
Good luck RWG. You’ll be fine. I just hope this doesn’t put too big of a big dent in your ass banging crusade.

You bet his wife’s sweet ass it does.

Hey RWG, if you need a condom we will ship that firehose ASAP.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Good luck RWG it should heal up fine.
I’ll bet doctors think they have the biggest dicks on the planet.
It’s so embarrassing pulling that little thing out in front of them.
Mine shrinks up pretty bad!
God I hate that

We should make a poll.
Whats the smallest shrinkage you’ve ever had in a doctors office?

I swear mine shrunk down to nothing one time. The horror

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Hey Bro

You think the wife will by that the doctor told you ass banging was good for your injury, feel better :)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by deadeye3200
I’ll bet doctors think they have the biggest dicks on the planet.

Good to hear everything should be alright rwg.

Years back I went to a medical doctor about some back pain I was having (I’d been to chiropractors , but had only gotten temporary relief).

The nurse asked me to put on one of those damn hospital gowns. I was caught off guard by this because I was just there to have my back looked at. At least I didn’t have to take my underwear off, but I had on tighty whities and I just knew my already small flaccid was going to shrink smaller, because when I asked the nurse why she was telling me to put on this hospital gown for a back exam she told me he was going to do a full movement exam on me. Sure enough, he lays me down on my back and is bending my legs and my gown is no longer covering my groin area. The nurse is standing right there and all I can think of is how small my dick looks in my underwear.

I tend to avoid going to doctors as much as possible. Having a bigger flaccid than I use to, and knowing now about fluffing, I’ll be sure to do that next time with a madcap jelqing session.

Reading that story made me cringe.

Good luck with the healing process, my friend.

NO anal sex before the wound is closed! :-o

Good luck RWG. Just remember, the anal lube will form a protective barrier against infection so your wife is actually helping you get better.

Mrs. RWG to her friends: “I am starting to worry about him, that pesky cut just doesn’t seem to stay closed and I can’t sit down anymore!” ;)

I hope everything heals fast, best of wishes.

-Tom “RWG for Department of Interior” Foolery

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

good luck….hope it heals up quick


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