Intensity Vs. Duration
I am looking for length gains without the use of equipment other than my hands. While I am stretching, is it better to pull harder for a shorter period of time or to pull not quite as hard, but for a longer period of time? A short stretch is 30 seconds and long is like 2-3 minutes. A hard stretch is pulling almost at full strength and not as hard is pulling a little harder than fully stretching out the penis. The stretch is rotated pointing at 3, 6, 9 and 12 for three sets. Rest for a bit, then repeate the stretching.
I am quite a hard gainer and have not moved much from my starting statistics of 5.5 nbp and 6.5 bp from a few months ago. I am in my early 20’s, Asian, 5’10”, 210 lbs, so maybe I have reached my maximum growth potential and should accept my genetics. If there were no physical limitations, everybody PE’ing would be walking around with 12 inches. =)
Yo’s, I would appreciate any help you bro’s can give me so I can please the biznaches.