Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I've fallen and I need help getting back up.


Originally Posted by Devotion9
Yeah dude…this stuff takes time. You won’t notice a fraction of a millimeter of growth from a daily workout. But combine hundreds of those fractions, and you definitely start to notice, and you get bigger measurements from the increased size. It’s a nice visual change to your body, but it’s not a week to week thing. Hundreds of workouts.

And why? If you can’t be consumed by this, you’ve failed. It’s not like getting strong, where a hard session in the gym can trigger a week’s muscle growth. That’s not what’s happening here. We’re applying traction. The more the better. Right now, you will be conditioning your tissues to handle REAL stress.

Why? To have a much bigger tool to use on your wife? Great, man, that’s great.

The newbie routine is a giant headache. So are other people’s intermediate and advanced routines. (That’s because I hate rules, counting, cookie cutter approaches, and I don’t like to think so hard about a pleasurable self improvement exercise.) Jelqing gave me an injury and not much girth, but edging, ulis and clamping helped with girth. The pump was the turning point. Now I think we need to simplify here, but definitely stretch a hot limp dick for length. I put hot water on my dick and stretch it. I massage it to get some blood flow between stretches. My water pump and extender came with instructions. I use them. Am I wasting time telling you this, or do you really want a bigger cock? (I’m divorced, I try to screw the young and comely.) I’m off to penis stretching land now, good luck potential puller!

I see what you’re saying man about the devotion and time it takes to gain anything. Sometimes I just have to question myself and others about the fact that I (and many like me) have been doing pe for a while and some others can gain half a inch from just the newbie routine? Thats just crazy to me, but whatever I’m not going to focus on someone else’s gains b/c if I do I will start to be envious and jealous and thats now what PE is about to me. I would rather make it fun and safe instead of a competition trying to beat the other guy across the chess board from me.

I actually have started a new routine, just got my bathmate in yesterday so Im going to incorporate some pumping into my exercises, bring down the number of jelqs, and have more frequent rest days. And no you aren’t wasting your time by saying what you said, I really do appreciate your time and energy trying to help me with my frustrations.

2 days on one day off routine as of june 1st
Rice sock 5 mins
Stretch each direction 2 times(30 seconds each)
2 sets of 30 second v stretches in 3 seperate spots
bathmate for 5 mins
100 jelqs
Stretch each direction 2 times(30 seconds each)
2 sets of 30 second v stretches in 3 seperate spots
bathmate for 5 mins
100 jelqs
Bathmate for 10 mins

Originally Posted by cookie tree
I would like to see some of the vets or people who have gained share more information about their working progress. I’ve been on this forum(and I was one, before they kinda went under) and I have only had one person message me to talk to me about what I’m doing and how I’m doing it. Afterwards offering me tips and routines to try, now mind you me an many others have made frustrated threads about how much time and effort is invested into pe and getting nothing to show for it). I know everyone is different like I keep seeing on here, but how fucking different can we be? I mean you have genetics, physical health, and diet. I would like to think that genetics can not hinder ones ability to grow their hot dog. Physical health im sure is a huge role in how the body reacts to certains situations and work outs. Then there is diet, some people eat healthy and some don’t, some like to mix it up. At the end of the day I just would like to have some people who have had “luck” with this pe stuff help us “unlucky” guys out. The whole point of me joining this site was to seek out to the fellow man, ya know be a student and you be the teacher.

I know the vets/gainers do get frustrated with having people sign up on the site and ask the same damn question over and over and over and over and over and over and over again when the question they had was literally right in front of their face. For me it just seems like when someone ask a question on here it gets 150 views and 6 replies with the author making 3 of them, and the other answers are kinda ehhhhh…Im not saying you guys are going to have every answer, I know you don’t have this crystal ball that tells you the future b/c if you did I hope that you are the wealthiest person on Earth haha. I personally do use the search button before making a thread about a question I have, but if you type in a certain type of stretch, anyone that has ever posted stretch comes up!!! WTF I’m not going to sit and go through every thread that had the word stretch in it to hope that I find the answer I am looking for.

