Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

JAI stretch - a useful misunderstanding

JAI stretch - a useful misunderstanding


I wrote a comment to the JAI stretch thread, but since nobody seems to have read it, I repost it here with some additional observations:

“Question / observation from a soon to be 3-month newbie:

I didn’t remember the JAI-video correctly, and misunderstood the part shown placing the forefinger and middlefinger by the base (see the video) - also I didn’t have time to read and remember, so when I first tried them out I got them all wrong. But it seems to be not an entirely bad misunderstanding, here’s what I did:

I place forefinger and middlefinger in a V-sign over the base with my left hand (switch hands as you want) and with the right hand pull up a little skin along the shaft. Then I press down around the base and stretch my unit with a OK-grip just under the glans. Now what then happens (to me at least) is that I feel tissue connected to my shaft and connected to my pubic area wanting to “lift” the fingers on my left hand - I take it that these are the ligs? The harder the pull, the harder I need to press against my base to keep them down. Now if I don’t do the V-sign against my base, I can see the tissue “lift” the skin, and if I then do the V-sign again I feel that the tissue is not part of the shaft itself, since it connects off to the side. I kind have to readjust the V-sign abit to get this exercise right, to feel that I am keeping the tissue taut. If I don’t pull up a little extra skin on my shaft before locking down the V-sign, stretching seems to target the skin between the glans and shaft, which is not comfortable since I am circumsized.

Since I misunderstood the entire scheme I’ve done static stretches in this fashion on and off for 2 weeks now, and it seems to me now that if I stretch without the V-sign, I can feel the shaft itself being pulled from the base - no ligs (?) involved (this is slightly downwards) and I can then strecth my unit approx 1/4 inch longer than when I hold the V-sign against the base and keep the ligs taut. Also it feel as if I’m slowly pulling my dick out of the pelvic bone, so to speak.

My understanding - correct me here - is that by keeping the V-sign pressure to the sides of the base (or just at the top of the shaft for stretching down, or at either side for stretchin sideways) I isolate the ligs (this tissue must be the ligs?). And this would then be beneficial, since one could more easily work first the ligs, then the shaft itself?

Although I’ve only done this a short time (and consider replacing it with JAI or combine it with the JAI) I still get the impression that I can just kind of pull my flaccid unit out an inch or so and it kind of stays in that elongated state at least for a while (no real scientific observations done). So flaccid lenght seems to be improved a little, and as for the actual stretching it simply feels more efficient.

Comments gratefully accepted.

Best regards,


Since I wrote this I have not been very good with PE due to privacy problems, but have done JAI (with and without warmup) and the odd jelg/squeeze session.

I have however noticed that my flaccid length has increased since I started doing this V-sign thing, and now I have modified the JAI stretch to include V-signs. Now that I seem to have stretched the sides a bit I’m working on the tissues closer to the top and on the top of where the shaft meets the pelvis. The difficulty seems to be to find the balance between stretching the skin and the tissue beneath. And at least it feels useful, although I haven’t been doing this long enough to have any clear indications other than that when I go to the bathroom, my flaccid seems ½’+ or so longer.

NOW from those of you with greater understanding for the biology involved, what exactly am I doing? :)

Best regards,


- starting at 14,5 cm ebpl (although I have distinct memories of 15+ in younger years)
- currently at ~16 ebpl
- target was 17,5 (7”) ebpl, currently under reconsideration

By the way,

I have not searched the entire Thunder’s place; I have read as much as possible without finding any similar suggestions, which of course does not rule them out.

I am grateful for suggestions for other links etc.

Seems to be a very interesting find. I would also like to hear the opinions of the site MDs as to what exactly is taking place in that type of stretch.


Ok, mgus. I don’t know if that actually does anything, but it FEELS like it does. I like those stretches. I just did a 15 minute session with just those and it felt GREAT! Nice find. Hopefully someone more knowledgable than I couls enlighten us as to if this is more beneficial than regular manual stretches.


Are you guys sure you’ve got the right stretch? It seems to me that you’re both doing V-Stretches, not JAI stretches. I do believe JAI stretches are done in 2 second intervals whereby you kegel and stretch at the same time, then you release and repeat. Add reverse kegel in between the stretches if needed. And since it seems that you’re doing V-Stretches, yes you are targeting the lig that runs down from the abdomen and attaches to the penis.

