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Interesting theory about the tunica and plateaus

Interesting theory about the tunica and plateaus

From the guy most of you remember as 7-up on the old PE forums. I found this an interesting theory.


I read that post this morning and agree it is intruiging. The question is what is the optimal amount of time to take off. I doubt you need to take off 6 weeks. Ideally, we need to figure out what the optimal amount of time is to do intensive PE, then figure out the optimal break. This is going to take a while to figure out and will probably be a bit variable- but it is a damn good post. My guess is around 2-4 weeks of intensive PE followed by around 4-7 days of rest. I know this is a large range, but it will include all the individual recuperation times- taking in everyone from the elite athlete to the overweight smoker, coffee drinker, couch potato. I think the theory of keeping the tissues in an extended state for long periods of time without a break is going to catch on more than it is now- so if you are going for a longer period without a break it just makes sense to take a longer rest period to heal. My 2 cents.

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

damn that guy

Comes up with the greatest ideas and theories. I remember his first year on the old ez-board he was the rookie of the year for his V- stretch method.

Now he comes back with this I guess being a professor of physics helps you look at things with a different perspective.

I know P9 just got back from a big break maybe he could shed some light on this idea.

Last edited by ledzep : 09-21-2002 at .
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