It just find it really hard and displeasing for people like myself that have attempted and tried and tried and tried to the edge with pe and never saw anything. I literally have been doing PE on and off for about 5 years now and haven’t seen a single gain. I have been on and off for those 5 years b/c after devoting so much time and effort into something and never receiving any reward, that is pretty fucking discouraging. I went a whole two years straight doing pe, and got nothing from it. I am not trying to sound like a dick or be the emo guy, but something has to happen here. I’ve been trying to for 5 years so its pretty obvious that I want this just as bad, if not more(b/c i haven’t gained and you have) than some. I try to accommodate my confidence in things I know I am good at, but when it comes to the size of my sch-long I have absolutely no confidence at all and it fucking sucks.

All I’m saying is me, myself, and others like me(I’m speaking for them) would just like a little more one on one communication? At this point i am so frustrated I have forgotten the initial reason why i wrote this. Now after typing for this long its more of a rant, but if I didn’t give a shit I wouldn’t have written it. Just help please.

You are not alone! I have been doing PE for 3 years and have GAINED nothing but over 1” for extra foreskin due to the use of Vac-Extender.

Even till this day I still question is penis enlargement is even possible!!

A very small percentage guys like us just cannot gain.

Notorious "Hardgainer". No Gain in 4 Years! Check out my "Blog" under Profile.

(starting: Jun 2007) 5.75" BPEL x 5" EG / (Sept 11, 2011) 6.375" BPEL x 5.125" EG / (July 1st, 2014) 6.25" BPEL x 5.125" EG (lost a bit of size)

Originally Posted by dane88
Cookie tree,
I think I have been where you are, I ca relate to your frustration. This is my first post in here (I have been reading for some time now) and I will not call myself a vet or “big gainer”, but I do have a success in PE.
I started in 2009, but was not very strict and devoted, and therefore saw no gains. In May 2012 I started up again with a more serious approach and a good beginners routine. I did manual stretches and jelqing, which I gained a little bit from - mostly in length - but it was very little.
What really was a game changer for me was planning my workout in my daily life. Beforehand I worked out when I had the time during the day, but now I wake up 40 minutes earlier every day to work out.
My program at the moment is this:

1) Warm up with penis submerged in warm water (I have a plastic bottle/cylinder that I use). Do app. 60 kegels
2) Manual stretch in multiple directions using a piece of cloth for better grip. Usually this takes around 5-10 minutes
3) Jelqing with high erection (90%) using Vaseline “grease”. I often kegel and clamp at the base to get more blood inside the shaft between the jelqs.
4) I only do maybe 10 jelqs before next exercise, which is compression jelqs. These works for me! I trap a lot of blood in the erect penis with the ok-grip-clamp at the base. Then I force my palm of the other hand directly down on the head in direction of the base. The ok-grip moves up a little, and this causes expansion in the shaft. After some time (30 seconds to a minute) my hands get tired, and I go back to normal jelqs. Repeat. Jelqing and compressing takes me around 20 minutes.

I work out 2 days on, 1 day off, 3 days on, 1 off.

What works for me is that I do the workouts because I like it. It’s not a job and I’m not counting or watching a stopwatch. It’s more like advanced masturbating (My girlfriend calls it “Destroying my cock and making it red”, lol) and for me it feels important to be mentally focused on what I’m doing. Arousement helps me, so sometimes I watch porn just to get some blood to the penis and get my mind in the right direction.

I didn’t have a lot of success with just a lot of jelqs, so I think compression and expansion are more interesting for me. Another thing that I have discovered is that my workouts seems more effective when I constantly active my penis throughout the day. For example, every time I have been on the bathroom, I clamp my flaccid penis at the base with an overhand ok-grip. I loosen the grip, kegel hard and hold, tighten the grip and release the kegel. This traps a little portion of blood in the shaft, and when I do this for some minutes my penis is all most erect in size, but filled with blood (it’s red and spongy). Arousement do help here, but I clamp when it’s completely flaccid.

My gains so far? Well - I would love the gains to be coming faster, but this is a long process and I am willing to take my time. Since May 2012 I have gained:

BPFL from 11,3 cm to 12 cm
FG from 9,5 cm to 11 cm

BPEL from 16,5 cm to 18 cm
EG from 11,4 to 12,3 cm

What I am most interested in is that the volume of my penis has increased from 170 cm^3 to 216 cm^3. That’s not bad!