Progress Tracking As of 01/01/05 : 6.5 BPEL x 5.25 G As of 04/08/05 : 6.75 BPEL x 5.25 G Short Term Goal : 7 BPEL Long Term Goal : When a trip to china and getting on the great wall means hopping on my member

Yes, my initial misunderstanding was about the JAI stretch and the 2-second interval.

However, what I am doing is targeting whichever tissue it is connecting the base and the shaft by pressing down to keep it from “lifting” - thus it is stretched using my fingers as a “edge”. This is like if you hold a rubber band against a table and lift it up to the side - the band stretches diagonally upwards. Now if I place a free finger (or a third hand or whatever) against that rubber band, it will have to “bend over a corner” during the stretch.

Is this a V-stretch?

What I am doing now is stretching in 2-second intervals while targeting the ligs at the base by holding my fingers like an upside down V-sign around the shaft, and changing this to target the tissue on the sides and top of the base / shaft connection.

Hope my explanations are clearer now.



I guess it could be a variation of the V-stretch really where your bending point is at the base of your shaft.



I’ve done some reading and stretching - I do not think this is a variation on the V-stretch any more than Horses and Ulis are variations of the Jelq (which they in a way are; forcing excess blood into your member). V-stretches - as I gather - are meant to increase the pulling force on tunica and ligs alike (depening on angle and which happens to be the most taut) by placing an external force perpendicular to the shaft (clothesline example). Another attempt at explaining: What I am doing is placing force parallell to the shaft, as in standing on the roots of a tree while trying to pull it out of the ground (sounds real smart, doesn’t it?).

I’ve had a look at the illustrations you have links to, especially this one


and I gather that the first thing I did was place the force on the fundiform ligament by pressing parallell to the shaft down towards the pelvis. When I had gotten that a little bit stretched I started targeting the suspensory ligament.

My guess is that most hanging and stretching (I have certainly not read all threads) target the ligs by pulling the tree out of the ground without standing on the roots, so to speak, whereas what I am doing is targeting the ligs specifically, trying to isolate them. My hope is that I’ll be able to shortcut working on the ligs a bit; as I mentioned in my original post it feels abit as if the shaft is being pulled out from within after doing this for a session.

I’m tempted to stick to these for a while and see what happens, I’ll keep you posted on any developments.



Further thoughts on stretching:

Now I’ve been working nearly exclusively on the suspensory ligament (it wraps around the top and down over the sides of the shaft, I believe the fundiform ligament is much lower and closer to the scrotum), and I can now flaccid stretch my unit ½+ inch more than before (eyeball measurements). Also, the ligament doesn’t feel as taut. I really think this is a good way to go if the target is to loosen the suspensory ligament. I wonder if the suspensory ligament has been holding my length back - once fully erect my member seems pulled upwards and back in again compared to nearly erect, pointin slightly downwards.

Is this a good or a bad thing? In Newbies thread “I’ve been jelqing 6 months - this is what I’ve learned” he claims stretching ligaments is bad. I can imagine that if the ligaments are stretched to much, while the unit may still become hard it might become floppily attached to the body. Anybody have any experience from this, when getting a higher LOT, has the member become more “loosely” attached? I twisted my ankle real bad back in 1984, and that ankle is just simply floppy. I’ve had to compensate that by training on a balance board on the bad leg etc for a long time to get back balance and strength, and one orthopedic surgeon suggested radical surgery, said it was clear case for it. Lesson learned - stretched ligaments stay that way.

The way I understand it, getting a high LOT allows you to straigthen out the entire penis a bit, and having stretched suspensory ligaments would allow the “inner penis” to be pulled out a bit, as the attachment points of the ligaments to the bones respectively the shaft do not move. Since I have stretched the ligaments a bit I guess its time to pull out the “inner penis” a bit - my thinking is that once the inner penis is pulled out (or the part of the tunica that is located below the attachments of the suspensory ligament) the balance is back again - the ligaments are once again taut, since there is hard shaft behind the suspensory ligament wanting to push out, being held in and up by the suspensory ligament.

Now comes my next recollection - as part of rehab for the ankle (and other injuries) I’ve spent quite a few hours with physical therapists. The favored way of stretching seems to be stretching to the limit (pain in muscles), holding 5-10 seconds, relaxing and letting back just a little and then tensing the targeted muscle for 3-6 seconds relaxing and stretch again, repeating this cycle 3-5 times. When stretching hip muscles and other major flexors, this has very good results. So I’ve applied this to PE a few times just to see what it feels like, here it goes:

1. Pull your member upwards towards your bellybutton, 5-10 seconds.
2. Relax and let back just a little - still under tension, but not full tension.
3. Flex your BC muscle and try to pull back your member, hold 3-6 seconds.
4. Relax and let back just a little, and pull member upwards towards your bellybutton, 5-10 seconds.
- repeat cycle -

I’ve done this lying down, which allows me to relax and feel which muscles are being flexed; it’s a little difficult to consistently flex the BC, but under tension you’ll feel it bulge under your scrotum.

