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Is Soreness a Negative PI?

Is Soreness a Negative PI?

Do you guys think soreness is a negative PI? I thought I got some good stretching in yesterday and when I woke up today and did some more stretching, my dick was sore.

For some reason lately, I am thinking that soreness might be your dick taking an active role trying to reverse any stretch you put on it.

I know a lot of people are proponents of low intensity stretching sustained over a long period of time. Is soreness a sign that you’ve gone too far? Many people seem to be doing well with Babbis’s new routine and I don’t think it sounds very intense at all.

A good deal of people who seem to have done well with gains on this board seem to believe that you need to listen to what your body is telling you rather than being set on a rigid routine. Is soreness your body telling you you need to cut back on intensity or is it just part of the gaining process?

Starting size: 7"x5.25" bp

Current size: 7.25"x5.875" bp

Goal size: 8.75"x6" bp

I generally hang until soreness stops me, at which point I take a day or so off (generally for me that point comes around every five or so days (if hanging 12 sets per-day) I just take it as an indication that I need one or two rest days.

Are you getting soreness every day?

See I always understood soreness as a positive. I hang everyday till I am sore. Then I use an ADS for the rest of the day. It usually take me around an hour to get sore most days, some days less, and some days more.

I have always read to hang until you are sore, but I have never heard of Mr. Fantastic’s style of it taking days to reach fatigue/soreness. Like with all things PE it works different for everyone. For him that’s what works and what I said above works for me. You need to listen to you body and see how it reacts to different routines and find the one that works best for you.

For me fatigue and soreness are two different things. Fatigue occurs immediately after the workout and indicates that your dick is well stretched and worn out while soreness occurs later on after your dick has had a chance to react to your workout.

What kind of gains have you made joe?

Starting size: 7"x5.25" bp

Current size: 7.25"x5.875" bp

Goal size: 8.75"x6" bp

Well over all I have gained roughly 1 inch NBPEL and about 1.5 inch BPEL. I have just recently got back into PE after a 5 month break. Been back in for 3 months now.

But here is the kicker, I have gained a little over 2 inches in BPFSL. Some of that I had lost durring my break but have gained it back since then. I am now using a theory of mine to utilize clamping to help with erect length gains (turning My BPFSL into more errect length). Yes clamping! And so far it is actually working. After I have been doing this for about 6 months and if I have seen some definite gains I will post my routine. I would rather not post it yet as I would hate to lead people down the wrong path if it doesn’t work. I other words I’d rather waste my time than others.

Originally Posted by joe_smith
I have never heard of Mr. Fantastic’s style of it taking days to reach fatigue/soreness.

Revolution’s hit the nail on the head: I’m fatigued at the end of each day’s hanging but it takes me about five days at 12 sets a day to get sore.

I too use an ADS (autoextender) when I can no longer hang because of fatigue, and when I can no longer use the autoextender because of further fatigue (if I’ve had a particularly productive day) I wrap below the glans and use a pump to get another hour or so of pull. I wait until I’ve done enough sets to pack the tube and then I pump up to 14 to 15 hg and hold it for as long as possible before releasing it down to 8hg. I repeat this process until my unit can take no more (I’m not recommending this particularly, I just thought I’d put it out there.).

OK see we just had a mis-communication then I think if soreness and fatigue as the same thing to me. I guess because my penis is always in some sort or “sore” state.

I know PE is completely different from bodybuilding but I think this is one analogy that could work.

Muscle fatigue inevitably occurs after a good day of lifting, however soreness usually only occurs after not lifting for a while or just pushing yourself extremely hard on a given day. Soreness is certainly not a bad thing when it comes to weightlifting, and I am wondering how people view it relative to PE.

Starting size: 7"x5.25" bp

Current size: 7.25"x5.875" bp

Goal size: 8.75"x6" bp

Originally Posted by Revolution
I am wondering how people view [soreness] relative to PE.

Personally I don’t think it’s so great because it stops me hanging all seven days of the week, but I don’t think it’s an indication that things aren’t working. Under the circumstances in which I get soreness I think it just means that I’ve been successful in taxing my unit to the utmost, but it does pose a question as to whether it would have been better to drop the weight and hang right through the week (the way I hang, I reach a kind of fatigue at the end of every set, culminating in much fatigue at the end of the day’s hanging, and fatigue enough at the end of the five days to require my taking a break of at least one day (and sometimes two)).

If soreness is occurring every day then I guess that’s a different matter (I’m assuming we’re talking about ligs, tunica etc. and not skin soreness).

Mr. Fantastic you have better distinguished the feelings of fatigue and soreness for me.

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