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Is a girth routine too intense to be done everyday?

Is a girth routine too intense to be done everyday?

I’ve been doing my girth routine (primarily a girth routine) for a couple months and I noticed that I haven’t been getting the post-PE workout gains I would normally get. This slight change started me to thinking that the demands of a girth routine are too much to be performed everyday. I was thinking of changing to doing my routine M, W, F, or perhaps two on, one off. Any thoughts?

Girth work takes a lot out of me. Since my break I have not been able to get two good sessions in consecutively so I have been doing every other day. When I get back into it I do Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday. The second day is hard but it usually isn’t too bad.

Do you associate post workout gains as a positive PI for yourself? If so you should probably make sure your routine gives you that.

A very important part of girth work is knowing when things feel right, you seem a bit unsure at the moment so I would try doing what you suggested at 3 days a week and see how that feels.

Sexually enlightening my generation one pussy at a time(sometimes 2 ;) ).

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Improvement, it is the goal of life's search-Carl "Reaper" Sheapards

Two days a week is enough for girth work especially if you do uli’s.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by Clemski
Girth work takes a lot out of me. Since my break I have not been able to get two good sessions in consecutively so I have been doing every other day. When I get back into it I do Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday. The second day is hard but it usually isn’t too bad.

Do you associate post workout gains as a positive PI for yourself? If so you should probably make sure your routine gives you that.

A very important part of girth work is knowing when things feel right, you seem a bit unsure at the moment so I would try doing what you suggested at 3 days a week and see how that feels.

I don’t consider post workout gains to be positive or negative PIs. Here lately, my post workout gains have been faily short lived. I think I might try the 3 days per week routine.

Originally Posted by kingpole
Two days a week is enough for girth work especially if you do uli’s.

The only thing I do (and I mean the only thing) is high level erection jelqs. I know some advise against them, but they’re the only thing that has ever given me EG gains. I typically do 200 of these jelqs per session. Considering that I don’t do anything else, would three days per week be too much? I mean, that’s all I would be doing for PE.

Be methodical: start with a two days per week and see your PI’s; if they are good, try a three days a week, and so on; when you get bad PI’s, you know it’s too much.

I would consider negative PIs to be a reduction in EL, reduction in EG, various injuries, reduction in EQ, etc. What else is there that I may not have considered?

Originally Posted by andgrowing
I’ve been doing my girth routine (primarily a girth routine) for a couple months and I noticed that I haven’t been getting the post-PE workout gains I would normally get. This slight change started me to thinking that the demands of a girth routine are too much to be performed everyday. I was thinking of changing to doing my routine M, W, F, or perhaps two on, one off. Any thoughts?

Everybody is different when it comes to girth work. You need to customize something to best fit you.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

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