Whether or not this will add length to the area between the lig attachment and the start of the BC’s is anyones guess (any comments?), but at any rate a good stretch is beneficial for strengthening muscles, and thus good for kegels and related increases in ejaculation, firmness pumping by kegels, staying power and all other benefits attributed to kegels.

So now I think I’ll do this a while. Targeting the ligs exclusively the way I have done definitely gives results fast, but I am starting to believe that no matter what you do, at first you take “the slack out of the system” so to speak, and then you hit a plateau. This would account for many posts noting “I have hit a plateau, but when I changed routines again I started growing again.” My thinking is that you take the slack out of one system, then nothing happens, so you change things and find some new imbalance, take care of that imbalance which in return creates a new imbalance, and so on. The trick here is to find the related imbalances.

OK, that’s the status of my current research.


Hey mgus I think I understand now what you mean.
I was trying to stretch the way you decribed at the beginning of this thread but I could not see any additional benefits. I thouhgt OK nothing for me.
But later I stretched with my own built stretching tool over the leg while lying on my bed.
( I use a tool because manually stretching is hard for me and I can not hold the stretch really long/hard)
I noticed that my skin was moving up and tried to push it down. WOW what a stretch. I pushed down the ligs and got much more intense stretch this way. I can also do it when I stretch downwards with my tool.
I think I also can do it when I stretch with my tool because then I also stretch my skin. When I stretch manually I push back my skin and grab behind the glans and I do not see the ligs coming out.
Together with some JAI stretches is a perfect stretch routine for me.

Stretch-routine after warm up:
Use the tool then stretch:
- 1.5 min downright
- 1 min up
- 1 min downleft
- 1.5 min over right leg
- 1 min over left leg
- 1 min down
Half of the time I addionally “push down my ligs”
Then JAI-stretches:
- 20 downright
- 20 downleft
- 20 down

I repeat this 2-3 times and massage my unit after the tool stretch to get good blood circulation

Comments welcome

Started-Oct04: 5.7/4.8; Current 6.7/5.3

Learning even more about PE(nearly every day)

Changing routine, Current: jelqing, clamping, obends, kegel



you hurt your shoulder or something? My right shoulder is a little lopsided, so I figured out a way that will help get leverage using your hands only.

1) Assuming you pull with your right hand, place your left hand against your pelvic area, palm towards belly and fingers over ligs. Raise hand so that back of hand is out a little from your belly, and your fingers point in towards your ligs, resting on them.
2) Place the butt of the right hand over back of left, as if you were karate-chopping down on your left hand.
3) Grab unit behind glans
4) Keeping wrist of right hand firmly placed on back of left hand, gripping your unit, lever the right hand upwards away from your body - let the wrist to the leverage part
5) The longer your dick is, the higher you raise the left hand from your body.

This way, you are not pulling your dick with your arm and shoulder, you are using your hand to lever of the left hand, which in turn is pressing down on the ligs with equal force as the pull.

Let me know if my description is unclear.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by JumboDog
Are you guys sure you’ve got the right stretch? It seems to me that you’re both doing V-Stretches, not JAI stretches. I do believe JAI stretches are done in 2 second intervals whereby you kegel and stretch at the same time, then you release and repeat. Add reverse kegel in between the stretches if needed. And since it seems that you’re doing V-Stretches, yes you are targeting the lig that runs down from the abdomen and attaches to the penis.

I was unaware kegels were part of the JAI routine :confused:

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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If you read the JAI-thread from start to finish, you’ll find that somewhere in the middle Johan was kegeling and reverse kegeling to see if it would do anything - since we are pulling on the BC, it should be affected. I think the verdict was not to bother.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by mgus

If you read the JAI-thread from start to finish, you’ll find that somewhere in the middle Johan was kegeling and reverse kegeling to see if it would do anything - since we are pulling on the BC, it should be affected. I think the verdict was not to bother.

Ah, I didnt read the whole thread, just enough to know the exercise basics.


Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

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