So I guess for me it’s all about “feeling” my penis and accepting that it takes a lot of time and effort, and forcing anything isn’t working. My goal is to be 18 cm x 13, so I’m on my way. Hopefully I’m there within the next year, that would be a great success.
I hope you can use my story for something! If I can gain then you can as well. :)

Ps. I hope my writing makes sense - I’m clearly not native English

Wow man great job on the gains I’m happy to see it worked for you. Your routine seems to be very easy and comfortable, like you said its not a exercise anymore its fun. I like that approach. I think with your success and most others that have gained is inline with the fact that they are one and one with their unit. They pay attention to the signs that their body shows them and work around it. I will definitely take your routine into consideration. I really want to see how pumping will do for me in the jelqing routine. I have noticed on here that a lot of vets/gainers say they havent really seen much gains in just jelqing so Im going to step out of the box and see what mixing my routine up can do for me. Thanks a lot man for you input and advice.

Originally Posted by wajiro
Give heat and hanging a shot. As in a honest effort. If you can spend that much time doing something that wasn’t working for you then spend a bit of time with a proven method.

Memento says the same thing! He really thinks that hanging is going to be where I am able to break my penis and start growing. Hanging has always scared me but Ill give it a shot.

Originally Posted by kubchaser
You are not alone! I have been doing PE for 3 years and have GAINED nothing but over 1” for extra foreskin due to the use of Vac-Extender.

Even till this day I still question is penis enlargement is even possible!!

A very small percentage guys like us just cannot gain.

Damn man, so we are basically on the same boat rocking out in the ocean looking for land haha. My question is there has to be something either we are doing wrong or not doing. I just can’t accept the fact that some men can gain but we cant. I’m the type of person that doesn’t like going down without a fight but sometimes getting beat up means you have to know where to punch next time. What is your routine?

Please please start light, and definitely apply the heat the entire time you hang, I find it helpful about every 15-20 mins I remove the weight and “roll” my lil buddy between my palms to restore circulation *(don’t want any damage to my life long friend). DO NOT over do it with the weight, in this game it is the tortoise not the hare that wins the race.

Originally Posted by cookie tree
Damn man, so we are basically on the same boat rocking out in the ocean looking for land haha. My question is there has to be something either we are doing wrong or not doing. I just can’t accept the fact that some men can gain but we cant. I’m the type of person that doesn’t like going down without a fight but sometimes getting beat up means you have to know where to punch next time. What is your routine?

I have tried almost everything (except clamping).

For most people, gains come relatively easy with persistence and in different methods. I don’t think it is something we are doing it wrong. How can you go wrong with wearing an extender 4-6 hour a day at moderate force and still not gain after 5 months? Many folks gain at least something from extender. This just to show you that even with a similar PE routine, our penis reacts very differently to the force.

I refuse to give up. This is why after 3 years I am still trying different methods.

I recently started a chemical PE routine, but it has been disastrous. Right now I am in a long term resting period to recover my loss erection quality!!

Notorious "Hardgainer". No Gain in 4 Years! Check out my "Blog" under Profile.

(starting: Jun 2007) 5.75" BPEL x 5" EG / (Sept 11, 2011) 6.375" BPEL x 5.125" EG / (July 1st, 2014) 6.25" BPEL x 5.125" EG (lost a bit of size)

Originally Posted by kubchaser
I have tried almost everything (except clamping).

For most people, gains come relatively easy with persistence and in different methods. I don’t think it is something we are doing it wrong. How can you go wrong with wearing an extender 4-6 hour a day at moderate force and still not gain after 5 months? Many folks gain at least something from extender. This just to show you that even with a similar PE routine, our penis reacts very differently to the force.

I refuse to give up. This is why after 3 years I am still trying different methods.

I recently started a chemical PE routine, but it has been disastrous. Right now I am in a long term resting period to recover my loss erection quality!!

Well bud you and me can be partners through this thing. i will share with you information I have gathered and routines I have tried and maybe we can just have each others back on this. I think the key for guys like you and me is to have more so moral support over routine support. There are going to be things you like that I wont and visa versa (physically), but we can help and encourage each other if we get down on our luck or are just feeling tired of it!

Originally Posted by wajiro

Please please start light, and definitely apply the heat the entire time you hang, I find it helpful about every 15-20 mins I remove the weight and “roll” my lil buddy between my palms to restore circulation *(don’t want any damage to my life long friend). DO NOT over do it with the weight, in this game it is the tortoise not the hare that wins the race.

I actually went and bought a heat lamp the other day to help with my manual stretches and jelqing. I dont know if it is helping but it seems my penis is always warm which I guess would help with expansion and stretch. Im going to look into hanging. Are there guys out there that do hanging+jelping+pumping?

Originally Posted by cookie tree
Well bud you and me can be partners through this thing. i will share with you information I have gathered and routines I have tried and maybe we can just have each others back on this. I think the key for guys like you and me is to have more so moral support over routine support. There are going to be things you like that I wont and visa versa (physically), but we can help and encourage each other if we get down on our luck or are just feeling tired of it!

Feel free to private me.

I don’t really read the forums anymore. I happened to come across your post because it was the first on the front page when I was trying to access my private messages. LOL

I just want to give you a moral support that you are NOT ALONE.

Notorious "Hardgainer". No Gain in 4 Years! Check out my "Blog" under Profile.

(starting: Jun 2007) 5.75" BPEL x 5" EG / (Sept 11, 2011) 6.375" BPEL x 5.125" EG / (July 1st, 2014) 6.25" BPEL x 5.125" EG (lost a bit of size)

Originally Posted by kubchaser
Feel free to private me.

I don’t really read the forums anymore. I happened to come across your post because it was the first on the front page when I was trying to access my private messages. LOL

I just want to give you a moral support that you are NOT ALONE.

Thanks a lot man i really really appreciate the support and I will do the same for you as well!

Originally Posted by cookie tree
Wow man great job on the gains I’m happy to see it worked for you. Your routine seems to be very easy and comfortable, like you said its not a exercise anymore its fun. I like that approach. I think with your success and most others that have gained is inline with the fact that they are one and one with their unit. They pay attention to the signs that their body shows them and work around it. I will definitely take your routine into consideration. I really want to see how pumping will do for me in the jelqing routine. I have noticed on here that a lot of vets/gainers say they havent really seen much gains in just jelqing so I’m going to step out of the box and see what mixing my routine up can do for me. Thanks a lot man for you input and advice.

You’re very welcome, I’m glad to be “one of those” who now can give advice - it’s not very long since I was the frustrated one! It’s only recently I have become more one and one with my penis, so I guess it’s a learning curve.
I can see your new routine in your earlier reply, I hope it works for you. Maybe you should try avoiding the counts and minutes just to see if it helps? If you count or watch the clock, you might not be as aware of how your penis feels and looks while you work out. Give it a shot, the numbers don’t mean anything if your penis isn’t reacting to the exercise.

Also, you can use your bathmate instead of the rice sock to warm up. Just fill it with warm water and submerge your penis. Give it a little vacuum, but not much. For me the water water is a more efficient warm up method than a sock or cloth.

Best of luck, man!

Originally Posted by cookie tree
I actually went and bought a heat lamp the other day to help with my manual stretches and jelqing. I don’t know if it is helping but it seems my penis is always warm which I guess would help with expansion and stretch. I’m going to look into hanging. Are there guys out there that do hanging+jelqing+pumping?

I personally do all 3 *(although I am not a fan of jelqing) I usually hang 5 days a week and 1 day I week *(in conjunction with hanging) I will pump for a short period of time. *(Using a method I found here on this site of starting slow and pump it as much as comfort will allow and let it sit for 15-20 secs then release pressure for 5secs or so. Then pump it back to full pressure. All the while being very careful not to go over 20secs. It is amazing to see the difference as with each series of pump up it fills the tube much more than it would with a static pressure.)

I use a pill bottle full of water microwaved till it is hot but still comfortable to place against the shaft while hanging. I don’t use heat while in the pump.

I have even figured out a way to hang at work using a combination of the theory of ADS and hanging *(the theraband I use for resistance I put around my foot then put boots back on and go about my business, making sure to return to the restroom every 15-20 mins to remove it for an hour.

Where there is a will there is a way. *(Btw since beginning serious PE ~2 months ago I have added ~3/4-7/8” in length **(6.75” BPEL). I do not really need girth with at 95% erection I am a bit over 6.5 girth at the base and 6.125 mid shaft.

My goal is 8” length with the same girth.

Im basically going to use the heat all the time throughout the routine. I will try to use the bathmate for warmup more sweet guys thanks a lot for the advice. really should help.


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